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        תוצאת חיפוש

        נובמבר 1997

        מרינה שנק, שמעון וייצמן, טובה ליפשיץ ובן ציון ביידנר

        Penetrating Ocular Injuries: a Retrospective Study


        M. Schneck, S. Weitzman, T. Lifshitz, B. Biedner


        Dept. of Ophthalmology, and Epidemiology and Health Services Evaluation Unit, Soroka Medical Center and Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        Penetrating injuries of the eye are an important cause of unilateral visual loss. We studied a series of 82 cases of penetrating injuries treated here from 1987 through 1993. The injuries were caused by sharp objects in 66% and blunt trauma in 6%. The prognosis after a penetrating injury is greatly influenced by the nature of the injury and the extent of the initial drainage. Among factors associated with an unfavorable visual outcome were diminished preoperative visual acuity and scleral wounds with dense vitreous hemorrhage.

        בן-עמי סלע, טלי לרמן-שגיא ומתי ברקוביץ

        Carnitine Deficiency in Inborn Errors of Metabolism


        B.-A. Sela, T. Lerman-Sagie, M. Berkovitz


        Institute of Chemical Pathology, Chaim Sheba Medical Center and Section of Clinical Biochemistry, Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University; Pediatric Neurology Unit, Wolfsohn Medical Center, Holon; and Children's Ambulatory Clinic, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Zrifin


        Several conditions, considered as inborn errors of metabolism, involve severe deficiencies in carnitine in both plasma and muscle. In the absence of evidence suggesting primary carnitine deficiency due to a biosynthetic enzymatic defect in the liver, the various diseases with carnitine deficiency are related to genetic defects in organic acid metabolism leading to blocked mitochondrial b oxidation. We describe a 4.5-year-old boy and 2 female infants with glutaric aciduria type I, isovaleric acidemia, and long-chain acid dehydrogenase deficiency, in whom severe carnitine deficiency was apparent. In all 3, long-term carnitine treatment proved to be vital and eliminated most of the symptoms.

        לוטפי ג'אבר, אורלי רומנו ומרדכי שוחט

        Consanguinity among Arabs in Israel


        Lutfi Jaber, Orli Romano, Mordechai Shohat


        Bridge to Peace Community, Taiba Pediatric Center; Schneider Children's Medical Center (Beilinson Campus), Petah Tikva and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        In a previous nationwide study, we examined the rate of consanguineous matings in the Israeli Arab community. The average inbreeding coefficient was 0.0192, much higher than that reported for the general population of Israel, 0.0038 in 1956-7. The inbreeding coefficients of 69 Arab villages, towns and cities (excluding the Bedouin in the South) were determined. Knowledge of the inbreeding coefficients of the various local populations is of value for geneticists, pediatricians and gynecologists and for planning suitable health programs.

        תלמה הנדלר, רז גרוס, אלינור גושן, מאיר פייבל, שמואל הירשמן, צילה ש. צבס, לאון גרינהאוס ויוסף זהר

        Brain Imaging and its Clinical Application in Psychiatry


        Talma Hendler, Raz Gross, Elinor Goshen, Meir Faibel, Shmuel Hirshmann, Tzila S. Zwass, Leon Grunhaus, Joseph Zohar


        Psychiatry Unit, Nuclear Medicine Institute and Diagnostic Radiology Dept., Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        The common structural and functional brain imaging techniques are described from a practical, clinical point of view. The clinical indications for brain imaging in psychiatry are reviewed in relation to the specific limitations and advantages of each technique. The clinical applications of computerized tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and single photon emission computerized tomography (SPECT) are discussed in relation to the differential diagnosis between organic and functional psychiatric disorders. In a 55-year-old man with late onset of behavioral changes but without neurological signs the application of structural brain imaging (CT and MRI) in case management was demonstrated. The imaging findings involved the differential diagnosis between depression and focal brain lesions. In a 38-year-old man with personality changes and depression following a traumatic brain injury, time interval repeated functional brain imaging (SPECT) was used. Brain imaging reflected improvement in clinical status following treatment and was able to differentiate between reversible and permanent traumatic brain injuries. The superior yield of time interval repeated functional imaging in diagnosis and management of postconcussion syndrome is discussed.

        אוקטובר 1997

        אורה שובמן, יעקב ג'ורג' ויהודה שינפלד

        Q Fever Endocarditis and Bicuspid Aortic Valve


        Ora Shovman, Jacob George, Yehuda Shoenfeld


        Medial Dept. B and Autoimmune Disease Research Unit, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer and Sackler of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Q fever is caused by the rickettsia Coxiella burnetti, an obligate intracellular bacterium acquired by inhalation of infected dust from subclinically infected animals. Q fever may be acute or chronic; the chronic form mostly presents as endocarditis. Immunocompromised states and underlying heart disease are the most important risk factors. Usually the symptoms of Q fever endocarditis are nonspecific and diagnosis is often established very late. New criteria for diagnosis include a single blood culture positive for Coxiella burnetti, positive Q fever serology and characteristic echocardiographic studies. We describe a 49-year-old man with bicuspid aortic valve admitted with fever, weight loss and a new heart murmur. The diagnosis of Q fever endocarditis was established by positive Q fever serology, and an echocardiogram showing vegetations and valvular dysfunction. This case suggests that Q fever endocarditis should be considered in patients with "sterile" endocarditis.

        איתמר גרוטו, יוסי מנדל, יצחק אשכנזי ויהושע שמר

        Epidemiological Characteristics of Outbreaks of Diarrhea and Food Poisoning in the Israel Defense Forces


        I. Grotto, Y. Mandel, I. Ashkenazi, J. Shemer


        Army Health Branch, IDF Medical Corps and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Acute infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and food poisoning are problems of great importance in the Israel Defense Force (IDF). They involve individual and epidemic morbidity, with impairment of health of individual soldiers and in the activities of units. Outbreaks of gastrointestinal infectious diseases must be reported to the IDF army health branch, which conducts epidemiological investigation. This study is based on data from yearly epidemiological reports for 1978-1989, and from a computerized database for the years 1990-1995. The incidence of outbreaks is characterized by an unstable trend, It was highest at the end of the 80's (68.3 per 100,000 soldiers on active duty) and lowest for the last 2 years (1994-1995, 36.3 per 100,000). The incidence of soldiers involved in food-borne outbreaks has been more stable, constantly declining during the course of the years. There was marked seasonality with a peak in the summer months. Sporadic morbidity was constant in 1990-1995, with a yearly attack rate of 60% in soldiers on active duty. Shigella strains were the leading cause of outbreaks until 1993, while in 1994-1995 their proportion decreased, with an increase in the proportion of Salmonella strains. As to Staphylococcus aureus, its role in causing food poisoning has been characterized by marked changes. Shigella sonnei replaced Shigella flexneri as the leading strain. 73.3% of outbreaks were small, with fewer than 40 soldiers involved, while 5.4% of outbreaks affected more than 100 soldiers. Outbreaks in which a bacterial agent was identified or which occurred in new-recruit bases were larger than those in which a bacterial agent was not identified, or which occurred in active field unit bases. In conclusion, the rates of infectious disease of the gastrointestinal tract are still high, although there has been a marked decrease since 1994. The incidence of outbreaks has also decreased, as well as the role of Shigella as a leading causative agent.

        ספטמבר 1997

        שושנה וייס

        Urgent Need for Prevention of Alcohol Drinking among Arab Youth


        Shoshana Weiss


        Dept. of Prevention, Israel Society for the Prevention of Alcoholism


        A study was conducted in the winter of 1996 among 2,220 Arab adolescents in northern Israel. This fourth study among Arab youth dealt with frequency of drinking and amounts of alcohol drunk during a drinking bout. Among Christian, Druze and Moslem males there were 81.72%, 49.61% and 31.93%, respectively, who drank. The figures for females were 36.75%, 11.25% and 12.78%. About 4% of Moslem males drank 5 drinks or more consecutively, daily or every 2-3 days. The need for preventive efforts in the Arab sector is stressed.

        דן צרור, עודד זמיר, רפאל יודסין, עמוס פרומן, תניר אלוייס והרברט ר' פרוינד

        Nissen Fundoplication by Laparoscopy


        Dan Seror, Oded Zamir, Raphael Udassin, Amos Vromen, Tanir M. Allweis, Herbert R. Freund


        Depts. of Surgery and Pediatric Surgery, Hadassah-University Hospital, Mount Scopus, Jerusalem


        Short term results following laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication were evaluated in 31 patients with symptomatic gastroesophageal reflux. 6 were females and 26 males, and they ranged in age from 5 months to 64 years (mean: 4.9 years in 19 younger than 18 years, and 39.3 years in 12 adults). Most of the adults who complained of pain and heartburn underwent pH monitoring, endoscopy, and manometry as needed. Milk scan was the most useful diagnostic tool for the evaluation of the children, who suffered mainly from gastroesophageal-related pulmonary disease. Indications for laparoscopic operation were identical with those for conventional open Nissen fundoplication. 1 case of dysautonomia died postoperatively; the rate of complications, mostly minor, was 22.5%. 3 patients required conversion to open Nissen fundoplication due to cardiorespiratory instability secondary to pneumothorax in 2, and to esophageal perforation in the third. 5 adults developed temporary dysphagia. 3 children had only partial improvement in their pulmonary disease following the operation, while the other 15 had complete relief. The total time for the laparoscopic operation averaged 245 minutes in adults, and 228 in children. Discharge was usually on the fourth postoperative day in adults (mean: 6.0 days). Regurgitation and heartburn were cured in 10 out of 11 adults (91%). All parents of children were satisfied. Symptomatic outcomes following laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication compare favorably with those of open surgery with respect to mortality, complications, and outcome.

        אוגוסט 1997

        ג'וליה ברדה, דינו ברנשטיין, שגית ארבל-אלון, חיים זכות ויוסף מנצ'ר

        Gynecologic Problems of the Lower Genital Tract in Children and Young Adolescents


        Giulia Barda, Dino Bernstein, Sagit Arbel-Alon, Haim Zakut, Joseph Menczer


        Dept of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Edith Wolfson Medical Center, Holon and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Hospital records of 46 girls under the age of 17 years, hospitalized for lower genital tract problems in 1986-95 were reviewed. The most common conditions were results of unintentional injuries (43.5%), imperforate hymen (28.2%) and infections (19.6%). The median age for unintentional injuries was significantly lower than for other conditions (7.0 vs 11.4; p<0.001). Most injuries were external and occurred during outdoor activities. Mean volume of estimated bloody fluid drained in those with imperforate hymen was greater when the diagnosis was made after the age of 12 (783 vs 433; not significant). It has been suggested that hematocolpos and hematometra should be prevented, but the possible unfavorable sequelae have not been documented. The relative order of frequency of the various diagnostic groupings and the diagnoses of labial adhesions and imperforate hymen are specific for the age of the study group.

        יולי 1997

        ד' זמיר, ק' זינגר, י' ירחובסקי, צ' פיירמן, ר' מג'דלה, ל' זליקובסקי, ג' ברטל ופ' וינר

        Gastrointestinal Angiodysplasia


        D. Zamir, C. Zinger, J. Jarchovski, Z. Fireman, R. Magadle, L. Zelikovski, G. Bartal, P. Weiner


        Depts. of Medicine A and B, and Gastroenterology and Nuclear Institutes, Hillel Yaffe Medical Center, Hadera


        Gastrointestinal angiodysplasia is a cause of gastrointestinal bleeding in the elderly, for which surgery has been the only treatment. Estrogen has been reported beneficial in some cases in the past decade. Recurrent bleeding due to angiodysplasia occurred from the small intestine in a 75-year-old woman, and from the right colon in a 91-year-old man. The diagnoses were made by angiography in the first case and colonoscopy and erythrocyte- scanning in the second. There was aortic stenosis in both, a combination which has been reported in other cases. Both patients improved with estrogen therapy. However, after temporary stabilization, gastrointestinal bleeding recurred in the second patient and he was successfully operated on.

        עליזה זיידמן, יוסף גרדין, זינאידה פראידה, גרשון פינק ומשה מיטלמן

        Therapeutic and Toxic Theophylline Levels in Asthma Attacks


        Aliza Zeidman, Joseph Gardyn, Zinaida Fradin, Gershon Fink, Moshe Mittelman


        Dept. of Medicine B, Rabin Medical Center, Golda (Hasharon) Campus and Pulmonary Institute, Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson Campus, Petah Tikva; and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Although first-line therapy for bronchial asthma has changed over the past decade to anti-inflammatory medication such as inhaled corticosteroids and cromolyn with possible addition of beta-agonists, theophylline is still useful and therefor widely used. However, several studies have raised serious questions regarding its efficacy in acute asthmatic exacerbations. These studies, the narrow therapeutic range of the drug, the frequency of side effects and interactions with common drugs, and individual variation in clearance and metabolism, have prompted its reevaluation in the management of asthma. Therapeutic serum levels of theophylline are between 10 to 20 mcg/ml. Most adults achieve these concentrations with daily slow-release oral theophylline preparations, 200-400 mg (approximately 10 mg/Kg) twice a day. However, when such a patient presents to the emergency room (ER) in an asthmatic attack, immediate intravenous theophylline is often given, regardless of maintenance treatment. Since the rationale for this common therapeutic approach has been challenged, the current study was undertaken. Serum theophylline levels were measured in 23 consecutive asthmatics presenting to the ER in an acute attack. 15 (68%) had therapeutic levels (above 10 mcg/ml) and 2 had toxic levels (above 20 mcg/ml), prior to receiving the standard intravenous theophylline dose given for an attack. These data indicate that most patients with bronchial asthma on oral maintenance theophylline do not require additional intravenous theophylline when in an attack. It probably will not benefit them and may even induce serious theophylline toxicity.

        יוני 1997

        דורון מרימס, דורון זילברמן, ליליאנה לופו ועמנואל סיקולר

        Embolic Splenic Infarction: A Rare Complication of Atrial Fibrillation


        Doron Merims, Doron Zilberman, Liliana Lupu, Emanuel Sikuler


        Depts. of Medicine B and Radiology, Soroka Medical Center and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        Splenic infarction is a rare disorder. The typical clinical presentation is sudden pain in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen, and awareness to this possibility is the major clue for diagnosis. We describe a 49-year-old man with chronic atrial fibrillation and splenomegaly who was treated with anticoagulants. Because of hematuria, the regular dose of anticoagulant therapy was reduced. The hematuria stopped but he complained of sudden onset of pain in the left upper quadrant. Computerized tomography and isotope scan of the spleen confirmed the clinical suspicion of splenic infarction. Treatment with anticoagulants and analgesics was followed by clinical improvement.

        ר' אברהמי, מ' לוינסון, מ' חדד וא' זליקובסקי

        Traumatic Common Carotid-Internal Jugular Fistula: Positive Aspect


        R. Avrahami, M. Liverson, M. Haddad, A. Zelikovsky


        Dept. of Vascular Surgery and Anesthesia, Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson Campus, Petah Tikva and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        A 42-year-old man presented with a penetrating neck injury from a pellet gun. Physical examination showed an open 1 cm wound on the right side of the neck, hematoma of the right sternocleidomastoid muscle, and carotid artery injury. He was hemodynamically stable and there was no neurological deficit. Arteriogram of the neck disclosed a pseudoaneurysm with an arteriovenous fistula between the common carotid artery and internal jugular vein. At surgery, the tears in the carotid artery and jugular vein were sutured and a vacuum drain was introduced. The postoperative course was uneventful, and the patient was discharged 5 days later. Instead of the expected results of a penetrating carotid artery injury, such as blood loss, airway obstruction or neurological deficit, the arteriovenous fistula caused by the pellet actually saved the patient's life. Blood flow from the artery via the pseudoaneurysm to the jugular vein kept the patient in stable condition.

        איתי שביט, יהודית דימנט, שרית רביד ונעים שחאדה

        Hyponatremia due to Prolonged Excessive Ingestion of Water


        I. Shavit, J. Diment, S. Ravid, N. Shehadeh


        Dept. of Pediatrics A, Rambam Medical Center and Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa


        We report a 1.5-year-old boy admitted for restlessness and constipation. He was found to have hyponatremia caused by voluntary drinking of excessive amounts of water. Although unusual in children, intoxication by oral water is a recognized clinical syndrome in infants, 3-6 months old, fed with dilute formula. Water intoxication in older children is rare. The diagnosis was established by the water deprivation test.

        פלטיאל וינר, דורון זמיר ומרינלה בקרמן

        Inhaled Budesonide for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease


        Paltiel Weiner, Doron Zamir, Marinella Beckerman


        Medical Dept A, Hillel Yaffe Medical Center, Hadera


        A significant, large minority of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) respond favorably to corticosteroid treatment; but the benefit may be outweighed by its side effects. Long-term administration of inhaled steroids is a safe means of treatment. We hypothesized that treatment with inhaled budesonide would improve clinical symptoms and pulmonary function in subjects with COPD, and that the response to an inhaled B2-agonist would individualize steroid responders. In 44 patients with stable COPD in a double- blind crossover trial, we compared a 6-week course of inhalations of 800 mg/d budesonide with a placebo, separated by a 4-week interval when no medication was taken. In 33 out of 42 responders to the B2-agonist who remained in the study, there was a significant improvement in FEV1 of greater than 20% following budesonide inhalation, as compared to placebo. There was also a significant difference between the 2 periods of treatment as to the mean number of B2-agonist inhalations. We conclude that about 1/4 of patients with stable COPD respond to bronchodilators, and treatment with inhaled steroids improves spirometry data and inhaled B2-agonist consumption in about 3/4.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303