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עמוד בית
Fri, 27.09.24

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October 2005
E. Zimlichman, A. Lahad, A. Aron-Maor, A. Kanevsky and Y. Shoenfeld.
 Background: As complementary and alternative medicine is gaining popularity among health consumers, diagnostic screening tools based on neuroreflexology are also being developed. These techniques, which are based on the rationale that measurement of electrical impedance of specific dermatomes reflects corresponding internal organ pathologies, have not yet been the subject of conventional scientific research.

Objectives: To determine the effectiveness of a neuroreflexology-based screening test, specifically the Medex device (Medex Screen Ltd.), for diagnosing patients undergoing conventional internal organ assessment, in a hospital setting.

Methods: Patients admitted to an internal medicine department, who met the inclusion criteria and agreed to participate, underwent conventional medical evaluation that included past medical history and physical examination. Another examination was conducted by a second physician using the Medex device to determine internal organ pathologies. A third researcher compared the actual “conventional” diagnosis with the Medex device output using standard statistical analysis.   

Results: Overall, 150 patients participated in the study. Correlation was significant for all categories (P < 0.01) except for blood and lymphatic disease. A high sensitivity (>70%) was measured for cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal and genitourinary diseases. The highest measure of agreement, as represented by the Cohen-Kappa factor, was found for respiratory disease (0.57).

Conclusions: Although the exact mechanism is not entirely clear, measurement of electroskin impedance of dermal-visceral zones has the potential to serve as a screening tool for inner organ pathologies. Further research should be conducted to create more evidence to support or dispute the use of this technique as a reliable diagnostic tool.

September 2005
G.M. Gurman, B. Levinson, N. Weksler and M Lottan
M. Vaiman, S. Sarfaty, N. Shlamkovich, S. Segal and E. Eviatar
 Objectives: Endonasal operations such as septoplasty, rhinoplasty, nasal septal reconstruction and conchotomy, as well as endoscopic sinus surgery, especially when combined with turbinectomy and/or submucous resection of the septum, may produce bleeding and postoperative hematoma requiring postoperative hemostatic measures. Since nasal packing may cause pain, rhinorrhea and inconvenience, a more effective and less uncomfortable hemostatic technique is needed.

Objectives: To compare the hemostatic efficacy of the second-generation surgical sealant (Quixil™ in Europe and Israel, Crosseal™ in the USA) to that of nasal packing in endonasal surgery.

Methods: We conducted a prospective randomized trial that included 494 patients (selected from 529 using exclusion and inclusion criteria and completed follow-up) undergoing the above-mentioned endonasal procedures. Patients were assigned to one of three surgical groups: septoplasty + conchotomy + nasal packing or fibrin sealant (Group 1); ESS[1] + nasal packing or fibrin sealant (Group 2); and ESS + septoplasty + conchotomy + nasal packing or fibrin sealant (Group 3). The hemostatic effects were evaluated objectively in the clinic by anterior rhinoscopy and endoscopy and assessed subjectively by the patients at follow-up visits.

Results: Postoperative hemorrhage occurred in 22.9–25% of patients with nasal packing vs. 3.12–4.65% in the fibrin sealant groups (late hemorrhage only). Drainage and ventilation of the paranasal sinuses, which are impaired in all cases of packing, remained normal in the fibrin sealant group. There were no allergic reactions to the sealant.

Conclusions: Our results show that fibrin sealant by aerosol spray in endonasal surgery is more effective and convenient than nasal packing. It requires no special treatment, i.e., antibiotics, which are usually used if nasal packing is involved.


[1] ESS = endoscopic sinus surgery

M. Oberbaum, J. Shuval, A. Haramati, S.R Singer, J. Halevi, M.D Lumpkin and R. Carmi
August 2005
A. Strulov
 Until the end of the 1980s almost no intensive intervention plan was applied to narrow the vast gap (over 100%) in infant mortality between Jews and Arabs in the Western Galilee region of Israel. A special committee appointed by the Ministry of Health instituted measures to reduce the gap, including monitoring mortality rates by establishing an online and real-time computerized information system to analyze the information without delay. Based on the epidemiologic findings, an intervention program was implemented, using health education to reduce mortality due to seasonal infections – gastroenteritis in summer and upper respiratory and hyperthermia in winter. Within 1 year these infections had abated, resulting in significantly reduced mortality. The next step was the development of an ultrasound preventive campaign using sophisticated sonography to screen pregnant women in risk groups for lethal congenital defects and convincing them to discontinue the pregnancy. These two measures reduced infant mortality dramatically. The campaign has been widened to the entire northern district and is presently addressing, as a primary prevention, the traditionally difficult problem of consanguineous marriages – the major cause of congenital defects in the Arab population.

S. Berger-Achituv, T. Shohat and B-Z. Garty
 Background: The rate of breast-feeding in Israel has increased over the last two decades but is still lower than rates in other developed countries that have taken an active role in promoting breast-feeding.

Objective: To determine breast-feeding patterns and the association between sociodemographic characteristics and breast-feeding in the Tel Aviv district.

Methods: The mothers of infants aged 2, 4, 6 and 12 months, attending 59 well-baby clinics in the Tel Aviv district, were interviewed by telephone. Singleton infants who weighed less than 2,000 g and multiple-gestation infants were excluded from the study. The questions covered background data, sociodemographic characteristics of the family, and breast-feeding practices. Stepwise logistic regression was used to analyze the association between breast-feeding and various sociodemographic characteristics.

Results: Altogether, 78.5% of the mothers (1,307/1,665) initiated breast-feeding. The rate of breast-feeding at 2, 4, 6 and 12 months was 55.8, 36.8, 29.9 and 11.8%, respectively. Only 35.8% of the infants at 2 months and 11.2% at 6 months were exclusively breast-fed. The mean duration of breast-feeding was 5.2 ± 0.2 months. Grand multiparas (≥5 children) had a significantly higher rate of breast-feeding than women with one to four children (P < 0.001). More likely to breast-feed for 2 weeks or longer were women married to Yeshiva students (odds ratio = 5.3), women with ≥13 years education (OR[1] = 2.1), and women on maternity leave (OR = 1.6). The predictors for breast-feeding for 6 months or longer were similar.

Conclusions: Although the rate of breast-feeding initiation in central Israel was 78.5%, only 29.9% of the mothers continue to breast-feed for 6 months. Already at a young age, an appreciable number of breast-fed infants receive infant formula. Breast-feeding promotion should focus on less educated women, homemakers, and families with one to four children.


[1] OR = odds ratio

I. Galperin and J.M. van Dijk
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