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עמוד בית
Fri, 27.09.24

Search results

January 2004
O. Merimsky, Y. Kollender, M. Inbar, I. Meller and J. Bickels
August 2003
E. Rosenblatt, N. Meushar, R. Bar-Deroma, K. Drumea, M. Stein, J. Zidan and A. Kuten

Background: There are radiobiologic and technical advantages to the use of interstitial brachytherapy alone or as an adjunct to external beam radiotherapy in the postoperative treatment of soft tissue sarcomas.

Objectives: To review the experience of the Rambam Medical Center in implementing interstitial brachytherapy in the treatment of 32 patients with soft tissue sarcomas.

Methods: Thirty-two patients with variously located soft tissue sarcomas were managed with a combination of surgery and brachytherapy of the tumor bed, with or without EBRT[1]. In 27 of 32 patients, brachytherapy catheters were placed intraoperatively, while in 5 patients the implant was performed as a separate postoperative procedure. Twenty-seven patients received low dose-rate brachytherapy with iridium-192 seeds. Five patients received fractionated high dose-rate brachytherapy using the microSelectron machine.

Results: With a median follow-up of 36 months, the overall local control rate was 87.5%. Four of 32 patients (13%) failed locally at the implant site, and 6 (19%) developed lung metastasis. Two of the five patients with lung metastasis had a local recurrence as well. At the time of analysis, eight patients had died of sarcoma (disease-specific mortality rate was 25%), while three had died of intercurrent causes. The 5 year actuarial disease-free survival rate was 56%, and the 5 year actuarial overall survival was 70%. Five patients (16%) developed severe wound complications following surgery/brachytherapy, and six patients (19%) developed late local toxicity (fibrosis and telangiectasia).

Conclusions: Wide local excision followed by interstitial brachytherapy has resulted in an 87.5% local control rate with a 17% local complication rate.


[1] EBRT = external beam radiotherapy

June 2002
Jacob Bickels, MD, Yehuda Kollender, MD and Isaac Meller, MD
April 2001
Jamal Zidan, MD, Wolf Robenstein, MD, Amira Abzah, RN and Sigalit Tamam, RN

Background: Classic Kaposi's sarcoma is a rare tumor with an indolent behavior. Local therapy is not applicable in disseminated cutaneous disease. Patients with advanced disease are usually treated with systemic chemotherapy.

Objectives: To assess the effectiveness and toxicity of  single-agent vinblastine in the treatment of disseminated and recurrent Kaposi's sarcoma.

Methods: Ten patients with wide cutaneous spread of classic Kaposis sarcoma were treated with single-agent vinblastine, 6 mg/m2 intravenously once every 2 weeks. Vinblastine was continued for 2 months after achieving a maximal response.

Results: The male:female ratio was 2.3:1, and median age 64 years (range 50-79 years). The median number of involved nodules in the skin was 34. The overall response rate was 90%, 5 with complete response (50%) and 4 with partial response (40%). Complete responders had a longer duration of response than partial responders: 41.2 vs. 14.8 months. The median survival of all patients was 33 months. Side effects were minimal and tolerable.

Conclusions: Vinblastine is very effective in the treatment of extensive classic Kaposi's sarcoma, and results in a high response rate, long survival and disease-free survival with tolerable toxicity.

September 1999
Dan Regev, MD, Yoram Wolf, MD, and Daniel Hauben, MD.
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