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עמוד בית
Fri, 27.09.24

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January 2014
Johad F. Khoury, Myriam Weyl Ben-Arush, Michael Weintraub, Elisha Waldman, Boris Futerman, Eugene Vlodavsky and Sergey Postovsky
 Background: In osteosarcoma the histological response, measured by the percentage of tumor necrosis, constitutes one of the most significant predictive factors, with better survival in patients whose tumor necrosis is ≥ 90%.

Objectives: To determine if the decrease rate of serum alkaline phosphatase (SAP) levels during the first month of neoadjuvant chemotherapy could serve as a predictive indicator of tumor necrosis and clinical outcome.

Methods: We analyzed the medical files of 53 osteosarcoma patients (19 females, 34 males) (median age 16 years, range 8–24); the disease was metastatic in 12 and localized in the other 41.

Results: The histological responses were good in 38 patients (71.7%) and poor in 15 (28.3%). At a median follow-up of 50 months, 34 patients (64.2%) had no evidence of disease and 19 (35.8%) had died from the disease. High levels of SAP at diagnosis correlated with worse survival (P = 0.002). There was no difference in overall survival between patients whose SAP decrease rate was > 25% and those with a rate < 25% (P = 0.14). Among female patients, "rapid" SAP responders had better survival than "slow" responders (P = 0.026). In patients with metastases the SAP decrease rate was positively correlated with survival (P = 0.042).

Conclusions: There was no evidence that "rapid" SAP responders had a higher percentage of tumor necrosis than "slow" responders, although female "rapid" SAP responders had a better prognosis than "slow" responders. Patients with metastases at presentation and "rapid" SAP response had better prognoses.

August 2013
M.W. Moloi, F. Zhou, K. Baliki, M.K. Kayembe, F. Cainelli and S. Vento
November 2012
. Buda, R. Hod, R. Feinmesser and J. Shvero

Background: Chondrosarcoma of the larynx is a rare tumor. The most common symptom is hoarseness. Treatment is controversial.

Objectives: To describe six patients with laryngeal chondrosarcoma from a single center.

Methods: The medical records of a major tertiary hospital were reviewed for all patients with laryngeal chondrosarcoma diagnosed and treated from 1959 to 2010. Data on background, clinical treatment and outcome were collected.

Results: Six patients, all males with a mean age of 53.3 years, were identified. Partial laryngectomy was performed in three patients, and total laryngectomy, local excision, and partial cricoidectomy in one patient each. Four patients had a permanent tracheostomy after surgery. One patient required postoperative chemotherapy and one radiotherapy. Follow-up time was 12–216 months (mean 102 months). Recurrence developed in two patients 2 and 8 years after initial treatment and was treated by salvage surgery in both patients. One patient died during the follow-up from an unrelated cause. The others are currently alive.

Conclusions: This study supports earlier reports recommending initial treatment with partial or total laryngectomy for laryngeal chondrosarcoma. Long-term follow-up for recurrence is advised. We recommend preserving the larynx, if possible, even if a permanent tracheostomy is necessary.

August 2012
A.Gefen, M. Weyl Ben Arush, I. Eisenstein, E. Vlodavsky, R. Abdah-Bortnyak and S. Postovsky
August 2011
February 2011
Y. Naaman, D. Shveiky, I. Ben-Shachar, A. Shushan, J. Mejia-Gomez and A. Benshushan

Background: Uterine sarcoma constitutes a highly malignant group of uterine tumors. It accounts for 2–6% of uterine malignancies and its incidence is 1.7 in 100,000 women. The three most common variants of uterine sarcoma are endometrial stromal sarcoma, leiomyosarcoma and carcinosarcoma. Based on relatively small case series, the literature provides little information on the risk factors, the natural course of the disease and the preferred treatment.

Objectives: To evaluate uterine sarcoma patients treated in a tertiary referral center in Israel over a 20 year period (1980–2005).

Methods: We conducted a retrospective review of the charts of 40 uterine sarcoma patients, including their tumor characteristics, stage at diagnosis, treatment modalities, follow-up and survival.

Results: The patients’ mean age was 53 years (range 32–76); 30% of the patients had carcinosarcoma, 55% had leiomyosarcoma and 15% had ESS[1]. Half of the patients presented with stage I disease, 23% stage II, 10% stage III and 15% stage IV. Thirty-nine patients were treated by surgery. Adjuvant radiotherapy was administered to 39% of the patients, adjuvant chemotherapy to 21% and combined radiotherapy and chemotherapy to 9%. The mean follow-up period was 44 months, at which time disease had recurred in 44% of the patients. The disease stage was correlated with the 5-year survival rate, which was 73.1% for stages I-II and 22.2% for stages III- IV.

Conclusions: In accordance with other larger studies our data show that the only prognostic factor that was significantly correlated with prognosis was the stage of the disease at diagnosis. Despite advances in diagnosis and treatment, survival has not improved over the last 25 years.

[1] ESS = endometrial stromal sarcoma

May 2010
O. Ben-Ishay, P. Shmulevsky, E. Brauner, E. Vladowsky and Y. Kluger
September 2009
December 2007
S. Vano-Galvan and T. Alonso-Jimenez
November 2007
J. Issakov, I. Jiveliouk, I. Nachmany, J. Klausner and O. Merimsky

Background: The diagnosis of gastrointestinal stromal tumors is based on documentation of c-KIT and platelet-derived growth factor-alpha receptors or specific c-KIT mutations. Before the diagnosis of GIST[1] was possible, all cases had been classified as sarcomas or benign tumors.

Objectives: To identify cases of GIST formerly diagnosed as abdominal or retroperitoneal mesenchymal tumors.

Methods: We reviewed the archive material on all surgical cases diagnosed as gastrointestinal related malignant mesenchymal tumors or GIST in our medical center during the last decade (1995–2004).

Results: Sixty-eight cases of retroperitoneal soft tissue sarcoma were identified. Thirty-eight were reconfirmed to be GIST, 19 were newly diagnosed as GIST (the hidden cases), 8 cases were re-diagnosed as mesenchymal tumors, and 3 cases of sarcoma remained sarcomas. Of all the GIST tumors, c-KIT-positive and PDGFRα[2]-positive tumors were more characteristic of primary gastric tumors, while c-KIT-positive and PDGFRα-negative tumors were found in the colorectal area. The c-KIT-negative and PDGFRα-positive cases were of gastric origin.

Conclusions: Any c-KIT-negative malignant mesenchymal mass located near the proximal gastrointestinal tract should also be stained for PDGFRα to differentiate between GIST and other soft tissue sarcomas. Practically, formerly diagnosed abdominal or retroperitoneal soft tissue sarcomas should be reviewed to identify patients with misdiagnosed GIST and thereby avoid future unnecessary and ineffective chemotherapy.


[1] GIST = gastrointestinal stromal tumors

[2] PDGFRα = platelet-derived growth factor-alpha

July 2006
D. Rimar, Y. Rimar and Y. Keynan
 Today, more than 10 years and 2000 articles since human herpesvirus 8 was first described by Chang et al., novel insights into the transmission and molecular biology of HHV-8[1] have unveiled a new spectrum of diseases attributed to the virus. The association of HHV-8 with proliferative disorders – including Kaposi's sarcoma, multicentric Castleman disease and primary effusion lymphoma – is well established. Other aspects of HHV-8 infection are currently the subject of accelerated research. Primary HHV-8 infection may manifest as a mononucleosis-like syndrome in the immunocompetent host, or in various forms in the immunocompromised host. The association of HHV-8 with primary pulmonary hypertension was observed by Cool et al. in 2003, but six clinical trials evaluating the role of HHV-8 in pulmonary hypertension have not been able to replicate this intriguing observation. It has been speculated that HHV-8 may secondarily infect proliferating endothelium in patients with pulmonary hypertension. HHV-8 epidemiology, modes of transmission, new spectrum of disease and treatment are presented and discussed.

[1] HHV-8 = human herpesvirus 8

February 2006
G.P. Georghiou, B.A. Vidne and M. Saute

A 32 year old man presented with a huge tumor in the right chest wall that had increased dramatically in size over the previous 6 months.

July 2005
G.P. Georghiou, Y. Shapira, A. Tobar, B.A. Vidne and G. Sahar
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