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  • מה תרצו למצוא?

        תוצאת חיפוש

        יוני 1998

        אנדרה מטלון

        Pains and Pleasures of a Family Physician: 10 Years of Caring for a Family


        Andre Matalon


        Family Medicine Dept., Tel Aviv University and Kupat Cholim Klalit, Machoz Dan, Petah Tikva


        One of the major characteristics of family medicine is the duration of the doctor-patient relationship over a continuum of time. Physician and family contribute to establishing a relationship that is both therapeutic and gratifying. This mutual bond and involvement was called by Balint "a mutual investment company," in which understanding and trust grow over the years. This paper deals with these contributions and investments, and the positive and negative emotions evoked in the family physician by the patient and family. After 20 years of caring for the family presented, it was possible to address more specifically the analysis of the pains and pleasures of this continuity of care, and the sources of the complex bonding between the family and the family physician.

        אפריל 1998

        פסח שורצמן, רויטל גרוס, חווה טבנקין, דני יובל, מרים גרינשטיין ובורמה ויאנקה

        Primary Care Physicians in Israel Compared with European Countries


        P. Shvartzman, R. Gross, H. Tabenkin, D. Yuval, M. Grinshtein, B. Wienka


        Dept. of Family Medicine, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba;

        Brookdale Institute, Jerusalem; and Nivel Institute, Maastricht, the Netherlands


        This study compares Israeli primary care physicians with those of European countries. In Israel a larger proportion of those in primary care are women. The Israeli physicians see many patients a day, but almost never make home visits. They also report for work the fewest hours a day, but spend 21 hours a month in continuous medical education. (more than Europeans?) The Israeli primary care physician scores high in screening for breast cancer and blood cholesterol level, but very low in the fields of minor surgery and alcohol and smoking prevention, contraception, nutrition counseling and normal pregnancy follow-up. Residency training and education may be inadequate, and more emphasis has to be put on the health system and recognizing environmental influences.

        מרץ 1998

        א' ביטון, ד' ורדי וס' נמיר

        Primary Dermatology Who is the Gate Keeper?


        A. Biton, D. Vardy, S. Naimer


        Regional Dermatology Clinic, Kupat Holim Clalit, and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        For several years health funds in Israel have allowed patients to see dermatologists, gynecologists, orthopedic surgeons and ENT specialists without being referred by their primary care physician. There is heated debate about whether this practice is justified and if it is cost effective. Is it better medicine for the patient? What are the roles of the primary care physician and of the primary dermatologist in the care of skin diseases? What do patients want? We examined the practices of 4 dermatology clinics and discuss the issues involved.

        פברואר 1998

        חיים קנובלר, שלומית כץ, אינסה פוליאקוב ורמונה דורסט

        Enhancing Cultural Sensitivity of Psychiatrists from Russia


        Haim Y. Knobler, Shlomit Katz, Inessa Poliakova, Rimona Durst


        Jerusalem Mental Health Center, Kfar Shaul Hospital, Jerusalem


        The importance of understanding the local culture and enhancing cultural sensitivity became evident during supervision of immigrant psychiatrists from the former Soviet Union. The aim of the present study was to describe enhancement of this cultural sensitivity in the supervision of 2 immigrant psychiatrists. In the first, understanding the patient's cultural world helped the immigrant psychiatrist form the therapeutic alliance. In the second, the immigrant psychiatrist's understanding of the patient's cultural background led him to change both diagnosis and treatment. In both cases, development of cultural sensitivity through supervision enabled successful treatment. Enhancement of cultural sensitivity may accelerate absorption of the immigrant psychiatrists themselves. Discussing cultural issues during work may accelerate the absorption of all immigrant physicians.

        נטע נוצר, דליה מגידו, רות אברמוביץ ומיכאל וינגרטן

        Correlation between Success in Specialty Examinations and Learning Methods of Family Medicine Residents


        Netta Notzer, Dahlia Megiddo, Ruth Abramowitz, Michael Weingarten


        Medical Education Unit, Family Medicine Section, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Learning methods chosen by residents in family medicine during their residency and the correlation between them and achievement in the written specialty exams (Stage 1) were investigated. The learning patterns studied were: structured learning (certification course, study with a tutor, staff meetings, conferences) and self-learning (textbooks, journals, the Hebrew publication "Update," and audio tapes). Of 184 residents who took the examination in 1994-5, 104 responded to a questionnaire as to preferences for the various learning aids and satisfaction with their use. There was no correlation between use of a given learning method and success in the examination. Significantly more candidates preferred self-learning, especially among those who were successful, but also among some who failed the examination. There was no direct connection between the examination and the high level requirements of the residency program, for which up-to-date, integrated knowledge based on self-learning is needed.

        ינואר 1998

        רויטל גרוס, חוה טבנקין, שולי ברמלי ופסח שורצמן

        Patients' Opinions of the Role of Primary Care Physicians and the Organization of Health Care Services


        Revital Gross, Hava Tabenkin, Shuli Bramli, Pesach Schvartzman


        JDC-Brookdale Institute, Jerusalem; Dept. of Family Medicine, HaEmek Hospital, Afula; Kupat Holim Clalit, Northern District; Institute for Specialization, Ben-Gurion University, Northern Branch; and Dept. of Family Medicine, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and Kupat Holim Clalit, Beer Sheba


        Patients' opinions of the role of the primary care physician were studied. The study population consisted of Hebrew-speaking members of the Clalit Sick Fund, aged 18+, who visited primary care and specialty clinics. Interviews took place during January-March 1995 in the Emek and Jerusalem, and during August-October 1995 in Beer Sheba. A total of 2,734 interviews were conducted, and the response rate was 88%. 64% of the respondents preferred the primary care physician as the first address for most problems occurring during the day. Multivariate analysis revealed that the variables predicting this preference were: being over age 45, having completed less than 12 years of schooling, being satisfied with the physician, and when a child's illness was involved. Whether the physician was a specialist had only a marginal effect. The findings also show that among those who did go directly to a specialist for the current visit, 49% would still prefer the primary care physician to be the first address for most problems. However, half of the respondents initiated the current visit to the specialty clinic themselves. The findings also showed that a preference for the primary care physician to be the first address had an independent and statistically significant effect on the following aspects of service consumption: taking the initiative to go to a specialist, the intention to return to the primary care physician or to the specialist for continuing care, and the patient's belief that referral to a specialist was needed. The findings of the study may be of assistance to policy-makers on the national level and to sick funds in planning the role of the primary care physician, so that it corresponds, on the one hand, to the needs of the sick funds and the economic constraints in the health system, and on the other, to the preferences of the patient.

        נובמבר 1997

        יאירה חממה-רז, זהבה סולומון ואברהם עורי

        Fear of Personal Death among Hospital Physicians


        Y. Hamama-Raz, Z. Solomon, A. Ohry


        School of Social Work and Dept. of Neuro-Rehabilitation, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer (Both affiliated with Tel Aviv University)


        Many studies have tried to explain why professionals experience difficulty when dealing with, and in treating efficiently situations connected with death. We studied levels of personal fear among physicians in general hospitals and addressed 2 questions: Does exposure to death on professional and personal levels, affect the level of the fear of personal death which physicians experience? Is there a relationship between personality variables, represented by the repression-sensitization dimension, and level of fear of personal death? A sample of 233 physicians from 22 general hospitals who specialized in oncology, internal medicine, surgery, psychiatry or pediatrics was studied. Each answered 4 questionnaires with regard to demographic information, fear of personal death, level of repression-sensitization and exposure to the death of relatives and significant others. There were no differences in level of fear of personal death of physicians according to specialization, but those who had been exposed to death on the personal level, feared less their own death. With respect to the personality variable, tendency to sensitization, it was found that those who were sensitized exhibited a higher level of the fear of their own death compared to those who were repressive. Of the various demographic variables examined (sex, level of religiouobservance, age, number of children, health, professional experience) it was found that those: with many years of professional experience, who were relatively older, who were nonobservant religiously and who were in good health, had lower levels of personal fear of death; gender was not a factor.

        אילנה מרגלית ועמוס שפירא

        Participation of Patients with Uret-Eral Calculi in Clinical Decision Making, and Level of Anxiety


        Ilana Margalith, Amos Shapiro


        Hadassah-Hebrew University School of Nursing, and Dept. of Urology, Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem


        In a study examining the relationship between patient participation in clinical decision making and levels of anxiety, patients were offered a choice of treatment for ureteral calculus. 42 received information about 2 treatment options, ultrasound fragmentation of the stone through a ureteroscope and extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL), and were asked to choose the method that they preferred. 54 received treatment decided on by the physician without their participation in the decision making process. Anxiety was measured before meeting with the physician, immediately after the meeting and on hospitalization for treatment. The contribution of the patient's perception of participation in the decision- making process and level of education was also examined. There was a decrease in level of anxiety after meeting with the physician only among those who did not actually participate in the decision-making process (p<0.05). There was no change in the level of anxiety among those offered choice of treatment. However, a decrease in anxiety was evident among patients who perceived that they had received information about their illness and its treatment (p<0.01). This was not the case for patients who perceived themselves as participants in decision making unless they had a relatively high-level of education (p=0.05).

        אוגוסט 1997

        יאיר בר-אל, משה קליאן, יוסי מר, הילה קנובלר, יעקב לרנר וחיים קנובלר

        The Homeless and the Health System: Profile of the Homeless Patient


        J. Posen, N. Tanai, S. Spiro, D. Frumer


        Social Work Dept., Ichilov Hospital, Tel Aviv and Faculty of Social Work, Tel Aviv University


        The homeless population is mobile and does not use ambulatory health care services. Thus the major contact between the homeless and the medical establishment occurs primarily when they are treated for acute symptoms in hospital. We describe the clinical and sociodemographic profile of the homeless who require hospital services. The research population included 50 homeless treated in the emergency room and various departments of our medical center between October 1994 and August 1995. Social workers used a questionnaire relating to clinical, sociodemographic and social factors. Most patients were men, 76% under the age of 50. The most common diagnosis was alcoholism; other diagnoses included back, limb and joint injuries, infections, skin diseases, and general exhaustion. There were subgroups with differing needs within this homeless population for which appropriate rehabilitation programs are proposed.

        מאי 1997

        רון בן-אברהם, מיכאל שטיין, יורם קלוגר, אמיר בלומנפלד, אברהם ריבקינד ויהושע שמר

        ATLS Course in Emergency Medicine for Physicians?


        Ron Ben-Abraham, Michael Stein, Yoram Kluger, Amir Blumenfeld, Avraham Rivkind, Joshua Shemer


        Medical Corps, Israel Defense Forces; and Trauma Units of Sourasky Medical Center and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, and of Hadassah Hospital, Jerusalem


        Implementation of Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) skills among practicing physicians and its perceived utility in their civilian practices, as well as in their potential army combat assignments, was evaluated. 177 physicians in various subspecialties, who were graduates of ATLS training courses, answered a specially designed telephone questionnaire. An unexpectedly high percentage of physicians (47%) had used their ATLS training when called to treat trauma victims. 67% of physicians stressed the contribution of the ATLS course to enhancing their skills. We believe that a properly designed ATLS course for general practitioners would be very beneficial for trauma victims.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303