I. Potasman, G. Naftali and M. Grupper
Background: Overuse and abuse of antibiotics is a major cause of microbial resistance. Within the hospital setting such overuse necessitates real-time supervision by infectious diseases (ID) specialists.
Objectives: To evaluate the impact of a recently introduced computerized antibiotic authorization system on the pharmacy budget.
Methods: The study was performed in a 400 bed university hospital. With the new system, antibiotic requests are entered electronically by the ward physician and reviewed within minutes to hours by ID specialists. The feedbacks are seen in the wards and pharmacy. Successive years, one before and the other after introduction of the system, were compared.
Results: During the first year with the new system 7167 antibiotic requests were entered 20% of them were rejected, mainly for improper indication (43% of the rejections). During that year the antibiotic expenditure was reduced by 17%, compared to the previous year (~equal to 200,000 US$), and was against the trend of the last 5 years. Of the 35 antibiotics under the control of the ID team, the use of 7 was probably curtailed by the supervision. Pareto analysis revealed that four drugs constituted > 50% of the pharmacy’s expenses. The mortality rate (per 1000 hospitalization days) during those 2 years fell from 4.0 to 3.8.
Conclusions: Computerized antibiotic control by ID specialists is a feasible cost-saving new modality that may help reduce unnecessary antibiotic prescriptions.
R. Marom, R. Lubetzky, F.B. Mimouni, H. Bassan, L. Ben Sira, I. Berger, S. Dollberg and D. Mandel
Background: Infants with severe intraventricular-periventricular hemorrhage (IVH) have higher absolute nucleated red blood cell counts (aNRBC) at birth (a marker of intrauterine hypoxia) than controls. Periventricular leukomalacia (PVL) is known to be associated with prenatal and postnatal events. Whether PVL is also linked to intrauterine hypoxia is unknown.
Objectives: To test the hypothesis that infants with PVL have higher aNRBC counts at birth than controls.
Methods: We studied 14 very low birth weight infants with PVL and compared them with 14 pair-matched controls without PVL. Head ultrasound scans were performed in all infants on days 3–5 and 21–25 of life. Paired tests, Fisher exact tests and stepwise logistic regression were performed for analysis.
Results: Groups were similar for gestational age (GA), birth weight (BW), prolonged rupture of membranes (PROM), Apgar scores, IVH, and aNRBC counts. PVL correlated significantly with low partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) and IVH (P < 0.01). In logistic regression, when GA, gender, PROM, antenatal steroid therapy, 1 (or 5) minute Apgar scores, IVH grade, nosocomial sepsis, patent ductus arteriosus, necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), need for pressors, aNRBC counts and lowest pCO2 were used as independent variables, pCO2 (P = 0.002), IVH grade (P = 0.001), GA (P = 0.038), NEC (P = 0.061) and use of dopamine (P = 0.010) remained in the analysis (total R2 = 68.2%).
Conclusions: In contrast to severe IVH, aNRBC counts do not predict the development of PVL.
E. Baharav and A. Weinberger
Background: The human lymphocyte antigen (HLA) molecule B*5101 is a functioning receptor of the immune system and is generally accepted as a genetic marker for Behçet disease (BD), a multi-organ, chronic inflammatory disorder. The role of the HLA-B*5101 in the pathogenesis of BD is elusive. The assumption that HLA-B*5101 has an active role in BD is suggestive, but no antigen has yet been identified.
Objectives: To evaluate the potential binding capacity of various antigens to the HLA-B*5101 molecule.
Methods: Using bioinformatics programs, we studied the binding capacity of HLA-B*5101 and its corresponding rat molecule RT.A1 to the following antigens: heat shock protein-60 (HSP-60), major histocompatibility complex class I chain-related gene A (MICA), retinal S-antigen (S-Ag), HLA-B-27 molecule and its peptide (PD) and tropomyosin (TPM), all of which serve as antigens in animal models corresponding to BD.
Results: In each protein including the B*5101 molecule itself, the computerized programs revealed several short sequences with potential high binding capacity to HLA-B*5101 with the exception of B-27PD. The rat MHC RT1.Al had no binding capacity to S-Ag.
Conclusions: The evaluated proteins have the potential to bind to and to serve as potential antigens to the HLA-B*5101 and the rat MHC RT1.Al molecules. The pathogenicity of these suggested short peptides should be evaluated in animal models of BD.
N. Shapira
The “Israeli Paradox“ (1996) of low national health rankings despite adequate diet – attributed to high dietary n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) – coincided with long-observed dichotomies between women’s worse international status vs. men’s advantage. This raised the assumption of a gender link to high n-6 risk as an explanation for both national phenomena. Israeli women’s disadvantage was shown by worse international rankings, i.e., life expectancy (LE), 11th vs. men’s 3rd-best/22 countries (2000), and 14th vs. 6th/34 (2010) all-cause and all-cancer mortality both 15th vs. 2nd-best/22 (2000), and 15th vs. 6th/22 and 12th vs. 2nd-best/22 (2010). Breast cancer mortality rates were +21.8%, vs. prostate -30.4%, compared to Eur-A (27 country) averages (2005). Gender gaps/ratios were smaller than European Union-15, i.e., LE at birth by 34.4–26.4% (2000–2010), respectively, and at 65 years 45.9–35.3% all-cause mortality by 43.3–33.4%, and all-cancer 65.2–58.7%. The Israeli diet was mostly close to guidelines, but n-6 intake (10–12% kcal) was much higher than both recommended and traditional “Mediterranean diet“ levels. Research showing females’ greater potential for conversion of PUFA to long-chain PUFA (LCPUFA) may suggest their potentially increased production of n-6 eicosanoids with known pro-inflammatory/oxidative/carcinogenic potential. An “N-6 Gender Nutrition Paradox“ hypothesis is suggested here, for the first time, associating women’s higher risk and lead in the national “paradox“ with greater potential for n-6 conversion to pro-inflammatory/oxidative/carcinogenic eicosanoids compared to men. This may also exacerbate women’s risk associated with genetic predisposition (i.e., BRCA) and/or sociopolitical stress. Global abandonment of traditional diets/foods together with increasing n-6 consumption and western disease rates emphasize the importance of considering gender in nutritional epidemiology and preventive strategies.
D. Jakubowicz, J. Wainstein and R. Homburg
R. Nevzorov, T. Ben-Gal, B. Strasberg and M. Haim
G. Yahalom, A. Yagoda, C. Hoffmann, O. Dollberg and N. Gadoth
I. Kenis, M. Werner, N. Nacasch and Z. Korzets
G. Twig, A. Furer, G. Yaniv, L. Michael, R. Karplus and H. Amital
E. Cohen-Ganelin, M. Davidovits, J. Amir and D. Prais
zahava vadasz, elias toubi,