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עמוד בית
Sun, 01.09.24

Search results

January 2014
Asnat Raziel, Nasser Sakran, Amir Szold, Ofir Teshuva, Mirit Krakovsky, Oded Rabau and David Goitein
 Background: Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) is gaining credibility   as a simple and efficient bariatric procedure with low surgical risk. Surgical treatment for morbid obesity is relatively rare in adolescents, hence few results have been accumulated so far.

Objectives: To prove the safety and efficacy of LSG surgery in an adolescent population

Methods: Data were prospectively collected regarding adolescent patients undergoing LSG. All patients underwent pre- and postoperative medical and professional evaluation by a multidisciplinary team.

Results: Between the years 2006 and 2011, 32 adolescents underwent LSG in our center (20 females and 12 males). Mean age was 16.75 years (range 14–18 years), mean weight was 121.88 kg (83–178 kg), and mean body mass index 43.23 (35–54). Thirty-four comorbid conditions were identified. In all the patients LSG was the primary bariatric procedure. Mean operative time was 60 minutes (range 45–80 min). There were two complications (6.25%): an early staple line leak and a late acute cholecystitis. There was no mortality. Mean percent excess weight loss at 1, 3, 6, 9,12, 24, 36, 48, and 60 months post-surgery was 27.9%, 41.1%, 62.6%, 79.2%, 81.7% , 71%, 75%, 102.9% and 101.6%, respectively. Comorbidities were completely resolved or ameliorated within 1 year following surgery in 82.4% and 17.6%, respectively.

Conclusions: LSG is feasible and safe in morbidly obese adolescents, achieving efficient weight loss and impressive resolution of comorbidities. Further studies are required to evaluate the long-term results of this procedure, as well as its place among other bariatric options. 

June 2013
A. Hilmi, Y. Pasternak, M. Friger, N. Loewenthal, A. Haim and E. Hershkovitz
 Background: The existent glycemic control of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) patients in daily practice might not reach the goals determined in guidelines. Ethnic diversity was also shown to influence glycemic control.

Objectives: To evaluate glycemic control, prevalence of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) at presentation, diabetic complications rate, and associated autoimmune diseases in a pediatric T1DM patient population in the Negev area.

Methods: Clinical and demographic details of 168 T1DM patients were evaluated, including HbA1C levels, long-term complications, related autoimmune diseases, and insulin pump usage. The data were analyzed and the Jewish and Bedouin patient groups compared.

Results: Only 13.1% of the patients had reached the HbA1C levels recommended by the current guidelines at the first and second year follow-up visits, and 9.5% and 7.1% at the third and fourth year visits, respectively. A significant difference in HbA1c levels between Jewish and Bedouin patients was found (P = 0.045 at the first year follow-up, P ≤ 0.01 thereafter). Significant difference was found between the Jewish and the Bedouin groups regarding presentation with DKA, 33% and 56% of the patients respectively (P = 0.01).

Conclusions: Existent glycemic control in daily practice is far from the guideline goals. Bedouin ethnicity was associated with less favorable diabetes control, emphasizing the need for better awareness of T1DM and its treatment options in this population. More resources should be directed to address T1DM in the general population, especially among the Bedouin.


May 2012
July 2010
D.I. Nassie, M. Berkowitz, M. Wolf, J. Kronenberg and Y.P. Talmi
September 2009
H.D. Danenberg, G. Marincheva, B. Varshitzki, H. Nassar, C. Lotan

Background: Stent thrombosis is a rare but devastating complication of coronary stent implantation. The incidence and potential predictors were assessed in a "real world” single center.

 Objectives: To examine whether socioeconomic status indeed affects the occurrence of stent thrombosis.

Methods: We searched our database for cases of "definite" stent thrombosis (according to the ARC Dublin definitions). Each case was matched by procedure date, age and gender; three cases of stenting did not result in stent thrombosis. Demographic and clinical parameters were compared and socioeconomic status was determined according to a standardized polling and market survey database.

Results: A total of 3401 patients underwent stent implantation in our hospital during the period 2004–2006. Their mean age was 63 ± 11 years, and 80% were males. Twenty-nine cases (0.85%) of “definite” sub-acute/late stent thrombosis were recorded. Mortality at 30 days was recorded in 1 patient (3.5%). Thrombosis occurred 2 days to 3 years after stent implantation. All patients presented with acute myocardial infarction. Premature clopidogrel discontinuation was reported in 60%. Patients with stent thrombosis had significantly higher rates of AMI[1] at the time of the initial procedure (76 vs. 32%, P < 0.001) and were cigarette smokers (60 vs. 28%, P < 0.001). Drug-eluting stents were used less in the stent thrombosis group. There was no difference in stent diameter or length between the two groups. Socioeconomic status was significantly lower at the stent thrombosis group, 3.4 ± 2.4 vs. 5.4 ± 2.6 (mean ± SD, scale 1–10, P < 0.01).

Conclusions: The incidence rate of stent thrombosis is at least 0.85% in our population. It appears in patients with significantly lower socioeconomic status and with certain clinical predictors. These results warrant stricter follow-up and support the policy of healthcare providers regarding patients at risk for stent thrombosis.

[1] AMI = acute myocardial infarction

October 2007
D.I. Nassie, A. Volkov, J. Kronenberg and Y.P. Talmi
September 2007
A. Chernikovski, N. Loberant, I. Cohen, F. Nassar, J. Lerner and E. Altman
April 2007
R. Durst, C. Lotan, H. Nassar, M. Gotsman, E. Mor, B. Varshitzki, P. Greganski, R. Jabara, D. Admon, D. Meerkin and M. Mosseri

Background: Femoral artery vascular complications are the most common adverse events following cardiac catheterization. Smaller diameter introducer sheaths and catheters are likely to lower the puncture site complication rate but may hinder visualization.

Objectives: To evaluate the safety and angiographic quality of 4 French catheters.

Methods: The study was designed to simulate real-life operator-based experience. Diagnostic angiography was performed with either 4F or 6F diagnostic catheters; the size of the catheter used in each patient was predetermined by the day of the month. Patients undergoing 4F and 6F diagnostic angiography were ambulated after 4 and 6 hours, respectively. The following technical parameters were recorded by the operator: ease of introducer sheath insertion, ease of coronary intubation, ease of injection, coronary opacification, collateral flow demonstration, and overall assessment. Adverse events were recorded in all patients and included minor bleeding, major bleeding (necessitating blood transfusion), minor hematoma, major hematoma, pseudo-aneurysm formation and arteriovenous fistula.

Results: The study group included 177 patients, of whom 91 were in the 4F arm and 86 in the 6F arm. Demographic and procedural data were similar in both groups. Seventy-seven percent of 6F and 50% of 4F procedures were evaluated as excellent (P < 0.05). This difference was attributed to easier intubation of the coronary ostium and contrast material injection, increased opacification of the coronary arteries, and demonstration of collateral flow with 6F catheters. Complications occurred in 22% of patients treated with 6F catheters and 10% of those treated with 4F catheters (P = 0.11). Of the 50 patients who switched from 4F to 6F 12% had complications. In patients undergoing diagnostic angiography, the complication rate was 10% vs. 27% (most of them minor) in the 4F and 6F groups, respectively (P < 0.05).
Conclusions: Patients catheterized with 4F have fewer complications compared with 6F diagnostic catheters even when ambulated earlier. Although 4F had a reduced quality compared to 6F angiographies, they were evaluated as satisfactory or excellent in quality 85% of the time. 4F catheters have a potential for reduced hospitalization stay and are a good option for primary catheterization in patients not anticipated to undergo coronary intervention

August 2006
October 2005
X. Giakoumi, M. Tsironi, C. Floudas, E. Polymeropoylos, E. Papalambros and A. Aessopos
March 2004
November 2002
Shifra Sela, PhD, Revital Shurtz-Swirski, PhD, Jamal Awad, MD, Galina Shapiro, MSc, Lubna Nasser, MSc, Shaul M. Shasha, MD and Batya Kristal, MD

Background: Cigarette smoking is a well-known risk factor for the development of endothelial dysfunction and the progression of atherosclerosis. Oxidative stress and inflammation have recently been implicated in endothelial dysfunction.

Objectives: To assess the concomitant contribution of polymorphonuclear leukocytes to systemic oxidative stress and inflammation in cigarette smokers.

Methods: The study group comprised 41 chronic cigarette-smoking, otherwise healthy males aged 45.0 ± 11.5 (range 31–67 years) and 41 male non-smokers aged 42.6 ± 11.3 (range 31–65) who served as the control group. The potential generation of oxidative stress was assessed by measuring the rate of superoxide release from separated, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate-stimulated PMNL[1] and by plasma levels of reduced (GSH) and oxidized (GSSG) glutathione. Inflammation was estimated indirectly by: a) determining the in vitro survival of PMNL, reflecting cell necrosis; b) in vivo peripheral PMNL counts, reflecting cell recruitment; and c) plasma alkaline phosphatase levels, indicating PMNL activation and degranulation.

Results: PMA[2]-stimulated PMNL from cigarette smokers released superoxide at a faster rate than PMNL from the controls. Smokers had decreased plasma GSH[3] and elevated GSSG[4] levels. In vitro incubation of control and smokers' PMNL in sera of smokers caused necrosis, while control sera improved smoker PMNL survival. Smokers' PMNL counts, although in the normal range, were significantly higher than those of controls. Plasma ALP[5] levels in smokers were significantly higher than in controls and correlated positively with superoxide release and PMNL counts.

Conclusions: Our study shows that PMNL in smokers are primed in vivo, contributing concomitantly to systemic oxidative stress and inflammation that predispose smokers to endothelial dysfunction, and explains in part the accelerated atherosclerosis found in smokers.


[1] PMNL = polymorphonuclear leukocytes

[2] PMA = phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate

[3] GSH = reduced glutathione

[4] GSSG = oxidized glutathione

[5] ALP = alkaline phosphatase

February 2001
Zvi R. Cohen, MD, Revital Duvdevani, PhD, Dvora Nass, MD, Moshe Hadani, MD and Zvi Ram, MD

Background: The transfer of therapeutic genes into malignant brain tumors has been the subject of intense pre­clinical and clinical research in recent years. Most approaches have used direct intratumoral placement of a variety of vectors and genes, such as retroviruses or adenoviruses carrying drug-susceptibility genes, modified replication-competent herpes virus, and several vectors carrying tumor suppressor genes such as the p53 gene. However, clinical results have so far been disappointing, mainly due to the limited ability to effectively distribute the genetic material into the target cell population. Accordingly, alternative delivery approaches into the central nervous system, e.g., intravascular, are under investigation. Genetic vectors administered intravascularly are unlikely to penetrate the blood-brain barrier and transfer a gene into brain or tumor parenchyma. However, intravascular delivery of vectors may target endothelial cells lining the blood vessels of the brain. Since endothetial cells participate in a variety of physiological and pathological processes in the brain, their modulation by gene transfer may be used for a variety of therapeutic purposes. Angiogenically stimulated endothelial cells within tumors replicate rapidly and hence may become targets for retroviral-mediated gene transfer.

Objective: To assess the anti-tumor effect of transferring a drug-susceptibility gene into endothelial cells of the tumor vasculature.

Methods: As a model for this approach we delivered concentrated retroviral vectors carrying a drug-susceptibility gene via the internal carotid artery of rats with malignant brain tumors. The safety and efficacy of this approach, without and with subsequent treatment with a pro-drug (ganciclovir). was evaluated.

Results: No acute or long-term toxicity was observed after intraarterial infusion of the vector. Treatment with ganciclovir resulted in variable hemorrhagic necrosis of tumors, indicating preferential transduction of the angiogenically stimulated tumor vasculature. This was accompanied by severe toxicity caused by subarachnoid hemorrhage and intracerebral hemorrhage in vascular territories shared by the tumor and adjacent brain.

Conclusion: The data indicate that endothelial cells can be targeted by intraarterial delivery of retroviral vectors and can be used for devising new gene therapy strategies for the treatment of brain tumors.

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