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עמוד בית
Wed, 15.01.25

Search results

June 2002
Alexander Guber, MD, Eyal Morris, MD, Baruch Chen MD and Shaul Israeli, MD

Background: Ventilator-dependent patients represent an increasing clinical, logistic and economic burden.  An alternative solution might be monitored home care with high-tech ventilatory support systems. 

Objectives: To explore the implications of such home-care management, such as its impact on quality of life and its cost-effectiveness, and to assess the practical feasibility of this mode of home care in Israel.

Methods: We surveyed 25 partly or fully home-ventilated patients (17 males and 8 females), average age 37.6 years (range 1–72), who were treated through a home-care provider during a 2 year period.

Results: Most patients (n=18) had a neuromuscular respiratory disorder.  The average hospital stay of these patients prior to entry into the home-care program was 181.2 days/per patient.  The average home-care duration was 404.9 days/per patient (range 60–971) with a low hospitalization rate of 3.3 ± 6.5 days/per patient.  The monthly expenditure for home care of these patients was one-third that of the hospital stay cost ($3,546.9 vs. $11,000, per patient respectively).  The patients reported better quality of life in the home-care environment, as assessed by the Sickness Impact Profile questionnaire. 

Conclusions: Home ventilation of patients in Israel by home-care providers is a practical and attractive treatment modality in terms of economic benefits and quality of life.

Lela Migirov, MD, Ana Eyal MD, and Jona Kronenberg, MD
May 2002
Eyal Grunebaum, MD and Chaim M. Roifman, MD

Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis is thought to occur as a primary (familial) form or secondary to infection or malignancy. Recently, several defects in genes important for immune functions were identified in patients with HLH[1]. These include mutations in perforin, the gamma common chain, the receptor for interleukin-2, Slap and purine nucleoside phosphorylase. Since abnormal function of these genes is associated with a wide clinical spectrum, HLH is probably another manifestation of immune deficiency and a thorough immune evaluation should be done in all such patients.

[1] HLH = hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis

April 2002
Eyal Meltzer, MD and Shmuel Steinlauf, MD

Background: Lithium has been a part of the psychiatric pharmacopoeia for more than half a century. Its efficacy is marred by a narrow therapeutic index and significant toxicity.

Objectives: To increase physicians’ awareness of the various manifestations of lithium intoxication.

Methods: We reviewed the clinical data of cases of lithium poisoning occurring in a municipal hospital during a 10 year period.

Results: Eight patient records were located. The mortality rate was 12.5%. All patients were women and the mean age was 66.4 years. The most common symptoms were neurological. One illustrative case is described in detail with lithium serum levels showing the usual two-phase decline.

Conclusions: Lithium poisoning can present in many forms. Increased physician awareness and the early use of effective treatment, mainly hemodialysis, will prevent mortality and protracted morbidity associated with this condition.

October 2001
Jihad Bishara, MD, Avivit Golan-Cohen, MD, Eyal Robenshtok, MD, Leonard Leibovici, MD and Silvio Pitlik, MD

Background: Erysipelas is a skin infection generally caused by group A streptococci. Although penicillin is the drug of choice, some physicians tend to treat erysipelas with antibiotics other than penicillin.

Objectives: To define the pattern of antibiotic use, factors affecting antibiotic selection, and outcome of patients treated with penicillin versus those treated with other antimicrobial agents.

Methods: A retrospective review of charts of adult patients with discharge diagnosis of erysipelas was conducted for the years 1993-1996.

Results: The study group comprised 365 patients (median age 67 years). In 76% of the cases infection involved the leg/s. Predisposing condition/s were present in 82% of cases. Microorganisms were isolated from blood cultures in only 6 of 176 cases (3%), and Streptococcus spp. was recovered in four of these six patients. Cultures from skin specimens were positive in 3 of 23 cases. Penicillin alone was given to 164 patients (45%). Other antibiotics were more commonly used in the second half of the study period (P < 0.0001) in patients with underlying conditions (P = 0.06) and in those hospitalized in the dermatology ward (P< 0.0001). Hospitalization was significantly shorter in the penicillin group (P= 0.004). There were no in-hospital deaths.

Conclusions: We found no advantage in using antibiotics other than penicillin for treating erysipelas. The low yield of skin and blood cultures and their marginal impact on manage­ment, as well as the excellent outcome suggest that this infection can probably be treated empirically on an outpatient basis.

September 2000
Eyal Breitbart, PhD and B.David Stollar, MD
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