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        תוצאת חיפוש

        נובמבר 2000

        משה בוסתן, שבתאי רומנו, ראיד סלים, יעקב רוזנמן ואליעזר שלו

        Burch Laparoscopic Procedure for Repairing Proven Stress Incontinence


        Moshe Bustan, Shabtai Romano, Raed Salim, Jacob Rosenman, Eliezer Shalev


        Depts. of Obstetric and Gynecology and of Urology, HaEmek Medical Center, Afula


        There are more than 200 procedures for repairing stress urinary incontinence. We evaluated the safety and efficiency of the Burch laparoscopic procedure in 32 women with urodynamically proven genuine stress incontinence.

        Mean operating time was 40 minutes and mean hospitalization time after the procedure was 30 hours. The cure rate was 97%, similar to that rin other studies (80-95%). The major complications w2 cases (6.2%) of unintended bladder injury, diagnosed and repaired laparoscopically. Although follow-up has only been for 3-42 months, the high cure rate and safety and advantages of laparoscopy over laparotomy, make laparoscopic Burch colposuspension the procedure of choice for repairing stress incontinence.

        אוגוסט 2000

        פליציה שטרן, יצהל נ' ברנר, זאב פוליאק, סופיה ברנדינר, מרגריטה קומרניצקי, בן-עמי סלע, רם דולמן ויוסף דרור

        Nutritional Status and Vitamin B6 Supplementation in the Institutionalized Elderly


        Felicia Stern, Yitshal N. Berner, Zeev Polyak, Sophya Bernadiner, Margarita Komarnitsky, Ben Ami Sela, Ram Doolman, Yoseph Dror


        Institute of Biochemistry, Food Science, and Nutrition, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Subacute Dept. and Clinical Nutrition, Hartzfeld Geriatric Hospital, Kaplan Medical Center, Gedera; and Institute of Chemical Pathology, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer


        Nutritional status and vitamin B6 status were assessed in 18 men and 32 women, average age 84, living in a home for the aged. Average proportion of energy derived from protein was higher than the recommended; fiber intake was very low. Also low were intakes of calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, vitamins D and E, thiamin, folic acid and vitamin B6.

        Supplementation with vitamin B6 (10mg/d) for 28 days in those with the lowest B6 status assessed by B6 intake, activation coefficient of aspartate transaminase and plasma pyridoxamine concentrations led to improved B6 status (marked decrease in activation coefficient) and increased synthesis and decreased degradation of many short-lived neutrophil proteins. Though our elderly enjoy a variety of foods, some have marginal deficiencies that can be improved. Therefore, in the institutionalized elderly, micronutrient supplementation should be administered at a level low enough to be safe (below recommended upper level of intake) but high enough to be effective.

        יוני 2000

        רונית חיימוב-קוכמן, ראובן ברומיקר ואריאל מילויצקי. עמ' 1040-1043

        רונית חיימוב-קוכמן1, ראובן ברומיקר2, אריאל מילויצקי1

        1מחלקת נשים ויולדות 2והמחלקה לטיפול נמרץ בילוד, בי"ח הדסה הר הצופים, הפקולטה לרפואה, האוניברסיטה העברית, ירושלים

        ברוך אליצור

        Psychological Treatment for Paruresis (Bashful Bladder)


        Baruch Elitzur


        Psychiatric Clinic, Ichilov Hospital, Tel Aviv Medical Center


        Paruresis, or bashful bladder, is a functional disorder that involves inability to urinate in the presence of others. The symptom meets the DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for simple phobia or social phobia. Although the prevalence of paruresis is relatively high (7% in 1 study and 32% in another), there are few reports of its treatment. The treatment of choice presented in the literature is cognitive-behavioral.

        We describe a multidimensional model used in treating 3 men who suffered from paruresis. Promotion of relaxation, mental imagery, paradox, gestalt, metaphor, cognitive-behavioral and psychodynamic techniques were used. After 5 treatment meetings, 2 younger men, 18- and 24-years old, respectively, were able to overcome the condition, while a 50-year-old got only partial relief.

        סלמה מוזס-טולדו, יאיר סוקרניק, אלכס רז'בק וזאב שטגר

        Tuberculous Meningitis in Review


        Mozes Toledo, Y. Skurnik, A. Razabek, Z. Stoeger


        Medical Dept. B, Kaplan Medical Center, Rehovot, (Affiliated with Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem)


        Tuberculosis meningitis is one of the most dangerous forms of tuberculosis (TB). Due to large waves of immigration, the incidence of TB in Israel has increased in recent years, as has that of TB meningitis. Due to its high mortality, rapid diagnosis of TB meningitis is of paramount importance.

        We present a patient admitted with a acute febrile disease which was subsequently diagnosed as TB meningitis.

        יצחק פפו, תפחה הורן, הרברט מרדד וראובן אורדע

        Breast Tumors Demonstrated by Tc-99m Sestamibi Scintimammography 

        Itzhak Pappo, Tifha Horne, Herbert Merdad, Ruben Orda


        Dept. of Surgery A, Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Dept. of Pathology, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Zrifin; and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Breast cancer can be detected by scintimammography using Tc-99m sestamibi (MIBI). The method is highly accurate, sensitive and specific. Histologically, most of the tumors have been adenocarcinomas.

        We present 2 women with rare breast tumors, primary squamous cell carcinoma and malignant phyllodes tumor. In both, mammography and cytological biopsy were not diagnostic, but MIBI scintimammography demonstrated focal uptake in the diseased breast.

        דוד נלקן

        Sublingual Immunotherapy for Allergic Diseases


        David Nelken


        Medical Building, Sprinzak St., Tel Aviv


        4 patients suffering from severe pollinosis and/or allergic rhinitis, with or without asthma, were treated as follows: 30 minutes before breakfast the vaccine was dropped sublingually and retained for 2-3 minutes before being swallowed. It was a commercial preparation of allergen, diluted 50% w/v in glycerin.


        This stock solution was then diluted in physiological saline containing 0.05% human albumin and kept refrigerated in a dark glass bottle for up to 4 weeks. Of the first dilution which contained 10 Au/ml, 1 drop was given on day 1 and 1 drop more each day until days 5 to 17, when 5 drops were given daily. Then 1000 and then 2500 Au/ml were given sequentially in the same manner, and finally 5000 was given for up to 2 years. A maintenance dose of 3 drops of 5000 Au/ml twice weekly was then prescribed.


        41 patients showed striking clinical improvement after about 6 months of treatment. A definite reduction in the use of other medications was achieved in all. Sublingual immunotherapy is practically free of unwanted side effects and easy to self-administer at home.

        To establish the specificity of sublingual immunotherapy, patients who had severe allergic symptoms to one pollen allergen causing symptoms in the spring and to a second in the autumn, were first immunized sublingually against a single allergen. A year later, after symptoms due to this allergen had subsided, and if symptoms caused by the second allergen had not improved, immunization against the second allergen was started.

        Sublingual immunotherapy acts by increasing mucosal antibodies at the site of entry of the allergen into the respiratory tract. It is a safe and practical procedure with results comparable to subcutaneous allergy injections.

        אפריל 2000

        דורית ניצן קלוסקי ואלכס לבנטל

        The Gift of Breastfeeding 

        Dorit Nitzan Kaluski, Alex Leventhal


        Dept. of Nutrition, Public Health Services, Israel Ministry of Health, Jerusalem


        Breast milk is the optimal food for infant growth and development, the prevention of infectious diseases and mother- child bonding. From the economic perspective, breastfeeding is cost-effective both for the family and society as a whole. The Israeli Ministry of Health encourages breastfeeding as the exclusive source of nutrition for infants in the first 4-6 months of life, with gradual addition of complementary foods thereafter. The promotion of breastfeeding in Israel requires comprehensive national activity with involvement of all the stakeholders. This includes implementation of the International Code of Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes and joining the international "Baby Friendly Hospitals" project. Knowledge of breastfeeding should be spread, health professionals should be encouraged to become agents of change, support by breast counselors should be encouraged, post-delivery vacations from work should be prolonged and empowerment of women implemented.

        שמעון עברי, דובי שטיינמינץ וחווה טבנקין

        Carbamazepine Hypersensitivity 

        Shimon Ivry, Doobi Shteinmintz, Hava Tabenkin


        Dept. of Family Medicine, HaEmek Hospital, Afula and National Residency Institute, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        Carbamazepine (C) can cause a characteristic hypersensitivity reaction (CHS}. This multisystem reaction typically presents as fever, mucocutaneous eruption and lymphadenopathy. The syndrome usually develops between 1 week and 3 months after starting therapy, with involvement of the liver, lung, kidney and inappropriate secretion of ADH. The incidence is less than 0.001% in those treated with C and it is diagnosed clinically. With onset of CHS, the drug must be stopped and if there is no improvement, cortico-steroids should be started. When the diagnosis is in doubt, the patch test, lymphocyte transformation test, macrophage migration inhibitor factor, and other tests can be helpful.

        The pathogenesis is not known. Similar syndromes have been described with phenytoin and phenobarbital. There is clinical and in-vitro evidence of cross reactions between C and phenytoin. It is not known whether the CHS syndrome should be considered a premalignant state, with increased risk for the development of malignant lymphoma.

        מרץ 2000

        אלכס ירמולובסקי, אלן כץ, אייל פניג, גרשון פינק, דניאל בן דיין, אהרון סולקס ומרדכי ר' קרמר

        High Dose Endobronchial Brachy - Therapy for Malignant Airway Obstruction


        Alex Yarmolovsky, Alan Katz, Eyal Fenig, G. Fink, Daniel Bendayan, Aaron Sulkes, Mordechai R. Kramer


        Institutes of Pulmonology and Oncology, Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson Campus, Petah Tikva, and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Brachytherapy is especially suitable for palliative treatment of endobronchial tumors adjacent to internal organs that might be damaged by intensive external beam radiation, but are easily accessed with a flexible bronchoscope. This treatment is mostly palliative.

        30 patients underwent such palliative high-dose endobronchial brachytherapy to alleviate malignant airway obstruction. With the aid of a flexible fiberoptic bronchoscope an endobronchial catheter was inserted adjacent to the tumor and treatment delivered using a 192Ir remote afterloader for 5-10 min, in 2 or 3 sessions.

        There was symptomatic improvement in 26 (86%) and objective improvement in 27 (90%). 1 patient died of hemoptysis.

        אמי נחמיה שופמן ואליעזר ויצטום

        Cannabis Has Dangerous Implications for Mental Health 

        Emi Shufman, Eliezer Witztum


        Jerusalem Institute for Treatment of Substance Abuse, Kfar Shaul Mental Health Center, Jerusalem and Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        Accepting and forgiving attitudes to the use of cannabis in its various forms, such as marijuana or hashish, are not justified, as they may result in dangerous mental health consequences.

        A theoretical framework for this opinion is provided, including information on the various forms of cannabis available. Case studies presented exemplify possible complications resulting from use of cannabis or its derivatives.

        אפרת ברון-הרלב, בנימין זאבי ובן-ציון גרטי

        Pulmonary Involvement in Osler- Weber-Rendu Syndrome 

        Efrat Bron-Harlev, Benjamin Zeevi, Ben-Zion Garty


        Dept. of Medicine B and Cardiac Catheterization Unit, Schneider Children's Medical Center, Petah Tikva


        Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (Osler-Weber-Ren-du syndrome) is a group of autosomal dominant diseases with variable penetration, characterized by vascular malformations. Recently hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia has been found to be a phenotypic expression of mutations in genes located on chromosomes 9 and 12, and possibly of other genes located on other chromosomes.

        We describe 2 patients with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia and pulmonary involvement who presented with repeated complaints of dyspnea and cyanosis and were diagnosed as having long-standing asthma. Both were treated with therapeutic catheterization and embolization with good clinical outcomes.

        פז יצחקי

        Tubulo-Interstitial Nephritis and Uveitis - TINU Syndrome


        Paz Yitzhaki


        Dept. of Medicine A, Rambam Medical Center, Haifa


        Acute tubulo-interstitial nephritis and uveitis (TINU syndrome) in a 53-year-old woman is reported. This rare syndrome was described 27 years ago by Dobrin et al. Since then about 50 cases have been described. The syndrome can appear at any age but most patients are under 20 years; about 75% are females. Clinical characteristics include fatigue, general malaise, weight loss, fever, night sweats, anorexia, nausea and vomiting, pallor, nocturia, polyuria, arthralgia and skin rash. Ocular involvement usually includes anterior uveitis but is sometimes posterior; in most cases the uveitis is bilateral.

        The characteristic laboratory findings are anemia, rapid sedimentation rate, decreased glomerular filtration rate with increased serum creatinine and urea. Total protein is increased because of polyclonal gammopathy and elevated b2-microglobulin. Urinalysis characteristically reveals proteinuria and b2-microglobulinuria. The histopathologic features on renal biopsy are characteristic of tubulo-interstitial nephritis. Uveitis can precede, accompany or follow onset of the nephropathy.

        The pathogenesis and etiology of the syndrome are as yet unknown. Treatment consists of large doses of corticosteroids, but the necessity for treatment is unclear, since there is evidence of spontaneous improvement. Although the prognosis of the nephropathy is favorable and most cases are reversible, the uveitis tends to recur.

        פברואר 2000

        עדי רון, שמחה מיזל, מיירה שפירו-פיינברג וצבי קליין

        Cortical Blindness Following Coronary Angiography 

        Addie Ron, Simcha Meisel, Myra Shapiro-Feinberg,Herman O. Klein


        Depts. of Medicine, Cardiology and Diagnostic Imaging,Meir Medical Center, Kfar Saba


        Cortical blindness has been occasionally reported as a complication after cerebral angiography, but is rare after coronary angiography. The contrast agent is believed to be responsible for the sudden development of blindness. Although the exact mechanism is unknown, it appears that the contrast agent disrupts the blood brain barrier, mostly in the occipital areas.

        We report a 77-year-old man who suddenly developed transient, bilateral cortical blindness 4 hours after coronary angiography. Using contrast enhancement, the CT scan showed typical, symmetrical involvement of both occipital lobes. There were no other neurological deficits. Vision and CT findings returned to normal within 48 hours.

        עפר קרן, פלביה שטיינברג, עמירם כץ וניר גלעדי

        Botulin Toxin for Spasticity in Spinal Cord Damage


        Ofer Keren, Flabia Shinberg, Amiram Catz, Neer Giladi


        Loewenstein Rehabilitation Hospital, Ra'anana; Movement Disorder Unit, Tel Aviv Medical Center; and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Therapeutic injection of botulin toxin is well-recognized for reducing tonus in local dystonia. However, its efficacy in reducing spasticity in spinal cord injuries is still unproven. 4 men and 1 woman (mean age 39 years, range 20-56) with spinal cord injury and debilitating spasticity, and no response to standard treatment for spasticity received injections of botulin, 200-300 U, into 4-8 points in their legs to block muscle-nerve synapses.

        In all 5 tonus was reduced in the area of the block, while in some it was also reduced in more distal muscles. In 1 there was reduced tonus in both the injected and contralateral leg. The therapeutic effect on tonus persisted for 3 months. In spite of objective improvement in tonus in all 5, only 3 felt subjective improvement, but in none was there improvement on standard functional scaling.

        We found injection of botulin toxin effective in reducing tonus in the spinal cord-injured, and to some extent in improving subjective feeling of well-being in some of them. Obective measurement might show functional improvement after larger doses of toxin injected into more muscles. This might be necessary because the muscle mass of the legs is large and the intensity of involuntary contraction is especially high in these patients.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303