• כרטיס רופא והטבות
  • אתרי הר"י
  • צרו קשר
  • פעולות מהירות
  • עברית (HE)
  • מה תרצו למצוא?

        תוצאת חיפוש

        אוגוסט 2001

        דניאל סילברברג, עמי מאיו, חיים פארן, רונה סילברברג ואורי פרוינד

        דניאל סילברברג (1), עמי מאיו (1), חיים פארן (1), רונה סילברברג (2), אורי פרוינד (1)


        (1) המח' לכירורגיה א', בית-החולים מאיר, כפר-סבא, (2) המח' לכירורגיה א', מרכז רפואי רבין, קמפוס בילינסון, פתח תקווה


        "חסימה חדה מדומה של הכרכשת" (להלן חחמ"כ) או acute colonic pseudo-obstruction, היא תופעה המתבטאת בהתרחבות ניכרת של הכרכשת, בהיעדר נוכחות גורם חסימתי מכאני. התיסמונת מופיעה בעקבות מצבי תחלואה שונים, ניתוחיים, גורמי פגיעה, זיהומים ועוד. אפשרויות הטיפול בתיסמונת הן מגוונות – שמרניות וניתוחיות כאחד. הטיפול בתרופות כולינרגיות עלה לדיון לאחרונה בספרות העולמית. ברשימה זו מובאת פרשה שבה טופל חולה בתרופה בהצלחה מרובה. בנוסף מובאת סקירת הספרות העדכנית בנושא.

        יולי 2001

        אהוד ברגר, רוני שילה, אברהם ויצמן, חנן מוניץ

        אהוד ברגר, רוני שילה, אברהם ויצמן, חנן מוניץ


        המח' לבריאות הנפש א' ויחידת המחקר, המרכז לבריאות הנפש גהה


        סכיזופרניה היא מחלה הטרוגנית עם מיגוון תסמינים רחב, ללא אטיולוגיה ברורה או אחידה. במהלך השנים, הועלו תיאוריות שונות בניסיון להסביר את ההסתמנות בסכיזופרניה באמצעות דגמים שונים, ומרביתם מבוססים על הפרעה בפעילות מרכזית של נירוטרנסמיטרים שונים, במיוחד דופאמין, סרוטונין וגלוטמאט.

        בתחילה שלטה התיאוריה הדופאמינרגית שהניחה, כי קיימת פעילות-יתר דופאמינרגית במוח בחולים בסיזופרניה, במיוחד גירוי עודף של קולטנים מסוג D2, בעיקר במסלולים מזולימביים ומזוקורטיקליים.

        יוני 2001

        רונית חיימוב-קוכמן ושמחה יגל

        רונית חיימוב-קוכמן, שמחה יגל


        המח' לרפואת נשים ויולדות, ביה"ח האוניברסיטאי, הסתדרות מדיצינית הדסה, הר הצופים, ירושלים


        חקר גנום האדם החל לפני למעלה מ-40 שנה בתגלית, שתאים סומטיים מכילים 46 כרומוסומים. בין השנים 1956 ל-1960, הוגדר הבסיס הגנטי לתיסמונות שונות שהיו ידועות זה מכבר. כל סטייה במספר הכרומוסומים מ-46 (23 זוגות כרומוסומים) קרויה אנאפלואידיות, והיא מהווה את הליקוי הגנטי הנפוץ ביותר. אנאפלואידיות נגרמת בדרך כלל מהפרעה בצימוד הכרומוסומים במהלך החלוקה התאית במיטוזה ובמיוזה.

        מוריה גולן וטלי גוגול-אוסטרובסקי

        Clinical Mentorship as a Bridge to Life in the Treatment of Eating Disorders


        Moria Golan1,2, Tali Gogol-Ostrowsky1


        1Shachaf-Eeting Disorders Intensive Treatment Center, Kibbutz Nasn. 2School of Nutritional Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot


        The aim of this article is to describe a community-based multi-modality intensive treatment program, which demonstrates a significant reduction in symptoms of eating disorders while providing an opportunity to deal with the functional and social skills. Treatment is delivered through a multidisciplinary team. The uniqueness of the team is in the inclusion of clinical mentors. These are social workers, art therapists and graduate level psychology students who are trained to connect with clients in an informal, intensive manner (10-40 hours a week). The mentors focus on legitimizing healthy attitudes to food, eating and life, while highlighting the pain and loss associated with the disorder. The mentors serve as meal companion and calming figure, representing the healthy self-caring voice. The relationship established during the many hours spent together becomes a powerful experience, completely different from the isolation of the disorder. The treatment intervenes in most areas of life, focusing on an active search for possibilities, in contrast to the emptiness associated with the disorder.

        This article presents the results and principles of a 2.5-year practice. Seventeen patients, ill for 6 years and more, completed this program more than a year ago. An assessment of their BMI and their general outcome using Eckert scales was performed. One year after completing the program, 76% of the patients were defined as recovered and 12% were almost recovered with only a few remaining symptoms. All of these patients function satisfactorily in the community, both in social and occupational aspects. Six percent were partially recovered and 6% suffered from regression during the first year of follow-up.

        This treatment provides the intensity required in hospitalizations, while enabling patients to stay in the community and maintain those activities that survive the disorder. This program has proven to work well with chronic patients. Further data, not analyzed as yet, also indicates the efficacy of this treatment in acute cases.


        חיים עינת וחיים בלמקר

        Animal Models of Psychiatric Diseases: Possibilities, Limitations, Examplesand Demonstration of Use


        Haim Einat, RH Belmaker


        Beer Sheva Mental Health Center, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel


        Animal models of psychopathology serve as a central tool for psychopharmacologists in their attempts to develop new, more efficient medications for psychiatric disorders, and in the efforts to explore the mechanisms of conventional and novel drugs. The development of efficient models for psychiatric diseases is complicated since the mechanisms of the disorders are not clear, major parts of the diagnosis depend on verbal communication with the patient and many of the symptoms are expressed mainly through the subjective experiences of the afflicted individual.

        Inspite of these difficulties, effective models were developed for most psychiatric diseases. The development of such models is based on their validation in three different dimensions: face validity - behavioral similarities between the model and the disorder; construct validity - similarities between the mechanisms related to the model and a mechanistic theory of the disease; predictive validity - that the model response to the conventional medications that are effective in the disease and will not respond to drugs that are not effective in the disease.

        The present paper presents three known models of depression; each induced in a different way and therefore represents a group of models:

        *     Reserpine-induced hypoactivity - represents the group of pharmacologically induced models.

        *     Forced swim test - represents the group of behaviorally induced models.

        *     Flinders Sensitive Line - represents the group of genetically induced models.

        The use of these models in an attempt to examine the range of action of a new potential antidepressant and its mechanisms of action is demonstrated with a recent set of experiments with inositol.

        מאי 2001

        חיים בסן ואורי קרמר

        חיים בסן ואורי קרמר


        המכון להתפתחות הילד והיחידה לנירולוגית ילדים, החטיבה לילדים, בי"ח דנה, מרכז רפואי ת"א, הפקולטה לרפואה סאקלר, אוניברסיטת ת"א


        הליגה הבינלאומי למניעת כיפיון מגדירה פירכוסי חום (פ"ח) כפירכוסים המתרחשים בילדים מעל גיל חודש, נלווים למחלת חום, אינם נובעים מזיהום במערכת העצבים המרכזית, בהעדר אנאמנזה של פירכוסים ללא חום ואשר אינם במיתאם עם ההגדרה של פירכוסים תסמיניים חדים אחרים. פ"ח מתרחשים ברוב החולים בשלב עליית החום, בד"כ אך לא תמיד ביממה הראשונה של מחלת החום, ובלי קשר למידת החום. שיעור הפ"ח בארה"ב ובמערב אירופה הוא 4%-2%, ביפן 10%-9% ובגואם 14%. תופעה זו היא הסיבה השכיחה ביותר לפירכוסים בילדות.

        אפריל 2001

        רון אפלבוים, ניסים חיים, מנחם בן-שחר, איריס ולטוך, דוד פרג'י, עדי שרעבי-נוב, יהודית בן-אריה ויורם כהן

        The Chemotherapeutic Treatment of Advanced Hodgkin's Disease


        R. Epelbaum1, N. Haim1, M. Ben-Shahar1, I. Valtuch1, D. Faraggi3, A. Sharabi-Nov3, Y. Ben-Arie2, Y. Cohen4


        Departments of Oncology1 and 2Pathology, Rambam Medical Center, and Faculty of Medicine, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology; 3Department of Statistics, Haifa University, Haifa; and 4Department of Oncology, Soroka University Medical Center, Beer Sheba


        Between 1972 and 1994, 121 adult patients with advanced Hodgkin's disease received MOPP (M) combination chemotherapy, MOPP alternating with ABVD (M-A) or MOPP and ABV hybrid (M/A). Radiation therapy was given to 1/3 of them. The median age was 35 years, 58% had stage III and 42% had stage IV disease. Failure-free survival at 10 years was 43.9%. It was 66.7%, 48.4% and 29.9% for patients treated by M/A, M-A and M, respectively. Overall survival at 10 years was 40.8%, and 78.2%, 48% and 27.7% for patients treated by M/A, M-A and M, respectively. Multivariate analysis found age (above or below 65 years) and combination chemotherapy (with or without adriamycin) to be significant prognostic factors. M/A combination was more myelotoxic, while M combination caused more second primaries. Today, 80% of patients with advanced Hodgkin's disease may be cured, with low rate of long-term toxicity.

        פברואר 2001

        מקסים איטקין, אלי עטר, חיים ניימן, דרגן קרבורושיץ, זאב פוקו ומרים כץ

        Metallic Stents for Acute Colonic Obstruction


        M. Itkin, E. Atar, H. Neuman, D. Kravarosic, Z. Fuko, M. Kaz


        Radiology and General Surgery B Depts., Golda Campus; and General Surgery Dept., Beilinson Campus; Rabin Medical Center, Petah Tikva


        The traditional treatment of acute colonic obstruction, usually caused by malignant tumor, is a 2-stage surgical procedure. The first operation is emergent and includes primary tumor resection and end colostomy followed by scheduled colostomy closure. These operations are associated with high mortality and morbidity. Recently, insertion of self-expanding metallic stents for temporary colonic decompression has been was introduced. With this new technique colostomy can be avoided in the acute phase.

        In advanced colonic cancer stent-insertion is the only palliative treatment. It is done in the radiology department under fluoroscopic guidance. We present 2 cases of malignant colonic obstruction treated successfully by stent insertion.


        ינואר 2001

        מרינה מוטין, יונתן שטרייפלר, עצמון צור וחיים רינג

        Diagnosis and Therapy in Acute Stroke: A Rehabilitation Center Viewpoint


        M. Motin, J. Streifler, A. Tsur, H. Ring


        Neurological Rehabilitation Dept., Loewenstein Rehabilitation Center, Ra'anana; Neurological Unit, Rabin Medical Center, Golda Campus, Petah Tikva and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv


        The extent of the diagnostic work-up of patients with acute stroke was evaluated in 101 patients admitted for rehabilitation during a 4-month period in 1997. This included specific blood tests and neuro- and cardiac imaging, and compared the extent of work-up in a community hospital versus a rehabilitation center. Comparisons were also made with similar investigations 10 and 20 years earlier.

        Results demonstrated that the trend to admit younger stroke patients (<50 years) to neurological (as opposed to medical) departments observed between 1977-1987 persisted in 1997.

        The use of CT scan increased dramatically from 1977 to 1987 (19% vs 78%), and in 1997 was actually 100% The use of carotid duplex and echocardiography increased steadily during the 3 decades reaching 26% and 28% respectively. Tests for thrombophilia were seldom done. However, in neurological departments it was done in about 50% of the younger stroke patients. In neurology departments carotid duplex was done 2 to 3 times more often than in medical departments.

        During rehabilitation imaging tests were done once or more in almost half the patients. The results and those of additional blood tests, have led to modification of antithrombotic treatment in 14% of the younger group and 4% of the older group.

        We have clearly shown that while stroke work-up has become more comprehensive in recent years, there is still much to do in this field. Stroke units or teams in our general hospitals will increase stroke awareness, improve work-up and hasten definitive treatment.

        דצמבר 2000

        שושנה ישראל וחיים בראוטבר

        A Molecular Method of Diagnosis of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia


        Shoshana Israel, Chaim Brautbar


        Tissue Typing Unit, Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem


        Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is caused mainly by deficiency of the 21-hydroxylase enzyme. The disease may appear in the classical salt-losing, simple virilizing forms or as a mild, nonclassical form. 21-hydroxylase is encoded by the CYP21B gene on the short arm of chromosome 6, in the midst of the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) complex, between HLA Class I and Class II regions.

        We describe a method for identifying mutations in the CYP21B gene. It is based on amplification of the gene using the polymerase chain reaction and identification of mutations with sequence-specific oligo-probes. The mutations identified were: V281 and P30L responsible for nonclassical CAH, and I2 splice, Q318X, I172N, cluster E6, and a deletion including 8bP in the third exon (8bP del) responsible for the classical form of CAH.

        We also analyzed 2 families affected with the classical form of CAH which demonstrate possible complications in genotyping. Typing for HLA haplotypes can be helpful in certain cases, as demonstrated in 1 of the families presented. In this case it was necessary to distinguish between 2 possible genotypes: 1 with the mutations in tandem on 1 chromosome and the other with the mutated genes on both chromosomes. HLA haplotyping enabled the assignment of the mutations to the relevant chromosomes and thus allowed correct genetic counseling.

        The other family demonstrated the importance of CYP21B genotyping in individuals with the nonclassical form of CAH. This form may consist of 1 mild and 1 severe mutation, representing a serious potential for transmitting the classical form of CAH.

        נובמבר 2000

        אורי פרוינד, עמי מאיו, איבן שוורץ, דוד נויפלד וחיים פארן

        Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy - 1,000 Procedures in a Surgical Department


        Uri Freund, Ami Mayo, Ivan Schwartz, David Neufeld, Haim Paran


        Dept. of Surgery A, Meir Hospital, Kfar Saba; and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        The first 1,000 laparoscopic cholecystectomies performed in our department were reviewed. There was no operative mortality; conversion to open cholecystectomy was necessary in 2%. In the last 600 cases the rate of conversion had decreased to 0.5%. There was common bile duct injury in 0.3%, with the injuries identified during primary surgery. This clinical experience is consistent with previous studies, which proved that laparoscopic cholecystectomy is safe and should replace open operation as the procedure of choice. 

        אוקטובר 2000

        חיים גולן, מרינה לנדאו, אילן גולדברג ושרה ברנר

        Dermatitis from Contact with Agave Americana


        Haim Golan, Marina Landau, Ilan Goldberg, Sara Brenner


        Dermatology Dept., Tel Aviv-Sourasky Medical Center


        Various plants induce dermatitis in man. There have been only a few published cases of contact dermatitis caused by Agave americana (AA).

        We report intentional exposure to AA in a soldier seeking sick leave, and review our previously reported cases. Treatment with oral antihistamines and topical saline compresses resulted in subsidence of the systemic symptoms within 24h and regression of cutaneous manifestations in 7-10 days.

        Physicians should be alert to the possibility of self-inflicted contact dermatitis induced by exposure to plants, especially to A. americana. Systemic signs may accompany the cutaneous lesions.

        אדוארד רוזנבלט, נאוה זיגלמן-דניאלי, ג'מאל זידאן, ניסים חיים ואברהם קוטן

        Preservation of the Larynx in Advanced Cancer


        Edward Rosenblatt, Nava Siegelmann-Danieli, Jemal Zidan, Nisim Haim, Abraham Kuten


        Oncology Dept., Rambam Medical Center and Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa


        The effectiveness of sequential chemo-radiotherapy in preserving the larynx in advanced laryngeal carcinoma was assessed. 4 Unselected patients (19 men and 2 women, mean age 60 years) with advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx (T3-4/N0-3) received induction chemotherapy consisting of 2-3 cycles of cisplatin (100 mg/m2) and 5-flourouracil (1000 mg/m2/day) as a continuous infusion on days 1-5 followed by definitive radiotherapy: 50 Gy to the whole neck, 70 Gy to the larynx and clinically involved nodes, using a combination of 6 MV photons and 9-12 MeV electrons.

        19 of The 21 patients responded to combined therapy but there was no response to induction therapy in 2 (10%) and 2 did not complete therapy due to severe toxicity. At a mean follow-up of 40 months, 7 had undergone total laryngectomy (33%), for an overall 5-year laryngeal preservation rate of 66%. Reasons for total laryngectomy in 2 patients were no response and in 5 tumor recurrence.

        Mean survival was 39 months (range 11-46 months); at last follow-up 17 of 21 were alive and disease-free, 11 of whom had a functional larynx (65% of survivors). 2 died due to disease progression and 1 due to a cardiovascular event. Sequential chemo-radiation allows laryngeal preservation in about 2/3 of surviving patients without compromising survival.

        אורי רובינשטיין, מאיר ויסברוד ובן-ציון גרטי

        Life-Threatening Echovirus 11 Infection During First Month of Life


        U. Rubinstein, M. Weisbrod, B. Garty


        Neonatal Dept., Laniado Hospital, Kiriat Zans, Natanya; and Pediatrics B, Dept., Schneider Children's Medical Center, Petah Tikva


        Infection with Echovirus 11 is mostly asymptomatic, but it may cause a wide variety of clinical diseases, from gastroenteritis to serious diseases such as meningitis and myocarditis. In small infants, especially during the first days of life, echovirus infection may appear as a sepsis-like illness, and cause disseminated intravascular coagulopathy and shock.

        We present 2 infants with severe echovirus 11 infections. A 3.5-month old died within 24 hours of shock and probably myocarditis. The other, 6-days old, presented with meningitis, hepatitis and disseminated intravascular coagulopathy. It recovered after treatment with intravenous immunoglobulin.

        Echovirus 11 may cause life-threatening infections in small infants. Pediatricians should be alert to the special characteristics of this disease.

        ספטמבר 2000

        בתיה בר-שירה מימון, גדליה פז, לאה יוגב, רון האוזר, לסיציה שרייבר, אמנון בוצ'ן וחיים יעבץ

        Cells-Preliminary Report Immunohistochemical Identification of Testicular Germ


        Batia Bar-Shira Maymon, Gedalia Paz, Leah Yogev, Ron Hauser, Letizia Schreiber, Amnon Botchan, Haim Yavetz


        Institute for Fertility Study, Lis Maternity Hospital; Pathology Institute, Tel Aviv-Sourasky Medical Center; and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        The use of testicular spermatozoa for intracytoplasmic sperm injection introduced a new treatment modality for management of male infertility.

        Since testicular biopsies of non-obstructive azoospermic men are not homogenous in their histological patterns, identification with certainty of focal spermatogenesis might be difficult, particularly in those with small foci of spermatogenesis. We used an immunohistochemical marker of the male germ line, an antibody generated against RBM (RNA-binding-motif), to recognize with high precision the presence of germ cells in the biopsy. Biopsies of 30 men with azoospermia, most with non-obstructive azoospermia and a few with obstruction of the vas deferens, were evaluated.

        Immunohistochemical staining for RBM protein contributed to the detection and accuracy of the identification of germ cells. Furthermore, this immunohistochemical technique aided the histopathologist to focus on even small foci of spermatogenesis. Absence of the protein expression confirmed the diagnosis of Sertoli-cell-only syndrome. The results indicate that expression of RBM can be a diagnostic marker for identifying the germ cells of small concentrations of spermatogenesis. This method can enhance the accuracy of histopathological evaluation of testicular biopsies that had formerly relied mainly on hematoxylin-and-eosin staining.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303