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        תוצאת חיפוש

        יולי 1999

        ירון צלאל, דורון קרייזר, דוד סוריאנו וראובן אחירון

        Sonographic Demonstration of a Levonorgestrel-Releasing LUD


        Yaron Zalel, Doron Kreizer, David Soriano, Reuven Achiron


        Ultrasound Unit, Obstetrics and Gynecologic Dept., Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Mirena, a new intra-uterine device (IUD) introduced in Israel during the past year, releases 20 mcg/day of levonorgestrel for 5 years. It has the advantages of reduced pregnancy rates and diminished menstrual blood loss, together with a low risk of pelvic inflammatory disease compared with current IUD's.


        It has a typical sonographic appearance, differing from that of regular IUD's, which was demonstrated in all 15 women examined in this study. Its sonographic appearance includes both proximal and distal ends of the vertical arm of the device, which extend into the internal cervical os and fundal region, respectively. Acoustic shadowing between both ends defines the location of the device, which should help avoid consultations due to "lost IUD's."

        דורון זמיר, יוסף ויצמן, חן זמיר, צבי פיירמן ופלטיאל וינר

        Mesalamine-Induced Hyper- Sensitivity Pneumonitis


        D. Zamir, J. Weizman, C. Zamir, Z. Fireman, P. Weiner


        Dept. of Medicine A and Gastroenterology Unit, Hillel Yaffe Medical Center, Hadera and Hadera Subdistrict Health Office


        A 23-year-old woman was admitted with a history of 2 weeks of cough, fever and bilateral lung infiltrates. She had been diagnosed 2 months before as having ulcerative proctitis and was treated with mesalamine, which induced a full remission, but 3 antibiotic regimens failed to improve her lung disease.


        Since computerized tomography revealed bilateral peripheral lung infiltrates and her eosinophile count was elevated, the diagnosis of drug-induced eosinophilic pneumonia was suggested. Mesalamine and antibiotics were stopped and oral corticosteroids begun. She became almost asymptomatic a week after mesalamine withdrawal, and the x-ray became normal.

        אמיר הלקין, דינה לב, עודד סולד, פיליפ בידרמן, שרה בולוצ'ניק, פנחס הלפרן ופטריק סורקין

        Severe Heat Stroke in an Intensive Care Unit


        Amir Halkin, Dina Lev, Oded Szold, Philip Bidermann, Sarah Bulocnic, Pinchas Halpern, Patrick Sorkine


        Depts. of Medicine and Surgery, and Intensive Care Unit, Tel Aviv Medical Center


        During the August 1998 heat wave in Tel Aviv we admitted many patients for acute heat-related illness; 6 had severe heat stroke and were admitted in critical condition. We describe their clinical courses during the first 5 days of hospitalization, including response to treatment and implications for future management of this disorder.


        The mean APACHE II score of the 6 was 30±3.5 and mean Glasgow Coma Scale rating 3.5±0.5; they were in hypovolemic shock and respiratory failure, necessitating mechanical ventilation. Despite early effective therapy (core temperature in all was reduced to less than 398C in less than 1 hour), there was 1 death (mortality 15%) and 4 required further intensive care for life-threatening multiple organ failure.


        During severe heat waves a significant number of referrals for acute heat-related illness must be anticipated, possibly overwhelming admission capacity of regional intensive-care units. Severe heat stroke complicated by multi-organ failure is not necessarily related to prior physical activity. Although important in determining prognosis, early treatment does not prevent severe complications. Mechanisms regulating body heat may remain disturbed for days following early treatment and apparent stabilization, mandating continued hospitalization.

        יוני 1999

        ג'ורג' חביב וליאון כהן

        Many Faces of Parvovirus


        George Habib, Leon Cohen


        Carmel Medical Center, Haifa


        2 women, aged 31 and 37 years, respectively, suffered from acute febrile illness due to acute infection with human parvovirus B19. 1 also had a maculopapular rash and articular symptoms after her fever stopped, a clinical picture typical of erythema infections. The other had leukopenia and thrombocytopenia and had received dipyrone. Although acute infection with human parvovirus usually occurs in childhood, it may also occur in adults, with protean manifestations.

        יעקב פלדמן, ליאורה פלג ואברהם ירצקי

        Clinical, Social and Economic Aspects of Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment


        Jacob Feldman, Liora Peleg, Abraham Yaretzky


        Geriatric Dept., Sapir Medical Center, Kfar Saba, and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        It is well known that maelderly patients are referred to nursing homes because of "functional decline" without being thoroughly in. We studied 9 elderly patients, all referred to hospital due to functional decline and diagnosed as follows: spinal stenosis - 2 cases, depression - 3, thyrotoxicosis -1, Parkinson -1, polypharmacy and congestive heart failure -1 patient each. Proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment prevent unnecessary hospitalization in nursing homes. Our study is meant to draw attention to this crucial aspect of geriatric medicine.

        צבי גרוסמן, ארנסטו קאהן, שמואל גרוס, שי אשכנזי ואיתמר שליט

        Pediatric Research in an Office-Setting Network


        Zahi Grossman, Ernesto Kahan, Samuel Gross, Shai Ashkenazi, Itamar Shalit


        Kupat Holim Maccabi, Tel Aviv; Israel Ambulatory Pediatric Association; Dept. of Family Medicine, Tel Aviv University; and Schneider Children's Medical Center, Petah Tikva


        Pediatric care in the community is gradually replacing traditional care in hospitals. Despite that, research activity in the community setting is minimal due to objective difficulties. These are mainly constraints of time, office work and lack of research-supporting logistics. In the past decade, throughout the world, primary physicians interested in research have grouped together and formed research networks. The aim of such networks is to support and promote research in the community.


        An Israel Pediatric Research in Office-Setting network (IPROS) was established 2 years ago by the Israel Ambulatory Pediatric Association (IAPA). Today, there are over 140 pediatricians listed in IPROS, representing the heterogeneous composition of pediatricians in Israel. The network's policy is defined by a joint steering committee. The committee is composed of IAPA representatives, senior network members and Schneider Hospital senior investigators. The research subjects are diverse, and represent common practical issues.


        Effective intra-net communication is vital to the existence of the network, and is accomplished by 3 modalities: 1) semiannual updates by mail, 2) e-mail, using an electronic mailing list to facilitate connection between members, 3) semi-annual meetings. Research budgets are derived from public sources like the Ministry of Health and IAPA, and private sources such as pharmaceutical companies. The administration of the network is supported by Schneider Children's Medical Center, and financed by IAPA.

        אריאל המרמן, רמונה רותם, נפתלי מידן ואבי פורת

        Impact of Clinical Pharmacist on Drug Therapy in Medical Departments


        Ariel Hamerman, Rimona Rotem, Naftali Meidan, Avi Porath


        Pharmacy Services, Hospital Management and Medical Dept. F, Soroka University Medical Center, Beer Sheba


        Several studies have documented the impact of clinical pharmacy services on patient care and drug costs in hospital wards. However most hospitals in Israel do not provide such services and until recently their benefits in local health care have not been demonstrated. We therefor determined whether the activity of a pharmacist in the medical department of a medical center leads to improved quality of drug utilization and reduced costs.


        During the first 3 months of the clinical pharmacist's work all interventions and consultation were documented. The effect of these interventions on drug costs was calculated by the change in drug acquisition costs during the study period compared with those of preceding months, as well as in the other 5 medical departments of the hospital without clinical pharmacy services.


        During the study period the pharmacist joined 44 clinical rounds in which he documented 40 consultations in response to physicians' requests for drug information and 42 interventions on his own initiative. The pharmacist's recommendations were accepted in 38 of the 42 cases (90%). In 10 cases the pharmacist's initiative in improving the quality of drug therapy led to an increase in drug acquisition costs. However, the overall drug costs during the study period decreased 12.6%. During the same period drug costs in the other medical departments decreased only 2.2%.


        The results of this study conform with those of many other studies that show a beneficial impact of the clinical pharmacist on the quality of drug therapy and on drug costs. They indicate that the clinical pharmacist can play a crucial role in the medical department.

        אריה איזנמן ורפאל עינת

        Superficial Skin Necrosis in Short Bowel Syndrome


        Arie Eisenman, Rafael Enat


        Dept. of Medicine B, Rambam Medical Center and Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, The Technion, Haifa


        Short bowel syndrome causes a complex of symptoms due to compromise of small intestinal nutrient absorption. A 60-year-old woman underwent major resection of the small intestine due to a road accident 3 years ago. The sole manifestation of short-bowel-syndrome was superficial skin necrosis due to vitamin K deficiency. She was asymptomatic for a long time, until treatment with antibiotics further intensified initially subclinical malabsorption.

        It is not clear why there had been no other symptoms and why the main impact was on the fibrinolytic system rather than the coagulation system, as is usually the case. It is recommended that patients after major resection of the small intestine be closely monitored for coagulation function if an oral antibiotic is prescribed.

        רון מימון, אלי דרייזין, יוסי טובבין, צבי וינראוב ואריה הרמן

        Outcome in Fetuses with Increased Nuchal Translucency Thickness


        Ron Maymon, Eli Dreazen, Yosi Tovbin, Zwi Weinraub, Arie Herman


        Ultrasound Unit, Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Zerifin and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Increased thickness of fetal nuchal translucency (TNT) measured at 10-14 weeks of gestation, may suggest underlying fetal chromosomal defects, structural abnormalities or genetic syndromes. We examined the relationship between increased TNT and pregnancy outcome, especially in fetuses with normal karyotypes.

        1400 pregnant women underwent first trimester scanning and screening for chromosomal abnormalities and measurement of fetal TNT. 25 fetuses (2%) with increased TNT (>3 mm) were identified. 8 (30%) had an abnormal karyotype. Of these, 5 pregnancies were aborted, 3 ended in spontaneous abortions before karyotyping, and 2 were terminated, all before detailed cardiac scanning. There was a high association between increased TNT and karyotype abnormalities. The total incidence of favorable outcome in fetuses with normal chromosomal and cardiac features but enlarged TNT was 56%.

        אולגה חילקביץ', יואב צ'פמן, בת-שבע בונה, עמוס קורצ'ין

        Prevalence of APOE 4 Allele in Israeli Ethnic Groups


        O. Hilkevich, J. Chapman, B-S. Bone, A.D. Korczyn


        Neurology Dept., Tel Aviv Medical Center, and Depts. of Physiology, Pharmacology and Human Genetics, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        The 4 allele of the APOE gene, coding for apo-lipoprotein E, is the most common genetic risk factor for Alzheimer's disease and a significant risk factor for coronary atherosclerosis. There is therefore much interest in studying its frequency in different ethnic groups.

        We examined its frequency in Jews originating from Libya, Buchara and Ethiopia and in Jews of Sepharadi and Ashkenazi origins. Its frequency among Ethiopian immigrants was 0.27, significantly higher than in the other groups, in which the frequency was between 0.067 and 0.10. These differences in allele frequency may serve as a basis for future studies in Israel to assess the relative contributions of genetic and environmental factors to the incidence of dementia.

        מאי 1999

        צבי שטיינר, אשר פרסמן וג'ורג' מוגילנר

        Combined Sclerotherapy and Surgery for Huge Cervical Lymphangioma


        Zvi Steiner, Asher Pressman, Jorge Mogilner


        Dept. of Pediatric Surgery, B'nei Zion Medical Center and Faculty of Medicine, Technion Institute of Technology, Haifa


        Lymphangioma is a benign developmental anomaly of the lymphatic system located in about 40% of cases in the neck and usually completely resectable. In some cases it invades adjacent structures such as the larynx, pharynx, or tongue. In such cases it is almost impossible to resect completely, as this would endanger vital structures.

        We describe a baby born with a huge cervical lymphangioma which invaded the tongue, larynx, pharynx and other cervical structures. He was treated with bleomycin and aethoxysklerol. The sclerotherapy shrank the lymphangioma considerably and it became resectable. At 2 years of age the cosmetic result is good and vital function, such as swallowing and facial expression, are preserved.

        פלטיאל וינר, יוסף ויצמן, רסמי מג'דלה, נועה ברר-ינאי ובני פלד

        Effect of Specific Inspiratory Muscle Training on Dyspnea and Exercise Tolerance in Congestive Heart Failure


        Paltiel Weiner, Joseph Waizman, Rasmi Magadle, Noa Berar-Yanay, Benny Pelled


        Depts. of Medicine A and Cardiology, Hillel Yaffe Medical Center, Hadera


        It has been shown that the inspiratory muscles of patients with congestive heart failure (CHF) are weaker than normal. This weakness may contribute to dyspnea and limit exercise capacity. But respiratory muscles can be trained for increase in both strength and endurance. This study was designed to evaluate the effect of specific inspiratory muscle training (SIMT) on muscular performance, lung function, dyspnea and exercise capacity in moderate heart failure.

        10 patients with CHF (NYHA functional class II-III) received 1/2 hour of SIMT daily, 6 times/week, for 3 months. They started breathing at a resistance 15% of their Pimax for 1 week and the resistance was then increased incrementally to 60%. Spirometry, inspiratory muscle strength and endurance, and the 12-minute walk test were performed before and after the training period. All showed an increase in inspiratory muscle strength and endurance. This was associated with a small but significant increase in FVC, a significant increase in the distance walked (458±29 to 562±32 m, p<0.01), and improvement in the dyspnea index score.

        SIMT resulted in increased inspiratory muscle strength and endurance. This increase was associated with decreased dyspnea and an increase in submaximal exercise capacity. SIMT may prove to be useful complementary therapy in CHF.

        חנה ארד, חנה גבע, ואלרי רוזין, רות קיבריק ויצחק קרש

        Home Palliative Care of Terminal Cancer Patients, with Family Feedback


        Hana Arad, Hana Geva, Valery Rosin, Ruth Kibrik, Isaac Kersz


        Home Care Unit of Kupat Holim Haklalit, HaEmek Medical Center, Afula and Quality Improvement Unit, Rambam Medical Center, Haifa


        Palliative care of terminal cancer patients is one of the tasks of our Home Care Unit. Increasing hospitalization costs have brought forward the decision to treat them at home, assuming that they would prefer to return and die in their natural surroundings, among family.


        Most of our patients are aged, recent immigrants from the Soviet Union, of low socioeconomic status; most live with their close families. Our care model combines social, cultural, economic, medical and nursing aspects. More patients choose to die at home, and that is where costs are minimal. Care management and characteristics of 44 terminal cancer patients, who died between January and October 1996, are described. Living with a family was not required for treatment at home. Length of care by the unit ranged from 1-48 weeks, with an average of 8.5 and a median of 6. 55% of patients were hospitalized, most (58%) for 5-9 days for noncancerous diseases, and then discharged home. 54% died at home, a third were hospitalized for 2-17 days before death. Compared to the average length of stay in palliative care oncology wards, 1044 days and more than NIS 500,000 were saved.


        A telephone survey examined families' satisfaction with various components of care. 92% were satisfied with the home treatment. 79%-82% felt that the nurse and doctor of the team met their needs and expectations. Half the families were satisfied with the treatment of pain. Families in which treatment was 24 weeks or more were generally less satisfied than those with shorter treatment at home. We learned that an early entry into treatment is necessary; hospital referral criteria should consider to a greater extent the coping ability of families; nursing aid hours should be increased and professional emotional support added; additional pain control methods should be used. All these would strengthen families, improve quality of care, and contribute to additional savings by decreasing hospital stay.

        גדעון פרת, רון בן אברהם, סוזנה ברמן, אמיר ורדי, רן הראל, יוסי מניסטרסקי וזוהר ברזילי

        Prognostic Implications in Pediatric Head Injuries


        Gideon Paret, Ron Ben Abraham, Susana Berman, Amir Vardi, Rami Harel, Yossi Manisterski, Zohar Barzilay


        Depts. of Pediatric Intensive Care and of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        An unselected series of 200 consecutive cases of major head trauma in children aged 6 months to 16 years, seen during 4 years, was studied. Injuries were due to road accidents (40%), falls (30.5%) and other causes (29.5%), and were assessed clinically and by cranial CT.


        On admission the Glasgow Coma Score ranged from 4.72-11.65 and in addition to pupillary responses and brain stem reflexes, was a significant predictor of outcome. Brain edema, midline shift, intracranial hemorrhage and also hyperglycemia, hypokalemia and coagulopathy, were associated with poor outcome. While 17% died, 53% were discharged in good functional condition.


        Early identification of clinical features related to prognosis can help the caring team provide maximal support for patient and family.

        אירנה ציקונוב וישראל פוסטמן

        Monocytic Ehrlichiosis - An Emerging Pathogen


        Irena Zikonov, Israel Potasman


        Dept. of Internal Medicine A and Infectious Disease Unit, B'nai Zion Medical Center and Technion Faculty of Medicine, Haifa


        Ehrlichiosis is an emerging zoonotic disease transmitted to man by ticks. Its clinical features include fever, headache, myalgia, nausea and rash. The diagnosis requires a high index of suspicion; the disease has a specific serology, and has never been reported in Israel.

        We describe a 52-year-old man hospitalized with fever, a diffuse rash, arthralgia and epididymitis. Skin biopsy disclosed necrotizing small vessel disease consistent with periarteritis nodosa. Acute phase serum titer for E. chaffeensis was 1:256. Fever promptly subsided following ciprofloxacin.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303