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  • עברית (HE)
  • מה תרצו למצוא?

        תוצאת חיפוש

        מאי 2001

        נטע בנטור ואביבית מועלם

        The Effect on Family Members of Treating Home-Hospitalized Patients


        Netta Bentur, Avivit Moualem


        JCD-Brookdale Institute, Jerusalem


        Background: In recent years, chronic patients being treated at home are being joined by increasing numbers of acute and sub-acute patients. Although there has been a considerable expansion of formal services for home hospitalization, nevertheless a significant part of the burden of caring for these patients falls on their families. Many studies have examined the effect on the family of treating chronic patients at home, but very little is known about the effects on the family caregiver of treating an acute or sub-acute patient at home.

        Goals of the study: a. To determine the main areas of care involving family members within the framework of home hospitalization. b. To assess the caregivers' sense of burden. c.To identify the causes of the feelings of burden. d. To examine the caregivers' specific difficulties. e. To identify the areas in which they are particularly interested in additional guidance.

        Methodology: The study population included 179 primary caregivers of patients registered in four home hospitalization units. The data were collected during face-to-face interviews with the primary caregivers, in the patients' homes.

        Findings: Half (49%) of the caregivers were the patients' spouses, and the rest were other family members, 67% were women. The average age was 56, and about a third were over 65. On average, they were involved in six areas of care. Fifty three percent reported that the burden they had to contend with was too heavy, 28% said it was not so heavy, and 19% said it was not heavy at all. A multi-variate analysis revealed that the feeling that the burden was too heavy had a statistically significant correlation with caring for another family member at home, being involved in 3+ areas of treatments, being married, 9+ years of education, the patients suffering from frequent pain or unable to reach the bathroom independently. Most (75%) of the caregivers reported three or more areas of burden which include the time devoted to care giving, and the effect of the treatment on the patient's health, mental and physical condition. Although 77% of them had received instruction on how to treat the patients, 29% cited at least one area in which they would have liked to receive more instruction, noting in particular the need to learn how to deal with changes in the patient's mental status.

        Conclusions: Family members caring for home-hospitalized patients require more instruction and advice from the formal agencies during the daily care of the patient, particularly in specific subjects. There is a need to develop additional instruments for advice and instruction, in a broad range of areas, in order to assist the caregivers in their complex role. There is a need to continue to examine specific areas in which the family members require additional counselling and instruction, in order to better plan these services, and help improve the quality of care for home-hospitalized patients.

        שלמה וינקר, שלמה מוניקדם, אורלי כהן, סיימון זלבסקי ואליעזר קיטאי

        The Influence of the Presence of Students on the Consultation - Attitudes of Tutors in Family Medicine Clinics


        Shlomo Vinker, Shlomo Monnickendam, Orly Cohen, Simon Zalewski and Eliezer Kitai


        Dept of Family Medicine, Sackler School of Medicine, University of Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv.


        Background: The consultation is the pivot of clinical teaching in ambulatory care. It is therefore essential that students observe the consultation. The students' presence itself influences the consultation and also requires the patients' consent. Moreover the introduction in Israel of the ``Patients' Rights Act'' in 1996 has made us more acutely aware of the place of the patient in teaching especially with regard to the consent to be part of the teaching process.

        Aim: This study was undertaken in order to investigate how tutors in family medicine perceive changes in the consultation caused by the presence of students.

        Methods: An anonymous physician questionnaire was distributed on the first day of the 6th year clinical clerkship in family medicine. The questions pertained to perceived influence on length and content of the consultation. In addition physician and patient background information was gathered; and the physicians were asked to estimate the patients' willingness to be part of the teaching process.

        Results: 46 tutors in family medicine participated, 70% of whom were female. Sixty four percent of the doctors thought that the student's presence had an influence on the consultation. Ninety one percent thought that it increased consultation length, especially of the physical part (93%). More than half thought that the student's presence might interfere with asking intimate questions. The majority held the opinion that the patient's gender and socioeconomic background were inconsequential. Ninety two percent of physicians estimated that 5% or less of the patients would refuse the presence of a student.

        In conclusion: Tutors in family medicine think that the presence of a student affects the consultation. Those involved in and responsible for teaching should take this into account. Further research of these changes with objective measurements is needed.

        מרץ 2001

        יותם לוי, אביגדור מנדלברג, ארקדי גורנשטיין, פרנסיס סרור ושמעון רייף

        The Effect of Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Therapy on Respiratory Diseases in Children


        Y. Levin1, A. Mandelberg2, A. Gornstein3, F. Srour3, S. Reif4


        1The Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, 2The Unit of Pediatric-Pulmonology, Wolfson Hospital, 3The Unit of Pediatric-Surgery, Wolfson Hospital, 4The Unit of Pediatric-Gastroenterology, Dana Children's Hospital


        In order to examine the effect of reflux therapy on Hyper Reactive Airway Disease (HRAD) and apnea severity, 107 children, 78 with HRAD and 29 with apnea, underwent pH monitoring in the Pediatric Surgery Unit of Wolfson Hospital and the Dana Children's Hospital during the years 1995-1998. Pathological reflux was defined by means of the Boix-Ochoa and RI (Reflux Index) scores. In patients with positive reflux, anti-reflux treatment was initiated. Prior to and following pH monitoring, the respiratory status of all patients (both with and without reflux) was evaluated by a pediatric pulmonologist employing commonly used scores to determine severity.

        Results: Subject age ranged between one day and 15 years (mean: 15.44±29 months, median: 6.37 months). In HRAD, following anti-reflex treatment the reflux positive group showed a significant score improvement, from an average of 2.9±1.1 units to 1.54±1.2 units (p<0.0001); a decrease in the number of patients treated with oral corticosteroids (p<0.01); a close to significant decrease (p=0.069) in the average dose of inhaled corticosteroids; and a decrease in the number of patients using bronchodilators (p=0.042). The reflux-negative group, not treated for reflux, displayed no significant improvement, with only a decrease in the severity scores from 2.44±1.0 to 1.78±1.2 units (p=0.14), and no change on any of the other parameters.

        In apnea, all patients improved, from an average score of 2.34±0.77 to 0.03±0.19 units (p<0.0001), with no significant difference between the reflux positive and the reflux negative groups.

        In view of these findings, it is postulated that anti-reflux therapy may have an additive effect on HRAD severity, beyond that of spontaneous respiratory improvement. We therefore find it appropriate for every severe HRAD patient (frequent exacerbations or high corticosteroid dose) to undergo pH monitoring in order to treat those with proven reflux. In respect to apnea, we cannot attribute any significance to the existence of reflux or to anti-reflux treatment.

        פברואר 2001

        אבי בן-הרוש, טלי זילברשטיין, מרדכי חלק ובוריס קפלן

        אבי בן-הרוש(1), טלי זילברשטיין(2), מרדכי חלק(2), בוריס קפלן(1)


        המח' לנשים ויולדות, מרכז רפואי רבין, קמפוס בילינסון, פתח תקווה(1), החטיבה למיילדות וגינקולוגיה, מרכז רפואי סורוקה, באר שבע(2)


        בסוף שנות ה-60, הציגו DriscollO וחב', מדבלין, "חבילת" טיפול וניהול פעיל ללידה ראשונה. לבד מתמיכה פסיכולוגית ומעקב צמוד לאורך הלידה, הוכנסו מספר חידושים מהפכניים; פקיעה מלאכותית של קרומי השפיר (amniotomy) ומתן אוקסיטוצין במינונים גבוהים מוקדם בתהליך הלידה, שהוגבלה ל-12 שעות בלבד. מסקנתם היתה אז, ששיטה זאת יעילה למניעת לידה ממושכת. בניגוד לסברה שרווחה שהגבלת זמן הלידה תוביל לשיעור גבוה יותר של חיתוכי דופן (cesarean section), במהלך שנות ה-70 נמצא, שבעוד שברחבי העולם שיעור חיתוכי הדופן עולה והולך, הרי ששיעור זה נותר נמוך יחסית בדבלין. מאוחר יותר, דיווחה אותה הקבוצה מדבלין, כי למעשה ניהול פעיל הוא זה המוריד את שיעור חיתוכי הדופן. מאז, חלוקות הדעות בדבר יעילות שיטת ניהול לידה זאת והישגיה, לעומת ניהול לידה שמרני וברירני יותר. בסקירה זאת, נעמוד על הקשר שבין ניהול לידה פעיל לשיעור חיתוכי הדופן.

        ינואר 2000

        י' דומניץ, ר' אבישר וח' סביר

        Corneal Infection - Causes and Effects on Vision


        Y. Domniz, R. Avisar, H. Savir


        Ophthalmology Depts., Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Zerifin, and Hasharon Hospital, Petah Tikva


        We conducted a retrospective 5-year survey of corneal infections treated in the ophthalmology ward of Hasharon Hospital. The most frequent type of corneal infection was corneal abscess; the most frequent cause was Staphylococcus albus, although this bacterium is not reported as a frequent cause of corneal infections.

        There was improvement in visual acuity in 69.2% and no change in 15.4%. Corneal infection by Pseudomonas aeruginosa was the most frequent cause of worsening of corneal acuity (23.08%). The greatest improvement of visual acuity was in those with corneal ulcers. The worst visual acuity was in those with corneal abscesses. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was the main cause of infection in contact-lens wearers.

        In the world medical literature, Staphylococcus albus is considered of very low virulence. This bacterium was the most frequent cause of corneal infections in our study so it may have greater virulence in Israel.

        יוני 1999

        אריאל המרמן, רמונה רותם, נפתלי מידן ואבי פורת

        Impact of Clinical Pharmacist on Drug Therapy in Medical Departments


        Ariel Hamerman, Rimona Rotem, Naftali Meidan, Avi Porath


        Pharmacy Services, Hospital Management and Medical Dept. F, Soroka University Medical Center, Beer Sheba


        Several studies have documented the impact of clinical pharmacy services on patient care and drug costs in hospital wards. However most hospitals in Israel do not provide such services and until recently their benefits in local health care have not been demonstrated. We therefor determined whether the activity of a pharmacist in the medical department of a medical center leads to improved quality of drug utilization and reduced costs.


        During the first 3 months of the clinical pharmacist's work all interventions and consultation were documented. The effect of these interventions on drug costs was calculated by the change in drug acquisition costs during the study period compared with those of preceding months, as well as in the other 5 medical departments of the hospital without clinical pharmacy services.


        During the study period the pharmacist joined 44 clinical rounds in which he documented 40 consultations in response to physicians' requests for drug information and 42 interventions on his own initiative. The pharmacist's recommendations were accepted in 38 of the 42 cases (90%). In 10 cases the pharmacist's initiative in improving the quality of drug therapy led to an increase in drug acquisition costs. However, the overall drug costs during the study period decreased 12.6%. During the same period drug costs in the other medical departments decreased only 2.2%.


        The results of this study conform with those of many other studies that show a beneficial impact of the clinical pharmacist on the quality of drug therapy and on drug costs. They indicate that the clinical pharmacist can play a crucial role in the medical department.

        מאי 1999

        פלטיאל וינר, יוסף ויצמן, רסמי מג'דלה, נועה ברר-ינאי ובני פלד

        Effect of Specific Inspiratory Muscle Training on Dyspnea and Exercise Tolerance in Congestive Heart Failure


        Paltiel Weiner, Joseph Waizman, Rasmi Magadle, Noa Berar-Yanay, Benny Pelled


        Depts. of Medicine A and Cardiology, Hillel Yaffe Medical Center, Hadera


        It has been shown that the inspiratory muscles of patients with congestive heart failure (CHF) are weaker than normal. This weakness may contribute to dyspnea and limit exercise capacity. But respiratory muscles can be trained for increase in both strength and endurance. This study was designed to evaluate the effect of specific inspiratory muscle training (SIMT) on muscular performance, lung function, dyspnea and exercise capacity in moderate heart failure.

        10 patients with CHF (NYHA functional class II-III) received 1/2 hour of SIMT daily, 6 times/week, for 3 months. They started breathing at a resistance 15% of their Pimax for 1 week and the resistance was then increased incrementally to 60%. Spirometry, inspiratory muscle strength and endurance, and the 12-minute walk test were performed before and after the training period. All showed an increase in inspiratory muscle strength and endurance. This was associated with a small but significant increase in FVC, a significant increase in the distance walked (458±29 to 562±32 m, p<0.01), and improvement in the dyspnea index score.

        SIMT resulted in increased inspiratory muscle strength and endurance. This increase was associated with decreased dyspnea and an increase in submaximal exercise capacity. SIMT may prove to be useful complementary therapy in CHF.

        מרץ 1999

        אהוד גולדהמר, ליאוניד חרש ואדוארד אבינדר

        Circadian Fluctuations in Efficacy of Streptokinase Thrombolysis


        E. Goldhammer, L.Kharash, E.G. Abinader


        Cardiology Dept., Bnei-Zion Medical Center and Technion Faculty of Medicine, Haifa


        This study was designed to assess possible diurnal fluctuations in the efficacy of thrombolysis with streptokinase. 156 consecutive patients treated with streptokinase during the period 1.1.95-1.7.96 were studied retrospectively. Success or failure of thrombolysis was determined according to the accepted clinical and angiographic criteria starting at midnight, 12 times at 2-hour intervals, then 8 times at 3-hour intervals, and then 6 times at 4-hour intervals. A definite peak for successful thrombolysis was found in the late afternoon and early evening hours. Between 16:00-20:00 PM, in 30.23% successful thrombolysis were observed, compared to 6.98% between 20:00-24:00 PM (p<0.05) and in 10.53% between 00.00-04:00 AM (p<0.05).


        Multiple regression analysis showed that the independent factor with the greatest impact on successful reperfusion was the actual time until thrombolysis (p=0.037); then came the interval from pain onset to streptokinase administration (p=0.020), while age and gender had much lesser impacts (p=0.328 and 0.215, respectively), and individual risk factors even less.

        These findings may have several clinical implications: dose adjustment for the time of day may be required, with larger doses needed during morning hours, or preference for primary coronary angioplasty to avoid increase in bleeding complications due to higher doses of thrombolytic agents.

        פברואר 1999

        תמי שוחט, נעמי ורסנו, אמנון קירו, גלית גולן, אלה מנדלסון ומיכאל וינגרטן

        Influenza Surveillance through Sentinel Reporting Clinics


        T. Shohat, N. Versano, A. Kiro, G. Golan, E. Mendelson, M. Weingarten


        For the Influenza Surveillance Network: Israel Center for Disease Control, Israel National Laboratory for Influenza and Central Virology Laboratory; Netka Child Health Center and Dept. of Family Medicine, Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson Campus, Petah Tikva


        In a joint effort of the Israel Center for Disease Control, the National Center for Influenza in the Central Virology Laboratory, together with a group of collaborating pediatricians and family physicians, a network for influenza surveillance was established in the winter of 1996-97. Nose and throat swabs were obtained from 571 patients with flu-like illness. 133 (23%) were positive for influenza virus. Both influenza A(H3N2) and B were isolated, predominantly influenza B during the beginning of the season. Both circulating strains were antigenically similar to those included in the vaccine for 1996-1997. Patients from whom influenza virus was isolated were significantly more likely to suffer from cough and myalgia in comparison with patients whose cultures were negative (p=0.02 and 0.003. respectively). Results of the first year of surveillance indicate that sentinel reporting clinics are useful for timely detection and identification of the viral strains circulating in the community, thus allowing prompt intervention in preventing the spread of influenza. Conclusions from the first year of the study were drawn and applied in the winter of 1997-1998.

        דצמבר 1998

        יהודה לימוני ופסח שוורצמן

        Influence of Warning Labels on Medicines and Physicians' Orders on Patient Behavior


        Yehuda Limony, Pesah Shwarzman


        Child Health Center of Kupat Holim Klalit, Kiryat Gat and Dept. of Family Medicine, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        Compliance of 40 mothers with a warning label, "for external use," on a medicine package was checked in a survey in a primary care clinic for children. We also checked parents' attitudes to giving a medicine to their child when instructions given by the physician or by a friend contradicted the printed warning on the label. All mothers who were told that the medicine was recommended by their physicians accepted the recommendation without hesitation. Another group included 20 mothers who were told that the medicine was recommended by a friend. 9 of 20 mothers in this group refused to use the medicine. Talking with the nurse about the potential risk of medicine in general, some mothers, after second thought, refused to give the medicine to their child. At the end, 65% of recommendations made by a friend were rejected by mothers as compared to only 15% of the physicians' recommendations.


        35 of 40 mothers (87%) understood the meaning of the warning label, but only 13 (32%) had noticed it at all. We conclude that patients may accept their physicians' recommendation to use a medicine despite a contradictory warning label much more readily than when it was recommended by a friend. Therefore, any intervention program intended to promote a more cautious use of medicines should include not only the explanations of the various warning labels but should also promote a change in the patient's behavior to a more active search for warning labels.

        ינואר 1998

        אהוד גולדהמר, ואדוארד אבינדר

        Circadian Fluctuations of the Signal-Averaged ECG


        Ehud Goldhammer, Edward Abinader


        Cardiology Dept., Bnei-Zion Medical Center and Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, The Technion, Haifa


        Circadian periodicity for the time of onset of acute myocardial infarction has been shown; the early morning peak of infarction coincides with the onset of other related phenomena, including sudden cardiac death, ventricular arrhythmias, thrombotic stroke, etc. Late potentials detected by the signal-averaged ECG are considered to be independent markers of vulnerability to ventricular arrhythmias. The signal-averaged ECG enables the amplifying and recording of small bioelectric signals of cardiac origin, while eliminating extraneous electrical "noise." To determine whether late potentials are themselves subject to circadian influence, 31 patients (age range 41-79) who had had an old or recent myocardial infarction underwent late potential assessment by the signal-averaged ECG. 4 indices were studied: duration of late LPD potentials (LPD), total QRS duration (TQRS), and root mean square voltage of the last 40 msec, and of the last 50 msec (RMS 40 and RMS 50). These indices were assessed 3 times, during the early morning hours, at noon and during the evening. Morning LPD differed significantly from noon and evening LPD and the morning RMS 40 similarly differed from noon and evening values. TQRS and RMS 50, even though remaining in the normal range, also showed a tendency to abnormal values during morning hours. These findings could possibly be related to the early morning incidence peaks of severe ventricular arrhythmia and sudden cardiac death, since abnormal late potentials constitute the physiopathological basis for certain ventricular arrhythmias.

        עובדיה דגן, עינת בירק, יעקב כץ וברנרדו וידנה

        First Year's Experience of the Post, Operative Cardiac Care Unit, Schneider Children's Medical Center


        O. Dagan, E. Birk, J. Katz, B. Vidne

        Cardiothoracic Pediatric Service, Schneider Children's Medical Center, Petah Tikva


        In the past 10 years there has been a growing preference for early, complete correction of congenital heart disease. The first year of operation of this cardiac unit is described. 216 operations were performed: 15% in the neonatal age group and 35% in the newborn to l-year-old groups; 2% were palliative procedures. Mortality was 4.9%. Average stay in the ICU was 3.2  days, with a median of 2.25. Average length of ventilation was 35 hours, with a median of 17.5. Complications were: diaphragm paralysis in 13 (6%), 2/3 of which were recurrent operations; in 2 patients (0.9%) we had to plicate the diaphragm. There was severe neurological damage in 2, which deteriorated to brain death in 1. There was peripheral, reversible neurological damage in 4 (1.8%), and acute renal failure in 3%, with half of them requiring dialysis. 75% of these children died and there was superficial infection in 4.1%, deep wound infection in 1.3%, bacteremia in 4.1%, superior vena cava syndrome in 3 (1.3%) and chylothorax in 2 of them (0.9%). 1 patient (0.45%) required a ventricle-peritoneal shunt after acute viral meningitis. We are encouraged by our results to offer early complete correction to all children with congenital heart disease.

        יולי 1997

        אלי שלוח, משה הורוביץ ואליעזר זקלר

        Terbinafine-Induced Cholestatic Liver Injury


        E. Shiloah, M. Horowiz, E. Zecler


        Dept. of Medicine C, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Zerifin (Affiliated with the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University)


        A 43-year-old man presented with weakness, pruritus, skin rash and jaundice 2 weeks after treatment for onychomycosis with terbinafine (Lamisil) was started. Liver function tests showed combined hepatocellular and cholestatic injury. Ultrasound examination, computerized tomography and ERCP excluded extrahepatic obstruction. Serology was negative for HBV, HCV, HAV, CMV, and EBV. Liver biopsy was consistent with drug-induced cholestatic injury. Since the clinical picture did not improve when terbinafine was stopped, corticosteroids were started and resulted in complete clinical and laboratory recovery; liver function tests were normal 8 months after corticosteroids were discontinued.

        יוני 1997

        אמיר ויזרי, אלי מימון, משה מזור, אילנה שוהם-ורדי, טלי זילברשטיין, ארנון ויז'ניצר ומרים כץ

        Effect of the Yom Kippur Fast on Parturition


        A. Wiser, E. Maymon, M. Mazor, I. Shoham-Vardi, T. Silberstein, A. Wiznitzer, M. Katz


        Depts. of Obstetrics and Gynecology and of Epidemiology, Soroka Medical Center, and Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        Food-withdrawal has been proposed as a possible mechanism for initiating the onset of labor in animals and humans. The hypothesis was based upon the reported increase in deliveries of infants during the Yom Kippur fast. We studied the effect of the fast on full term deliveries of Jewish women, with non-fasting Bedouin women as controls (1988-1995, 1,313 Jewish and 1,091 Bedouin deliveries). To determine the effect of Yom Kippur itself, delivery rates on Sukkot and Yom Kippur were compared in both groups. The mean delivery rate in the Jewish population was significantly higher during Yom Kippur and the day after, than during the 7 days before Yom Kippur (15.1±5.1 and 14.6±4.7 vs 10.7±3.5, p<0.04 and p<0.01, respectively). There was an increase in delivery rate during the 6 hours before the end of the fast. In the Bedouin women there were no changes in delivery rate during any of these periods. There were no significant differences in the rates of deliveries during the Sukkot festival between Jewish and Bedouin women. We conclude that fasting is associated with a significant increase in the rate of deliveries at term.

        ר' בן-אברהם, ר' מ' קריווזיק-הורבר, ג' הודקר, ע' פרל ופ' ג' אדנט

        Effect of Chlorocresol VS Caffeine on Muscle Contracture in Malignant Hyperthermia Susceptible Patients


        R. Ben-Abraham, R.M. Krivosic-Horber, G. Haudcoeur, A. Perel, P.J. Adnet


        Dept. of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University; and Dept. d'Anesthesie-Reanimation Chirurgicale, Laboratoire de Pharmacologie Hospitaliere, et Service des Urgence, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, Lille Cedex, France


        The phenotype of susceptibility to malignant hyperthermia (MHS); can only be detected reliably by the in vitro caffeine-halothane contracture test (CHCT). Enhanced sensitivity of the calcium-induced calcium release mechanism is responsible for the exaggerated contracture response of skeletal muscle fibers from MHS patients to halothane and caffeine. Chlorocresol was demonstrated to be a potent activator of Ca++release from skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum. This effect is probably mediated through action on a ryanodine sensitive Ca++ release channel known to be more sensitive in MH. We studied the effect of chloroscresol on the mechanical contracture response of skeletal muscle from patients presenting for the in vitro CHCT. Chlorocresol induces contracture response in a concentration 1/200 of that of caffeine in muscle strips from MH patients. By adding chlorocresol to the protocol of the CHCT, there is clearer discrimination between the responses of MH patients and normal subjects can be achieved. 

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303