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עמוד בית
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June 2003
R. Sidi, E. Levy-Nissanbaum, I. Kreiss and E. Pras

Background: Cystinuria is an autosomal recessive disease that is manifested by the development of kidney stones. Mutations in SLC3A1 cause type I disease, while mutations in SLC7A9 are associated with non-type I disease. In Israel cystinuria is especially common among Libyan Jews who suffer from non-type I disease.

Objectives: To compare clinical manifestations of patients with mutations in SLC3A1 to those with mutations in SLC7A9, and to assess the carrier rate among unaffected Libyan Jewish controls.

Methods: Clinical manifestations were evaluated in patients with mutations in SLC3A1 and in patients with mutations in SLC7A9. Carrier rates for two SLC7A9 mutations were assessed in 287 unaffected Libyan Jewish controls.

Results: Twelve patients with mutations in SLC3A1 were compared to 15 patients with mutations in SLC7A9. No differences were detected between the patients with mutations in SLC3A1 and those with mutations in SLC7A9 in relation to the age of disease onset, the estimated number of stones, the number of invasive procedures, the number of patients receiving drug therapy, or the patients’ urinary pH. Eleven of the unaffected Libyan Jewish controls were found heterozygotes for the V170M mutation, establishing a carrier rate of 1:25. The 1584+3 del AAGT mutation was not found in any of the Libyan Jewish controls.

Conclusion: Mutations in SLC3A1 and SLC7A9 cystinuria patients result in indistinguishable disease manifestations. The high carrier rate among Libyan Jews is a result of a single missense mutation, V170M.

May 2003
A. Lahad, V. Anshelevitz, M. Sonnenblick and T. Dwolatzky

Background: With the aging of the population and the increase in the number of elderly patients under the care of primary care physicians in the community, it is essential that the physician be aware of the preventive medicine recommendations for this group of patients. Accepted evidence-based guidelines have been developed for the older patient and adherence to these guidelines may play a significant role in decreasing morbidity and mortality in the elderly.

Objectives: To determine whether elderly patients in community clinics are aware of the preventive medicine practices that are relevant and available to them, and to assess which factors influence their decision to use such interventions. Of particular interest was to evaluate the role of the doctor-patient relationship on the degree of patient compliance with preventive procedures.

Methods: Patients attending community clinics of the Clalit Health Services in Jerusalem were interviewed. Background information was obtained and the patients were questioned regarding the use of the following preventive medicine recommendations: screening for occult blood in the stool, testing of vision and hearing, influenza and pneumococcal immunization, thyroid-stimulating hormone testing, digital rectal examination for prostate cancer, and calcium supplementation. The patients were questioned regarding the use of aspirin or oral anticoagulation where relevant. Factors influencing their level of compliance were examined.

Results: The study group comprised 205 patients with an average age of 74.5 years. Overall the rates of compliance were high, with 78% undergoing visual assessment, 87% fecal occult blood testing, and 81% influenza immunization. Pneumococcal immunization had been administered to 49% of those interviewed and 56% had their hearing tested. Digital rectal examination had been performed in 45% of patients. Calcium supplementation was used in 60% of patients. Almost all the patients (91–100%) noted that the physician had initiated the procedure and that non-compliance was due to patient preferences. Of the 172 patients who were assumed to benefit from aspirin use, 153 (89%) used the medication, and 87% of 23 patients with atrial fibrillation were on chronic anticoagulation.

Conclusions: A high level of compliance with preventive medicine recommendations was found among this group of elderly patients. The doctor-patient relationship had a positive effect on the patients' compliance.

E. Hasnis and A.Z. Reznick

Although the free radical theory of aging is widely accepted among scientists, the possibility of using antioxidants to delay the aging processes seems to encounter considerable skeptism among clinicians. This may be, at least in part, due to lack of knowledge about the basic chemistry and biological behavior of oxidative stress, antioxidants, and the complex interactions between them. However, one cannot ignore the explosive growth of information concerning the mechanisms underlying the processes of aging, their consequences, and the use of antioxidants in suppressing such effects. In order to provide patients with the most accurate information regarding the use of antioxidant supplementation in their diet, it is important to obtain basic data regarding oxidative stress and antioxidants. This article explores the role of oxidative stress in the aging phenomena, recent evidence supporting supplementation of antioxidants for aged people,  the ability of antioxidants to prevent or retard cancer and atherosclerosis (the major causes of mortality in the aged population), and the ability of antioxidant supplementation to delay age-dependent deterioration of cognitive function. Based on the data presented, we conclude that current knowledge provides insufficient and inconclusive support for antioxidant supplementation as a means of delaying aging processes, despite the encouraging results obtained in many studies.

April 2003
S. Behar, A. Battler, A. Porath, J. Leor, E. Grossman, Y. Hasin, M. Mittelman, Z. Feigenberg, C. Rahima-Maoz, M. Green, A. Caspi, B. Rabinowitz and M. Garty

Background: Little information is available on the clinical practice and implementation of guidelines in treating acute myocardial infarction patients in Israel.

Objective: To assess patient characteristics, hospital course, management, and 30 day clinical outcome of all AMI[1] patients hospitalized in Israel during a 2 month period in 2000.

Method: We conducted a prospective 2 month survey of consecutive AMI patients admitted to 82 of 96 internal medicine departments and all 26 cardiac departments operating in Israel in 2000. Data were collected uniformly by means of a hospital and 30 day follow-up form.

Results: During the survey 1,683 consecutive patients with a discharge diagnosis of AMI were included. Their mean age was 66 years; 73% were male. The electrocardiographic pattern on admission revealed ST elevation, non-ST elevation and an undetermined ECG[2] in 63%, 34% and 4% of patients respectively. Aspirin and heparin were given to 95% of patients. Beta-blockers and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors were given to 76% and 65% of patients respectively. Among hospital survivors, 45% received lipid-lowering drugs. Thrombolytic therapy was administered in 28% of patients, coronary angiography was used in 45%, and 7% of patients underwent primary percutaneous coronary intervention. The 7 and 30 day mortality rates were 7% and 11% respectively.

Conclusions: This nationwide survey shows that one-third of the AMI patients in Israel are elderly (≥ 75 years). The survey suggests that clinical guidelines for the management of patients with AMI are partially implemented in the community. Data from large surveys representing the "real world" practice are of utmost importance for the evaluation of clinical guidelines, research and educational purposes.

[1] AMI = acute myocardial infarction

[2] ECG = electrocardiogram

February 2003
January 2003
I. Srugo, J. Steinberg, R. Madeb, R. Gershtein, I. Elias, J. Tal, O. Nativ

Background: Non-gonococcal urethritis is the most common clinical diagnosis for men seeking care at sexually transmitted disease clinics.

Objective: To identify the pathogens involved in NGU[1] among males attending an Israeli STD clinic.

Methods: During 19 months spanning September 1996 to July 1998 we investigated a cohort of 238 male patients attending the Bnai Zion Medical Center STD[2] clinic with a clinical presentation of urethritis. Intraurethral swab specimens were tested for Neisseria gonorrhea, Ureaplasma urealyticum, Mycoplasma hominis, and Trichomonas vaginalis by culture and for herpes simplex virus by antigen detection. First voiding urine for Chlamydia trachomatis was done by polymerase chain reaction. The specific seropositivities of HSV[3] types 1 and 2 were tested by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.

Results: From among 238 males with dysuria or urethral discharge an etiology for urethritis was found for 71 (29.8%). N. gonorrhea was recovered in only three men (4.2%). In the remaining 68 NGU patients C. trachomatis (35/68, 51.5%) and U. urealyticum (31/68, 45.6%) were the most common infecting and co-infecting pathogens (P < 0.0001). M. hominis and T. vaginalis were found in 9/68 (13.2%), and 1 patient, respectively. HSV was recovered from the urethra in 7/68 males (10.3%) – 3 with HSV-1, 2 with HSV-2, and 2 were seronegative for HSV. None of these males had genital lesions. Although a single etiologic agent was identified in 45/68 infected men (66.2%), co-infection was common: 2 organisms in 15 (22%) and 3 organisms in 8 (11.8%).

Conclusion: C. trachomatis and U. urealyticum were the most common infecting and co-infecting pathogens in this cohort of men with NGU. Unrecognized genital HSV infections are common in males attending our STD clinic and symptomatic shedding of HSV occurs without genital lesions. Still, the microbial etiology in this group remains unclear in many patients despite careful microbiologic evaluation.

[1] NGU = non-gonococcal urethritis

[2] STD = sexually transmitted disease

[3] HSV = herpes simplex virus

December 2002
Salvatore De Vita MD, Rosaria Damato MD, Ginevra De Marchi MD, Stefania Sacco MD and Gianfranco Ferraccioli MD

Background: Hepatis C virus infection is presently an exclusion criterion to classify SjoÈ gren's syndrome; however, there are distinct clinicopathologic and biologic similarities between HCV-related and SS-related chronic inflammation of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue and lymphoproliferation that suggest common pathogenetic pathways.

Objectives: To determine whether a subset of patients with sicca syndrome and HCV infection may present a true primary SS rather than a distinct clinicobiologic entity.

Methods: We extensively characterized 20 consecutive patients with positive anti-HCV antibodies and heavy subjective dry eye and/or dry mouth symptoms, plus positive unstimulated sialometry and/or Shirmer's test. We then compared these features with those in HCV-negative primary SS controls (classified according to the latest American-European Consensus Group Classification Criteria for SS).

Results: Of the 20 HCV-positive patients with sicca manifesta-tions, 12 (60%) had positive anti-SSA/SSB antibodies (3/12 by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and 6/12 by immunoblot) and/or positive salivary gland biopsy (at least 1 focus/4 mm2), which met the strict classification criteria for SS, as in the case of HCV-negative SS controls. Comparing the HCV-positive SS subset with HCV-negative SS controls showed similar female to male ratio (11/1 vs. 46/4), major salivary gland swelling (17% vs. 26%), positive antinuclear antibodies (75 vs. 94%) and positive rheumatoid factor (58 vs. 52%). Significant differences (P< 0.05) were seen in mean age (69 vs. 56 years), liver disease (50 vs. 2%), lung disease (25 vs. 0%), anti-SSA/SSB positivity (25 vs. 90%), and low C3 or C4 (83 vs. 36%). HCV-positive SS patients exhibited a trend for more frequent chronic gastritis (50 vs. 22%), fibromyalgia (33 vs. 14%), peripheral neuropathy (33 vs. 18%), purpura (33 vs. 19%) and cryoglobulinemia (33 vs. 6%).

Conclusions: A major subset of HCV-positive patients with definite subjective sicca symptoms and positive objective tests may indeed present a true, though peculiar, subset of SS. There are strict similarities with key clinical, pathologic and immunologic findings of definite HCV-negative SS. Other features appear more characteristic of HCV infection. When also considering that HCV is sialotropic and may be treated, HCV-related chronic sialadenitis represents a unique opportunity to clarify key pathogenetic events occurring in the large majority of HCV-negative SS; and similarities to typical primary SS, rather than differences, should be taken into account.

David B. Geffen MD and Sophia Man MD

Between 1990 and 2001, altogether 28 new anticancer drugs were approved for use in Israel. The new agents include cytotoxic drugs, biologic compounds, and hormone therapies. Among the cytotoxic agents introduced, the taxanes, vinorelbine, gemcitabine, irinotecan, topotecan and temozolomide, represent important new drugs active in a range of solid malignancies including lung, breast, ovarian, bladder, pancreatic, and colon cancer as well as brain tumors. Epirubicin, idarubicin, and liposomal doxorubicin offer less toxic and in some instances more effective alternatives to older anthracylines for leukemia, breast cancer, ovarian cancer and other diseases. New oral agents are offering a chance for disease palliation without the need for burdensome intravenous access. Rituximab and trastuzumab have introduced monoclonal antibody therapy to the clinic, substantially improving the treatment of patients with lymphoma and breast cancer, respectively. The first tyrosine kinase inhibitor, a molecularly targeted therapy, imatinib, was approved for use in chronic myeloid leukemia and has also shown remarkable activity in gastrointestinal stromal tumors. A variety of aromatase inhibitors have provided less toxic and more effective hormone therapy for the treatment of breast cancer. The challenge for clinicians is to optimize the use of the new available agents for their patients' benefit, and the challenge for health policy-makers in Israel is to integrate the new anticancer pharmaceuticals into the basic health benefits package mandated for all citizens.

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