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        תוצאת חיפוש

        אפריל 2000

        לאוניד אומנסקי, אברהם דורביץ ואבנר סלע

        Alopecia Due to Seroxat 

        Leonid Umansky, Abraham Dorevitch, Avner Sella


        Psychiatry Chronic Dept., Eitanim Mental Health Center, Jerusalem


        There are 2 stages of alopecia, anagen and telogen effluvium, both of which may be associated with medication- related alopecia. We describe massive hair loss in a 51-year-old woman during treatment with Seroxat (paroxetine), which remitted after it was discontinued. Pathological mechanisms of drug-associated alopecia are complex and have yet to be fully elucidated.

        ד' ב' גפן, ס' מן וי' כהן

        Etoposide and Cisplatin for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer 

        David B. Geffen, Sofia Man, Yoram Cohen*


        Dept. of Oncology, Soroka-University Medical Center and Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        Etoposide and cisplatin (EP) has been the standard therapy for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) at many cancer centers for over a decade. We analyzed our experience with EP in NSCLC to provide a baseline for comparison with new drugs. From 1986 through 1994, 46 of our patients with NSCLC received EP as first-line chemotherapy. Radiation therapy was administered to 25 of them, including 20 who received it immediately before or concomitantly with chemotherapy. Toxicity was mild and included only 1 episode of neutropenic fever and 1 case of reversible renal failure.

        Overall response was 22%. In 3, response was complete (pathologically documented in 2 of them) and in 7 partial. Median survival in locally advanced (stage III) and metastatic disease (stage IV and recurrent) were 12 months and 7 months, respectively. 2 patients are alive and free of disease more than 6 years after diagnosis.

        Our results are consistent with other published studies of EP in NSCLC. EP provides modest benefit in locally advanced NSCLC, with minimal toxicity.

        Jules E. Harris Chair in Oncology.

        אילון לחמן, אלכסנדר מלי, גבריאל ג'ינו, מיכאל בורשטיין ומיכאל שטרק

        Placenta Accreta with Placenta Previa after Previouscesarean Sections 

        Eylon Lachman, Alexander Mali, Gabriel Gino, Michael Burstein, Michael Stark


        Depts. of Obstetrics and Gynecology and of Pathology, Misgav Ladach Hospital, Jerusalem


        The increased rate of cesarean sections in recent decades has brought with it an increase in the frequency of placenta accreta. There are direct correlations between previous cesarean deliveries and also maternal age, with the risk of placenta accreta. There is also a direct correlation between placenta accreta and placenta previa.

        The risk of placenta accreta in women who have had placenta previa is 2% for those younger than 35 years and with no history of uterine surgery. The risk increases to 39% for those over 35 who have had 2 or more cesarean sections.

        We present 3 cases of placenta accreta admitted in 15 months, all of whom had a history of cesarean sections. The frequency of placenta accreta in our hospital is 1:1,579 deliveries, in line with the 1:1,420 in the literature. We consider hysterectomy the treatment of choice for this serious complication. When performing a cesarean in cases of placenta previa with a history of cesarean sections, the possibility of placenta accreta should be considered.

        יוסף לבצלטר, גרשון פינק, אליעזר קליינמן, יצחק רוזנברג ומרדכי ר' קרמר

        Preflight Assessment by Hypoxic Inhalation Test in Cardio-Pulmonary Patients 

        J. Lebzelter, G. Fink, E. Kleinman, I. Rosenberg, M.R. Kramer


        Pulmonology Institute, Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson Campus, Petah Tikva


        Flying may expose passengers to hypoxic conditions, which may induce hypoxemia, particularly in those with chronic heart and/or lung disease. Onset of dyspnea, wheezing, chest pain, cyanosis and right heart failure can lead to urgent need for oxygen during flight. The hypoxia inhalation test (HIT) provides a safe and simple means of identifying those who may develop hypoxemia during flight.

        We report our experience with 48 self-reporting patients who underwent HIT prior to pre-planned air travel. They inhaled for 15-minute periods a reduced oxygen concentration (F1O2 15%) under normobaric conditions, during which O2 saturation was monitored by pulse oximeter; electrocardiogram, blood pressure and symptoms were also monitored. O2 saturation of 85% (PaO2 50 mm Hg) was considered a positive test. In the 8 cases (17%) with a positive test, 5 had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and 3 had cardiovascular and/or combined heart-lung disease.

        We calculated predicted O2 partial pressure in altitude (PaO2 ALT) and compared it to actual results in the 8 patients with a positive HIT. In 5, use of the predicted formula would have under-diagnosed the hypoxemia that developed during the HIT. Thus, the results of the HIT changed treatment strategy in these patients. We recommend that patients with positive tests use O2 (2LPM or 4LPM) during flight.

        HIT is practical and of potential benefit in the objective assessment of patients with various degrees of heart, lung or combined heart-lung disease. Clinicians should be aware of the relative risk of hypoxia during flight in such patients, and of the value of HIT in identifying them, leading to increase in its use.

        רועי לנדסברג, פרידה קורנברוט ודב אופיר

        Tracheoesophageal Puncture after Total Laryngectomy


        Roy Landsberg, Frida Korenbrot, Dov Ophir


        Depts. of Otolaryngology and of Head and Neck Surgery, Meir Hospital, Kfar Saba and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University; and the Israel Cancer Association Voice Rehabilitation Program


        Total laryngectomy due to malignant laryngeal tumors is followed by loss of speaking ability. Voice restoration in laryngectomized patients is the main target in their rehabilitation. Until the late 70's, esophageal speech was considered the most effective rehabilitation method. In 1980 Singer and Blom introduced a prosthesis for tracheoesophageal speech which has been gaining popularity. Tracheoesophageal puncture (TEP) can be performed either at the time of total laryngectomy, or later.

        30 of our patients underwent TEP between 1991 and 1999, 15 at the time of total laryngectomy and 15 as a delayed secondary procedure. Mean follow-up was 36 months (range 6 months to 8 years) during which all regained speaking ability.

        Over the long range, speech rehabilitation with the prosthesis was successful in 24 (80%). In only 1 in the primary TEP group did treatment fail, as the prosthesis had to be removed due to local recurrence of the tumor. Long range failure in 5/15 patients after secondary TEP stemmed from difficulties some patients had in handling the prosthesis and from psychological difficulties in adapting to the new speech device. Complications were mostly minor and occurred mainly in the secondary TEP group.

        TEP performed at the time of total laryngectomy, or later as a secondary procedure, is effective for speech rehabilitation after laryngectomy.

        ד' ישורון, ח' חמוד, ד' קרן, נ' מורד וי' נשיץ

        Acipimox as a Secondary Hypolipidemia in Combined Hypertriglyceridemia and Hyperlipidemia


        D. Yeshurun, H. Hamood, N. Morad, J. Naschitz


        Hyperlipidemia Clinic, Dept. of Medicine A, Bnai-Zion Medical Center, and Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Haifa


        32 patients with hypertriglyceridemia, excessive hypertri- glyceridemia, and combined hyperlipidemia, were treated with the nicotinic acid derivative acipimox (Olbetam). First line treatment with bezafibrate, or statins in some with combined hyperlipidemia, had failed. In 10 acipimox was discontinued due to side effects or absence of clinical response. The other 22 completed 6 months of treatment with no side effects.

        Acipimox caused a significant 54% decrease in triglyceride levels, a 23% decrease in total cholesterol, and a 12% increase in HDL-cholesterol. LDL-cholesterol was difficult to calculate because of the high triglyceride levels, so no results are presented.

        Although acipimox was much better tolerated than nicotinic acid, it also had side effects, but fewer. Acipimox can therefor be used as a second-line drug, mainly in those with combined hyperlipidemia and hypertriglyceridemia.

        מרץ 2000

        ראובן צימליכמן

        Cilazapril for Essential Hypertension Treated in the Community 

        Reuven Zimlichman


        Dept. of Medicine and Hypertension Institute, Wolfson Medical Center and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        In a multicenter study in community clinics, 413 patients with mild to moderate essential hypertension were treated with cilazapril (Vasocase), 2.5 mg daily. Patients had either been untreated or had developed side-effects from previous antihypertensive treatment. When response was inadequate the dose was either increased to 5 mg or another antihypertensive medication was added, or both.

        Treatment significantly reduced systolic and diastolic blood pressures. Pulse rate decreased significantly from the second month of treatment onwards. At the end of the 3rd month of treatment blood pressure was normalized or had decreased by more than 10 mmHg in 91.9% of patients. Physicians' evaluations revealed improvement in 62%; patients' self-evaluations suggested improvement in 61%. Efficacy was equal in all age groups and in both obese and nonobese patients. Antihypertensive response was superior in those with normal renal function. Side-effects were rare and similar to those reported in the literature.

        ששון נקר, שלמה וינקר, טל ברו-אלוני ואלי קיטאי

        Family Physicians' Attitudes to Clinical Guidelines for Treatment of Diabetes 

        Sasson Nakar, Shlomo Vinker, Tal Baro-Aloni, Eliezer Kitai


        Dept. of Family Medicine, Rabin Medical Center and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Clinical guidelines are systematically developed statements designed to help practitioners and patients make decisions about appropriate health care for specific clinical states. Attitudes of family physicians to clinical guidelines for treating diabetes and guidelines in general were evaluated from anonymous questionnaires answered by physicians participating in continuous medical education throughout the country (May-June 1998). The questionnaire dealt with attitudes to the recently published specific guidelines for treating the diabetic patient and overall perception of the efficacy of clinical guidelines.

        293 family physicians, aged 40.2‏7.0 responded (83%). 93.5% appreciated the guidelines and thought them applicable. Most (83.7%) reported the guidelines to be of help in their daily work; 31.4% said they were oversimplified; a quarter said they aimed main at containing costs. Most respondents preferred written guidelines of up to 5 pages.

        In view of our results, attention can now be turned to developing ways to implement the guidelines. To improve adherence, they need to be short and the rate of publication of new clinical guidelines should be slowed.

        זאב פידלמן וזאב קורשון

        Unconventional Treatment of Severe Heart Failure in the Elderly


        Z. Fidelman, Z. Korshun


        Geriatric Medical Center, Natanya


        In the elderly, congestive heart failure is common and associated with significant morbidity and mortality.

        Comprehensive management of heart failure improves functional status and decreases mortality. Diuretics remain the mainstay in treating congestive heart failure. However, some patients are resistant to diuretics. This is a serious problem as it seems to represent a final manifestation of congestive heart failure.

        In an 85-year-old woman diuretic resistance was recognized as the cause of failure of conventional diuretic therapy. When the dose of furosemide was rapidly increased from 120 mg per os to 1000 mg IV within 4 days, diuresis began and there was dramatic improvement in her condition. The dose was then gradually decreased until a conventional maintenance dose of 200 mg/day per os was reached. This dose was sufficient to keep her heart failure under control.

        א' רקייר, י' אורלובסקי ומ' פיינסוד

        Favorable Outcome of Hyperacute Epidural Hematoma in an Octogenarian


        A. Rakier, I. Orlovsky, M. Feinsod


        Center for Applied Research in Head Injuries, Neurosurgery Dept. Rambam Medical Center, and B. Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, The Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa


        Acute epidural hematoma is very rare in the elderly after head injury. It is usually associated with extremely high mortality or severe disability. In an 87-year-old woman a large, hyperacute, epidural hematoma was diagnosed. She was treated promptly and enjoyed an uneventful, complete recovery. This exceptional case should encourage an intensive approach even in seemingly minor head trauma in the elderly.

        אפרת ברון-הרלב, בנימין זאבי ובן-ציון גרטי

        Pulmonary Involvement in Osler- Weber-Rendu Syndrome 

        Efrat Bron-Harlev, Benjamin Zeevi, Ben-Zion Garty


        Dept. of Medicine B and Cardiac Catheterization Unit, Schneider Children's Medical Center, Petah Tikva


        Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (Osler-Weber-Ren-du syndrome) is a group of autosomal dominant diseases with variable penetration, characterized by vascular malformations. Recently hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia has been found to be a phenotypic expression of mutations in genes located on chromosomes 9 and 12, and possibly of other genes located on other chromosomes.

        We describe 2 patients with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia and pulmonary involvement who presented with repeated complaints of dyspnea and cyanosis and were diagnosed as having long-standing asthma. Both were treated with therapeutic catheterization and embolization with good clinical outcomes.

        דרור רובינסון, חנה אש, דויד אביעזר, גבריאל אגר, נחום הלפרין וצבי נבו

        Autologous Chondrocyte Transplantation - from Science Fiction to Routine Clinical Practice


        Dror Robinson, Hana Ash, David Aviezer, Gabriel Agar, Nahum Halperin, Zvi Nevo


        Dept. of Clinical Biochemistry, Sackler Medical School, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv; Dept. of Orthopedic Surgery, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Zerifin; and CTI Ltd., Science Park, Kiriat Weizmann, Nes Ziona


        Adult articular cartilage lacks the capacity for self-repair. The limiting factor appears to be the inability of chondrocytes to proliferate while embedded in the extracellular matrix typical of hyaline cartilage. Cartilage defects larger than 1 cm2 change articular biomechanics and lead to eventual osteoarth-ritis and joint destruction.

        During the past decade, several competing techniques have evolved to stimulate articular cartilage repair. Small lesions can be successfully treated by either micro-fracture or osteochondral cylinder grafting. The latter technique allows immediate weight bearing but leads to damage of previously uninvolved areas of articular cartilage, which limits its application to lesions of less than 2 cm2.

        When the damaged area is more extensive, grafting of autologous chondrocytes should be considered. First a diagnostic arthroscopy is performed to assess the damaged area and a small cartilage biopsy is taken. 6 weeks later, arthrotomy and chondrocyte transplantation are performed. In the interval, the antologous chondrocytes have expanded by 2 to 3 orders of magnitude. Our experience to date includes 10 cases with follow-up of 6 months to 5 years. Preoperative complaints of crepitation and locking disappear. There is functional improvement and pain reduction of approximately 50%. This procedure, currently limited to patients under 55 years of age with limited damage to an articular surface, for the first time allows reconstruction of damaged articular areas without resorting to allografts.

        אלכס ירמולובסקי, אלן כץ, אייל פניג, גרשון פינק, דניאל בן דיין, אהרון סולקס ומרדכי ר' קרמר

        High Dose Endobronchial Brachy - Therapy for Malignant Airway Obstruction


        Alex Yarmolovsky, Alan Katz, Eyal Fenig, G. Fink, Daniel Bendayan, Aaron Sulkes, Mordechai R. Kramer


        Institutes of Pulmonology and Oncology, Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson Campus, Petah Tikva, and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Brachytherapy is especially suitable for palliative treatment of endobronchial tumors adjacent to internal organs that might be damaged by intensive external beam radiation, but are easily accessed with a flexible bronchoscope. This treatment is mostly palliative.

        30 patients underwent such palliative high-dose endobronchial brachytherapy to alleviate malignant airway obstruction. With the aid of a flexible fiberoptic bronchoscope an endobronchial catheter was inserted adjacent to the tumor and treatment delivered using a 192Ir remote afterloader for 5-10 min, in 2 or 3 sessions.

        There was symptomatic improvement in 26 (86%) and objective improvement in 27 (90%). 1 patient died of hemoptysis.

        ענת לבר-סגל, מיגאל יוכטמן ופלטיאל וינר

        Carbon Dioxide Gas Embolism during Laparascopic Cholecystectomy


        Anat Laver-Segal, Miguel Iuchtman, Paltiel Weiner


        Depts. of Anesthesiology, Surgery A and Medicine A, Hillel Yaffe Medical Center, Hadera and Rappaport Medical School, The Technion, Haifa


        A case of carbon dioxide gas embolism during laparascopic cholecystetomy is presented. Prompt diagnosis and immediate treatment resulted in positive outcome. Laparascopic cholecystectomy is nowadays one of the most common operations for cholecystectomy and certainly the most frequent endoscopic surgical procedure. It is usually safe and effective. However, a number of serious complications have been reported during the procedure.

        Gas embolism is one of the complications that may occur during the initial gas insufflation or during dissection of the gall bladder. Symptoms are mainly related to the speed and the amount of gas that reaches the venous system. Early recognition and prompt treatment are required to prevent severe morbidity or even fatal outcome.

        Transesophageal echocardiography has detected many unsuspected cases of gas embolism. However, capnograph monitoring of end-tidal CO2, routinely used in everyday anesthesia, is highly reliable in alerting to the possibility of gas embolism and also in confirming its occurrence.

        In cases of suspected gas embolism close collaboration between anesthetist and surgeon is required.

        פאני אנדלמן, מירי נויפלד, עירית א' רידר-גרוסוסר, אורי קרמר, יורם שגב ויצחק פריד

        Presurgical Neuropsychological assessment in Epilepsy: The Wada Test


        Fani Andelman, Miri Neufeld, Irith Reider-Groswasser, Uri Kremer, Yoram Segev, Itzhak Fried


        Functional Neurosurgery and EEG and Epilepsy Units, Section of Neuroradiology; and Pediatric Neurology Unit; Tel Aviv-Sourasky Medical Center, Tel Aviv


        37 candidates for epilepsy surgery underwent the intra-carotid amytal procedure (IAP; also known as the Wada test) to determine hemispheric speech dominance and memory capacity. 31 demonstrated left hemisphere speech dominance, 2 showed evidence for bilateral language and 4 demonstrated right hemispheric language dominance.

        Our study supports a correlational relationship between handedness, lesion laterality and age of onset of seizures, as reported in earlier studies. Left-handed patients with a left hemisphere lesion whose seizures began to an early age had a strong tendency for reversed language dominance.

        Asymmetry of at least 20% in performing the memory test was taken as the cutoff score for demonstrating laterality of lesions. The asymmetry score correctly predicted laterality of lesions in all 28 patients; 6 did not have asymmetry scores and 3 were examined for language only. None of the patients who successfully passed the Wada memory test had any significant postsurgical memory deficits; 1 had transient reduction in verbal memory and 4 who did not pass the test were not operated on for this reason.

        Our results demonstrate the importance of the Wada test in determining cerebral speech dominance, in predicting post-surgical amnesia, and support its usefulness in predicting laterality of seizure focus in candidates for temporal lobectomy.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303