With respect to sub-section A (1), we maintain that the word “entitled” should be removed. The Director General of the National Transplant Center must authorize a transplant coordinator but does not have the authority to decide on the existence of the position of transplant coordinator.
With respect to sub-section A (2) we oppose the wording of the section and maintain that the Director General of the Transplant Center should not conduct, through quality control professionals, quality control of the outcomes and success or lack of success in performing transplants in the country. The role of the Director General is to manage the orderly operation of the Center and to act to encourage organ donations and not to monitor, at the professional level, the functioning of doctors in the transplant centers. Sub-sections (B) and (C) also address assessing ‘outcomes’ of transplants, whereas we maintain that it is not their role to do so and demand to remove these sub-sections. Nonetheless, we agree that the National Transplant Center should monitor various aspects of the transplant procedure. We propose establishing a monitoring committee that will be subordinate to the National Transplant Center steering committee. The committee will be comprised of doctors and professionals and will act to gather information as to whether donations from among all cases of brain death are fully exploited, in other words that all potential donors have been identified and the success rates of organ harvesting from among this group. The monitoring committee will assist the steering committee and the National Transplant Center in measuring the Center’s success, will identify aspects requiring improvement and pinpoint cases in which the success of the National Transplant Center and of the transplant coordinators resulted in the saving of lives.