IMAJ | volume 27
Journal 1, January 2025
pages: 11-16
School of Humanities, University of New England, Armidale, and University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia
On 9 August 1938, prisoners from Dachau concentration camp near Munich were sent to the town of Mauthausen in Austria to begin building a new camp. The site was chosen because of the nearby granite quarry and its proximity to Linz [1,2].
Mauthausen initially served as a prison camp for common criminals, prostitutes, and other categories of incorrigible law offenders. However, on 8 May 1939, it was converted to a labor camp. Later, Mauthausen KL became a Nazi concentration camp on a hill above the market town of Mauthausen, approximately 20 kilometers from Linz. It was complemented with dozens of subcamps in the surrounding areas.