The Scientific Council is the scientific arm of the Israeli Medical Association. The Council is responsible, under the Physicians Ordinance, for the planning and supervision of the physician specialization system in Israel and for continuing education programs in medicine.
The Council’s responsibilities include:
- Setting medical specialization policy with the aim of maintaining the high level of medicine in Israel.
- Overseeing the specialization system of about 5,000 medical residents (including basic sciences).
- Approving medical specialist certification in 56 medical fields.
- Initiating changes in specialization programs in existing medical fields, determining new medical fields requiring specialization, accrediting fellowship professional training programs as higher specialization programs.
- Accrediting and overseeing professional training and continuing studies programs for IMA members.
- Accrediting and overseeing hospital, clinic, unit and all other medical settings offering medical specializations.
- Conducting Stage A and Stage B specialization examinations and specialization final examinations in higher specializations.
- Encouraging scientific and research activities within the IMA and in medical institutions in Israel.
The Scientific Council functions through the following entities:
- The Executive Committee – formulates Scientific Council policy
- Presidium – implements policy set by the Scientific Council
- Specialization Committee, Examinations Committee, Accreditation and Control Committee, Education Committee, Appeals Committee, Basic Sciences Committee, Professional committees for specialist accreditation
For questions and clarification concerning specializations please contact:
Ms. Efrat Ben Avraham
Tel: +972-3-6100416