Click on the icon on the upper right hand side for the article by Zvi Laron MD.
IMAJ 2008: 10: July: 491-493
The question of who discovered insulin is controversial. One of the scientists working on pancreas extracts was Nicolae Paulescu, the so-called Forgotten Man. In addition to his scientific research he was also active in politics. He was the father of the virulent antisemitic fascist movement “Garda de Fer” in Romania; he raved against the “Jewish Peril,” claimed in his writings that the Jews are a genetically degenerate people trying to cheat and poison the Rumanian people by alcoholism, and more. His name came up in 2003 when Romanian diabetologists initiated a move to honor him. But voices rose in protest, claiming that persons who incite hatred, support persecution and genocide and distort science as their political tools cannot be accepted or rewarded. The protesters won.
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