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        תוצאת חיפוש

        יוני 1998

        אייל שיינר, אילנה שוהם-ורדי, משה מזור, רלי הרשקוביץ ומרים

        Parturient Compliance in Intra-Partum Epidural Analgesia


        Eyal Sheiner, Ilana Shoham-Vardi, Moshe Mazor, Reli Hershkowitz, Miriam Katz


        Obstetrics and Gynecology Depts., and Epidemiology and Health Services Evaluation Dept., Soroka Medical Center, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        The relationship between parturients' sociodemographic characteristics and the tendency of the medical staff to offer and of the parturients to accept intrapartum epidural analgesia, was investigated. 97 Jewish parturients were interviewed during January 1996. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to evaluate the statistical significance of the results. 10 parturients (10.3%) asked for intrapartum epidural analgesia, and while 46 (47.4%) were offered it, only 22 (22.7%) accepted. Epidural analgesia was mostly offered to, and accepted by: low birth-order parturients (1st-3rd delivery), those belonging to the upper middle class, and to parturients with higher compliance with prenatal diagnostic tests. There was no significant association between the tendency of the medical staff to offer epidural analgesia to secular as compared to traditional parturients.


        We conclude that the use of intrapartum epidural analgesia is related to various maternal sociodemographic characteristics. If the low compliance with epidural analgesia is related to prejudice and unfounded fears, we recommend that the benefits of this type of analgesia be explained before birth in the antenatal clinics.

        מרדכי שמעונוב, מיכאל נובל, מרים קוניצ'בסקי ואליהו ענתבי

        Splenic Artery Aneurysm


        M. Shimonov, M. Nobel, M. Kunichevski, E. Antebi


        Depts. of Surgery A and Pathology, Rabin Medical Center, Petah Tikva


        Splenic artery aneurysm is an uncommon form of vascular disease of unknown etiology. Its clinical importance is due to its high mortality, especially in pregnancy, when maternal mortality is 70% and fetal mortality 95%. Most cases of splenic artery aneurysm are asymptomatic and are diagnosed incidentally. We present a woman with incidentally diagnosed splenic artery aneurysm in whom the splenic artery and its aneurysm were resected.

        מאי 1998

        דניאל לזר, נעמי וינטרוב, נטלי אברמוב, שרה אסא, קונסטנטין בלוך, רגינה אופן, הדסה בן-זקן ופנינה ורדי

        Islet Autoantibody Assays in Type I Diabetes can Replace ICA Test


        Daniel Lazar, Naomi Weintrob, Natalia Abramov, Sara Assa, Konstantin Bloch, Regina Ofan, Hadassa Ben-Zaken, Pnina Vardi


        Institute for Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes, Schneider Children's Medical Center, Petah Tikva and Felsenstein Medical Research Center, Tel Aviv University


        Islet cell antibodies (ICA) continue to serve as the basis of the principal serological test for definition of active autoimmunity of beta-cells. Its disadvantages are the need for human pancreatic tissue and difficulty in obtaining quantitative results. In the past decade biochemically-defined beta-cell antigens were described, leading to the development of sensitive and specific autoantibody assays, to predict insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). We examined the value of combined biochemically-based serological assays, such as autoantibodies to insulin (IAA), glutamic acid decarboxylase (GADA) and ICA512 (ICA512A) to replace the traditional ICA assay.

        Blood samples of 114 newly diagnosed IDDM patients, aged 12‏5 yrs (range 2 months - 29 years) were tested for ICA (indirect immunofluorescence), IAA, GADA and ICA512A (radiobinding assay). The latter 2 assays were performed using recombinant human [35S]-labeled antigen produced by in vitro transcription/translation. We found that fewer sera scored positive for ICA and/or IAA (80.7%, 92/114) than for 1 or more of IAA, GAD, or ICA512 (88.6%, 101/114). We conclude that combined testing for IAA, GAD and ICA512 can replace the traditional ICA/IAA test to predict IDDM and is helpful in the differential diagnosis of insulin-dependent and noninsulin-dependent diabetes.

        אפרים זגנרייך, סולומון ישראלוב, יוסף שמואלי, דן סימון, ג'ק בנאל ופנחס לבנה

        Combinations of Vasoactive Agents by Penile Injection for Erectile Dysfunction


        E. Segenreich, S. Israilov, J. Shmueli, D. Simon, J. Baniel, P. Livne


        Andrology Unit, Institute of Urology, Rabin Medical Center (Beilinson Campus), Petah Tikva and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        In the past 15 years there has been continuous increase in the use of injections into the corpora cavernosa of different vasoactive drugs for treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED). However, some of these drugs are very expensive, are not available everywhere, and have side effects. We therefore compared the success rate of the most widely used compounds, papaverine and regitine, in 452 patients (age range 26-85) with different types of ED. Each patient received in the clinic injections of papaverine, 6-25 mg, and regitine, 0.05-1.5 mg. When maximal rigidity of the penis (MRP) was >80%, we instructed the patient to self-inject the drug at home, 5-30 minutes before coitus. If after 3 injections MRP was not >80%, prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) in an average dose of 10-25 mcg was added. If there was no response, papaverin+regitine+PGE1 were given in higher dosage, and atropine sulfate, 0.02+0.06 mg, was added if necessary.

        Of 452 patients, 305 (67.4%) had MRP >80% after 3 injections of papaverine plus regitine. The other patients received PGE1 in addition. This was helpful in 61 patients (41.5%), while 55 (63.9%) required papaverine + regitine + prostin in higher doses. Of these, only 31 received papaverine + regitine + PGE1 + atropine sulfate. Of these, 20 (64.5%) reached MRP >80%, and 11 (2.4%) MRP <60. For these 11 patients, we recommended a penile prosthesis. Thus in 67.4% of the 452 patients, papaverine + regitine injections were effective; in 41.5%, PGE1; in 63.9%, papaverine + regitine + prostin + atropine sulfate. Only 11 (2.4%) did not react to intracorporeal injection.

        This progressive method of treatment enabled us to select the optimal dosage and combinations of compounds in 441/452 patients (97.5%) according to the severity of their dysfunction. During follow-up of 6 months, spontaneous erections without injection were achieved in 115 (26.0%).

        אפריל 1998

        ריבה בורוביק, מריאנה שטיינר, יעקב אטד, בוריס שניידרמן, טלי רוזנברג ושולה פלטי

        Taxol as Second-Line Therapy in Recurrent Breast and Ovarian Cancer


        R. Borovik, M. Steiner, J. Atad, B. Sneiderman, T. Rosenberg, S. Palti


        Oncology Depts., Lin Medical Center and Carmel Medical Center, Haifa


        Results of chemotherapy with Taxol (paclitaxel) in 55 patients with recurrent breast and ovarian cancer were reviewed. Taxol was given as a 3-hour infusion, every 3 weeks, on an outpatient basis. There was complete or partial response in 8 patients (23%) with breast cancer and 10 (50%) with ovarian cancer. Performance status and previous response to adriamycin were important prognostic factors. Toxicity was manageable. Treatment had to be stopped for hypersensitivity reactions in only 2 patients. Taxol given in an ambulatory clinic is safe and effective.

        ישראל פריאל, רמה כץ וערן דולב

        Acute Hyperparathyroidism Caused by Hemorrhage into a Parathyroid Adenoma


        I.E. Priel, Rama Katz, E. Dolev


        Depts. of Medicine E and Radiology, Wolfson Medical Center, Holon and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Acute hyperparathyroidism is a rare and dangerous condition. It is supposed to result from transformation of a mild chronic form into an acute and stormy illness. The causes and the mechanism of such a transformation are usually unknown. A case of acute hyperparathyroidism is presented in which hemorrhage into a parathyroid adenoma was recognized and diagnosed as the immediate cause of the transformation from the mild long-standing form of the disease into the severe acute form.

        פסח שורצמן, רויטל גרוס, חווה טבנקין, דני יובל, מרים גרינשטיין ובורמה ויאנקה

        Primary Care Physicians in Israel Compared with European Countries


        P. Shvartzman, R. Gross, H. Tabenkin, D. Yuval, M. Grinshtein, B. Wienka


        Dept. of Family Medicine, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba;

        Brookdale Institute, Jerusalem; and Nivel Institute, Maastricht, the Netherlands


        This study compares Israeli primary care physicians with those of European countries. In Israel a larger proportion of those in primary care are women. The Israeli physicians see many patients a day, but almost never make home visits. They also report for work the fewest hours a day, but spend 21 hours a month in continuous medical education. (more than Europeans?) The Israeli primary care physician scores high in screening for breast cancer and blood cholesterol level, but very low in the fields of minor surgery and alcohol and smoking prevention, contraception, nutrition counseling and normal pregnancy follow-up. Residency training and education may be inadequate, and more emphasis has to be put on the health system and recognizing environmental influences.

        מרץ 1998

        רויטל גרוס, דינה פלדמן, יונתן רבינוביץ, מרים גרינשטיין ואיילת ברג

        Characteristics of Adults with Emotional Distress, and Patterns of Mental Health Services Use


        Revital Gross, Dina Feldman, Yonathan Rabinowitz, Miriam Greenstein, Ayelet Berg


        Health Policy Research Unit, JDC-Brookdale Institute and Mental Health Division, Ministry of Health, Jerusalem and School of Social Work, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan


        We sought firsthand data on the extent of perceived mental health needs and on patterns of use of mental health services among Israelis aged 22 and over. The data are from a national survey conducted in 1995. A random sample of phone numbers from the telephone company's computerized listings yielded 1,395 completed questionnaires (response rate, 81%).

        At some point in their lives, 27% had experienced emotional distress or mental health problems with which they had difficulty coping alone; 13.4% reported that they had such an experience during 1995. According to multivariate analysis, those more likely to report mental health problems were women, those with a chronic disease, Russian immigrants, divorced or widowed adults, those with a low level of education, and members of the Clalit sick fund. 38% of those who had ever had emotional or mental health problems had asked for help. The proportion of those seeking help was high among respondents aged 35-55, Hebrew speakers (compared to speakers of Russian or Arabic), and city dwellers, and the rate was low among members of the Clalit sick fund. Of those who did seek help, 39% went to a psychologist or a psychiatrist, 25% to their family doctor, 19% to a family member or friend, 7% to a social worker or social service agency, 6% to other medical personnel, and 4% to a psychiatric hospital. 30% turned for assistance to the private sector and 70% to the public sector.

        These findings have special significance in view of the impending reform of the mental health services. As mandated by the new National Health Insurance Law, mental health services are to be included in the basket of health services provided by the sick funds. The data can be of use in the management of sick funds and for physicians working in the community, as they prepare for this change. In addition, the data will be of aid to national policy makers in planning services suited to the needs of different population groups and to allocate resources more rationally.

        פברואר 1998

        אברהם זינרייך, בוריס גוחשטיין, אלכסנדר גרינשפון, מרים מירון, יהודית רוזנמן ויששכר בן-דב

        Recurrent Tuberculosis in a Psychiatric Hospital


        A. Zeenreich, B. Gochstein, A. Grinshpoon, M. Miron, J. Rosenman, I. Ben-Dov


        Pulmonary and Radiology Institutes, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer and Tel Aviv University; Israel Ministry of Health; and Gan Meged Hospital


        During 1987-1996, 39 of 720 patients hospitalized (most for severe schizophrenia) were diagnosed as having active pulmonary tuberculosis (5.4%, 975 per 105 per year). In 1992-1993, after a cluster of 5 cases was found, all patients were screened by PPD skin test and chest X-ray and 16 more cases were identified. Diagnosis was confirmed bacteriologically in only 10 of them but there were typical radiological findings in the others. 39 were treated with a multi-drug regimen. In addition, 333 exposed patients and 21% who had converted their skin tests were given isoniazid preventive therapy. A small increase in levels of liver enzymes was common, but significant abnormality (over 4 times the upper limit of normal) was found in only 7 patients, in whom therapy was therefor stopped or changed. During a follow-up period of 4 years, 2 more developed tuberculosis and 33 converted their PPD reactivity status. We conclude that an outbreak of tuberculosis in a psychiatric hospital can be controlled with a relatively low rate of side-effects by using systematic diagnostic and therapeutic measures. However, single step screening is not sufficient. Routine screening of all new patients, a high index of suspicion and contact investigation are needed.

        נובמבר 1997

        מרינה שנק, שמעון וייצמן, טובה ליפשיץ ובן ציון ביידנר

        Penetrating Ocular Injuries: a Retrospective Study


        M. Schneck, S. Weitzman, T. Lifshitz, B. Biedner


        Dept. of Ophthalmology, and Epidemiology and Health Services Evaluation Unit, Soroka Medical Center and Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        Penetrating injuries of the eye are an important cause of unilateral visual loss. We studied a series of 82 cases of penetrating injuries treated here from 1987 through 1993. The injuries were caused by sharp objects in 66% and blunt trauma in 6%. The prognosis after a penetrating injury is greatly influenced by the nature of the injury and the extent of the initial drainage. Among factors associated with an unfavorable visual outcome were diminished preoperative visual acuity and scleral wounds with dense vitreous hemorrhage.

        בן-עמי סלע, טלי לרמן-שגיא ומתי ברקוביץ

        Carnitine Deficiency in Inborn Errors of Metabolism


        B.-A. Sela, T. Lerman-Sagie, M. Berkovitz


        Institute of Chemical Pathology, Chaim Sheba Medical Center and Section of Clinical Biochemistry, Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University; Pediatric Neurology Unit, Wolfsohn Medical Center, Holon; and Children's Ambulatory Clinic, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Zrifin


        Several conditions, considered as inborn errors of metabolism, involve severe deficiencies in carnitine in both plasma and muscle. In the absence of evidence suggesting primary carnitine deficiency due to a biosynthetic enzymatic defect in the liver, the various diseases with carnitine deficiency are related to genetic defects in organic acid metabolism leading to blocked mitochondrial b oxidation. We describe a 4.5-year-old boy and 2 female infants with glutaric aciduria type I, isovaleric acidemia, and long-chain acid dehydrogenase deficiency, in whom severe carnitine deficiency was apparent. In all 3, long-term carnitine treatment proved to be vital and eliminated most of the symptoms.

        אילן בר, משה שמחה, אבירם ניסן, ירון שרגל, מרדכי קרמר וגדעון מרין

        Limited Axillary Thoracotomy for Recurrent Spontaneous Pneumothorax


        I. Bar, M. Simha, A. Nissan, Y. Shargal, M. Kramer, G. Merin


        Depts. of Cardiothoracic Surgery and of Surgery, and Pulmonary Institute, Hadassah--University Hospital, Ein Karem; and Dept. of Surgery, Hadassah--University Hospital, Mt. Scopus, Jerusalem


        Recurrent spontaneous pneumothorax often requires surgical intervention. Recently, less invasive thoracic surgical techniques, such as video-assisted thoracoscopy (VAT) and limited axillary thoracotomy (LAT), have been developed and used for different thoracic procedures. We describe our results with limited axillary thoracotomy, as compared with those of video-assisted thoracoscopy as reported in the literature. From October 1994 to May 1996, 14 patients with recurrent spontaneous pneumothorax, aged 16-33 years, underwent limited axillary thoracotomy, resection of blebs and apical pleurectomy, using multifire GIA 80 staplers (Auto Suture Inc.). There were no complications or recurrences during 5-17 months of follow-up. Mean operative time was 52.2 minutes and mean hospital stay 2.3 days postoperatively. Full activity was regained within 12.1 days. In comparison with over 75 cases of VAT from the literature, LAT is safe and offers the potential benefits of decreased operative time, hospital stay and cost.

        אורי גבעון, מרים א. זיבצנר, משה סלעי, אהרן צ'צ'יק, הנרי הורושובסקי ויהושע שמר

        Orthopedic Ward Policy in Introduction of New Types of Total Hip Implants


        U. Givon, M.I. Siebzhener, M. Salai, A. Chechick, H. Horoszowski, J. Shemer


        Orthopedic Staff, Medical Technology Unit, Medical Dept. F, and Gertner Institute for Study of Health Services, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer


        The use of different types of total hip implants in medical centers in Israel was surveyed. Questionnaires were sent to all orthopedic ward directors in Israel requesting information on the number of total hip arthroplasties performed between the years 1984-1993, the types of implants used, and whether attending physicians or residents perform the operations. 22 of 24 orthopedic wards responded but 1 ward was excluded because only the results for 1993 were reported. 5 wards reported more and 16 fewer than 50 operations a year. 15 different types of implants were in use in Israel in that period, and in 5 wards 5 or more types of implants were used. Only 1 of the wards performed more than 50 operations a year. We conclude that the indiscriminate use of multiple technologies in wards performing few operations can lead to the long "learning curves" previously associated with poor results. Orthopedic surgeons should resist the impulse to introduce new implants, thus improving results and lowering expenditure. The need for regulating the introduction of new implants is emphasized.

        ספטמבר 1997

        עודד זמיר, מרים בן הרוש, דן צרור והרברט ר' פרוינד

        Thoracoscopic Biopsy of Pulmonary Lesions in Nonpulmonary Malignancy following Chemotherapy


        Oded Zamir, Myriam Weyl Ben-Arush, Dan Seror, Herbert R. Freund


        Surgical Dept., Hadassah-University Hospital, Mount Scopus, Jerusalem and Miri Shitrit Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Unit, Rambam Medical Center, Haifa


        The appearance of focal pulmonary lesions in a patient with a nonpulmonary malignancy is worrisome. Apart from metastasis, the differential diagnosis includes benign conditions such as infectious and granulomatous diseases, enlarged lymph nodes, atelectasis, radiation pneumonitis, and bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia (BOOP). CT-guided needle biopsy is not always diagnostic and may not be feasible in very small lesions. Since open lung biopsy is associated with considerable morbidity, many physicians tend to postpone tissue diagnosis for a few weeks and perform a biopsy only if repeat chest CT scans show increase in size or number of the lesions. This approach may lead to undesirable delay of appropriate treatment. We report video-assisted thoracoscopic lung biopsy in 7 patients with nonpulmonary malignancy who developed lung lesions following chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy. Histological examination proved metastatic lesions in only 2. There were no operative complications and recovery was rapid and smooth in all patients. Thoracoscopic lung biopsy is an effective, minimally invasive diagnostic tool that obviates the need for thoracotomy in these patients.

        יולי 1997

        יצחק בן-ציון, פנחס דגטיאר ויעקב קנטי

        Bacterial Culture of Chip Tissue of Enucleated Prostates


        I.Z. Ben-Zion, P.M. Dagtyar, J. Kaneti


        Urology Dept., Soroka Medical Center and Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        To assess the prevalence of infection and colonization of the prostate by bacteria, chip tissue samples from 166 patients undergoing retropubic prostatectomy were submitted for bacterial tissue culture. In 28 patients with an indwelling catheter before surgery, E. coli, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas and Enterobacter were the commonest species encountered, the first the most common. In only 7 patients (20%) who didn't have an indwelling catheter before operation was the culture positive. We confirmed that the longer the time the catheter was indwelling before surgery, the greater the likelihood of positive cultures. However, postoperative outcome and morbidity were not related to culture results. We conclude that even though it is worth trying to sterilize the urine and prostate before prostatectomy, the effect on the postoperative outcome is minimal when proper antimicrobial therapy is given perioperatively.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303