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        תוצאת חיפוש

        פברואר 2001

        ולדימיר שץ

        ולדימיר שץ




        הפחתת מאגרים קוגניטיביים במחלת אלצהיימר (מ"א) נובעת מדילדול מוחי, אולם קיים היבט אחר של התופעה המתבטא בכך, שהמאגרים מופחתים עשרות שנים לפני התהוות המחלה. במחקרים אחדים, לא נמצא קשר בין רמת השכלה ובין שיעור וקצב החמרת השיטיון ככל ובמ"א בפרט. אולם ברוב הפירסומים, כולל רב-מרכזיים, נמצא שרמת השכלה נמוכה מעלה את שיעור קצב הירידה הקוגניטיבית לפני התחלתה ואת קצב החמרתה של מ"א. בסקירה זו סוכם מידע בסוגיה זו.

        מרץ 1999

        ולדימיר שץ וסילביו קוזקוב

        Reactive Increase in Blood Pressure on Immobilization, but not Hypertension, Prevents Pressure Ulcers


        Vladimir Shats, Silvio Kozacov


        Geriatric Dept., Rebecca Sieff Hospital, Safed


        Of 135 geriatric patients immobilized for at least 2 days, 37 (27.4%) had pressure ulcers (PU). Those without PU were the control comparison group. Gender, length of immobilization, number of blood pressure determinations and proportion with hypertension were similar in those with and without PU. Those with PU were slightly older than those in the comparison group: 75.5±8.8 and 74.7±9.6 years, respectively (p>0.05).


        Of 66 patients with acute ischemic stroke, reactive increase of systolic or diastolic blood pressure to 140/90 mm Hg or above following immobilization, was seen in 60.6% and 22.7% of patients, respectively, and there were PU in 12.1%. Of 17 with recurrent ischemic stroke, corresponding figures were: 41.2%, 23.5% (p>0.05), and 47.1% (p<0.01). In 7 patients with previous ischemic stroke corresponding figures were: 14.3% and 0% (p<0.01) and 100% (p<0.001). In 36 operated for fracture of the femur, corresponding figures were: 50%, 11.1% (p>0.05), and 27.8% (p>0.05). For 9 patients with severe infections, sepsis or pneumonia, the corresponding figures were: 22.2% and 0.0% (p>0.05), and 44.4% (p<0.04).


        The proportion of patients with reactive increase in systolic blood pressure on immobilization was lower in the PU group than in the controls, 27% vs 59.2%, (p<0.001). The corresponding figures for reactive increase in diastolic blood pressure were similar, 8.1% and 20.4%, respectively (p>0.05).


        The mean systolic blood pressure on immobilization was higher in the control than in the PU group, 145.4±21.7 and 130.8±14.9 mm Hg, respectively (p<0.001). The corresponding figures for the mean diastolic blood pressure were similar, 81.2±10.5 and 75.7±8.9 mm Hg, respectively (p<0.01). An increase in systolic blood pressure on immobilization reduced the risk of developing PU (p<0.05).


        There was no significant statistical relation between diagnosis of hypertension and proportion of patients with PU (p>0.05). Of 67 patients with hypertension, in 23.9% and 74.6% of them there was no increase in systolic or diastolic blood pressure, respectively. Statistical difference between lack of diastolic or systolic response was very significant (p<0.001).


        Reactive increase of blood pressure, but not hypertension, predicts reduced risk of PU on immobilization in the hospitalized elderly. Diminished reactive increase of blood pressure in response to stress of any kind may be a criterion of frailty and reduced physiological reserves. Efforts to reduce elevated blood pressure when a patient is immobilized appear irrational.

        פברואר 1999

        ולדימיר שץ

        Maximal Age Reflects Ignoring the Health of the Oldest in General, Geriatric, and Gerontolo- Gical Studies


        Vladimir Shats


        Geriatric Dept., Rebecca Sieff Government Hospital, Safed


        In publications relating to the health of the elderly there are 2 ways of presenting maximal ages, collective (for example: 70+ years) and individual maximal age (for example 70 years). While enabling assessment up to a certain age, data from subjects above the maximal age stated in the research will not be included. From the literature of the past 10 years, there were selected 764 disease parameters (PD) and 177 parameters of aging (PA). Among them 667 (70.9%) and 274 (29.1%) were parameters with collective and exact maximal ages, respectively.

        The lack of reference by authors to ages above 70 to 79 (or 70+ to 79+) and 80 to 89 (or 80+ to 89+) was calculated from the medical literature, and estimated as significant, and for ages above 80 to 89 was estimated as minimally significant, in regard to their focus on health data in the elderly. In different groups of parameters, 24% to 32% of maximal ages indicated significant and 25% to 65% minimal lack of reference. Maximal ages of PA were higher than those of PD (p<0.001), so lack of reference to health of the elderly was more significant when PD were studied as compared to PA. Lack of reference was more significant in studies of hospitalized and ambulatory patients and people living within the community. Usually authors checked all the populations of people living in nursing homes, but the total number of parameters relating to the latter, was very small, only 5.1% of the total number of parameters, so the populations of nursing homes did not reach the attention of the researchers.

        Collective maximal ages are more often used in geriatric journals, including the Journal of the American Geriatric Society, as opposed to general and gerontological journals, although this approach seems to be too sweeping in the assessment of health of the elderly.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303