Cutaneous Leishmaniasis: Incidental Outbreak in a New Endemic Area?
A. Biton, S. Namir, B. Mosovich, D. Vardi
Regional Dermatology Clinic, Kupat Holim Klalit, Beer Sheba, and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
In the autumn of '94 we saw 32 patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis from a newly populated area south of Yerucham. Yerucham had never previously been reported as a focus of leishmaniasis. Ongoing construction in the town and the health hazards that resulted may play a part in this new situation. There are a number of ways of controlling and preventing outbreaks of leishmaniasis. They include elimination of the vector, Phlebotomus and its host, the gerbils as well as their food supply, "maloach" bushes, other health hazards and vaccination of the population. Patients were treated according to the severity of disease. It is still too early to determine whether our efforts to limit the spread of the outbreak have been successful.