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  • מה תרצו למצוא?

        תוצאת חיפוש

        מאי 2002

        דב שטינמץ, חנה אדלשטיין, אלדר ברקוביץ וראול רז

        דב שטינמץ, חנה אדלשטיין, אלדר ברקוביץ וראול רז


        המטרה בעבודתנו היתה להעריך את הבטיחות והעלות-תועלת של טיפול אנטיביוטי לתוך הווריד לחולי אוסטאומיאליטיס במסגרת הבית. העבודה בוצעה במחוז חיפה וגליל מערבי של שירותי בריאות כללית.

        נבדקו כל התיקים הרפואיים של חולים שאובחנו כלוקים באוסטאומיאליטיס וטופלו בין השנים 1999-2000 באנטיביוטיקה לתוך הווריד במסגרת הבית. נבדקו גורמי המחלה, סוגי האנטיביוטיקה שניתנו, הסיבוכים, ובוצעה הערכה של עלויות הטיפול.

        בתקופה זו טופלו 52 חולים בביתם ב-55 מערכי אנטיביוטיקה לתוך הווריד. סך כל ימי הטיפול הגיע ל-1,187 יום. שמונים-וחמישה אחוזים מהחולים הופנו מהמחלקות השונות בבתי-החולים. ב-54.6% מהחולים הגורם המזהם לא היה ידוע. מבין הגורמים הידועים והשכיחים ביותר שגרמו לזיהום היו סטאפילוקוקוס ופסידומונס ארוגינאזה. פניצילינים וצפלוספורינים היו סוגי האנטיביוטיקה שניתנו בשכיחות הגבוהה ביותר. שיעור הסיבוכים במהלך טיפולים אלה היה נמוך ביותר ולא היו כלל סיבוכים קשים.

        חושב חיסכון של 1,299,765 ש"ח בעלות הטיפול, בזכות הפרש העלויות בין יום אישפוז בבית-חולים ליום טיפול במסגרת אישפוז-בית.

        לסיכום, מתן אנטיביוטיקה לתוך הווריד לחולי אוסטאומיאליטיס במסגרת אישפוז-בית נמצא בטוח, יעיל ונוח הן לחולה והן לבני משפחתו. יתר על כן, שיטה זו מפחיתה באופן ניכר את עלויות האישפוז.

        יולי 2001

        ד' שטינמץ, ח' אדלשטיין, ש' דישון, א' ברקוביץ, א' עלמני וא' מילר

        Hospital-At-Home as a Solution for the Treatment Requirements of Acute Exacerbation in Multiple Sclerosis


        D. Steinmetz (1), H. Edelstein (1), S. Dishon (2), E. Berkovitz (1), A. Almany (1), A. Miller (2)


        (1) Hospital-at-Home Department, Continuing Care Unit, Clalit Health Services, Haifa and Western Galilee District. (2) Multiple Sclerosis Center, the Neuroimmunology Unit, Carmel Medical Center. Faculty of Medicine and the Rappoport Institute for Medical Research, Haifa, Israel


        Cooperation between the Multiple Sclerosis center at the Carmel medical center and the Hospital-at-Home (H.H) department of the continuing care unit in the Haifa and Western Galilee district of the Clalit Health Services has made it possible to give metylprednisolone intravenously to Multiple Sclerosis (M.S) patients during an acute exacerbation of the disease, in their home.

        In this study, we describe the joint work of the two centers. We have summarized 30 treatment courses given to 26 patients in their homes, following referral by the M.S. center, in the year 1999.

        The aims of the study included assessing satisfaction, safety and cose-effectiveness in a treatment course in the HH framework, as compared to the same treatment being conducted in the framework of hospitalization in various neurological departments, as was done in the past in the same group of patients.

        The expenses involved in HH for this group of patients were only 14% of the parallel treatment in the hospital (a savings of 86%).

        The treatment has proven to be extremely safe. There were no side-effects that required returning patients to the hospital, and the treatment was given in conditions of maximum comfort for the patient and his family.

        A telephone survey was conducted, which compared the satisfaction with the HH treatment, and the burden caused the patient's family to prior hospitalization for the same treatment. For all of the parameters examined, greater satisfaction was distinctly proven in the HH treatment. In light of these findings, we can conclude that giving metylprednisolone intravenously to M.S patients during an acute exacerbation, in the HH framework, is a safe and cost effective treatment, preferred by the patient and his family.

        מאי 2001

        נטע בנטור ואביבית מועלם

        The Effect on Family Members of Treating Home-Hospitalized Patients


        Netta Bentur, Avivit Moualem


        JCD-Brookdale Institute, Jerusalem


        Background: In recent years, chronic patients being treated at home are being joined by increasing numbers of acute and sub-acute patients. Although there has been a considerable expansion of formal services for home hospitalization, nevertheless a significant part of the burden of caring for these patients falls on their families. Many studies have examined the effect on the family of treating chronic patients at home, but very little is known about the effects on the family caregiver of treating an acute or sub-acute patient at home.

        Goals of the study: a. To determine the main areas of care involving family members within the framework of home hospitalization. b. To assess the caregivers' sense of burden. c.To identify the causes of the feelings of burden. d. To examine the caregivers' specific difficulties. e. To identify the areas in which they are particularly interested in additional guidance.

        Methodology: The study population included 179 primary caregivers of patients registered in four home hospitalization units. The data were collected during face-to-face interviews with the primary caregivers, in the patients' homes.

        Findings: Half (49%) of the caregivers were the patients' spouses, and the rest were other family members, 67% were women. The average age was 56, and about a third were over 65. On average, they were involved in six areas of care. Fifty three percent reported that the burden they had to contend with was too heavy, 28% said it was not so heavy, and 19% said it was not heavy at all. A multi-variate analysis revealed that the feeling that the burden was too heavy had a statistically significant correlation with caring for another family member at home, being involved in 3+ areas of treatments, being married, 9+ years of education, the patients suffering from frequent pain or unable to reach the bathroom independently. Most (75%) of the caregivers reported three or more areas of burden which include the time devoted to care giving, and the effect of the treatment on the patient's health, mental and physical condition. Although 77% of them had received instruction on how to treat the patients, 29% cited at least one area in which they would have liked to receive more instruction, noting in particular the need to learn how to deal with changes in the patient's mental status.

        Conclusions: Family members caring for home-hospitalized patients require more instruction and advice from the formal agencies during the daily care of the patient, particularly in specific subjects. There is a need to develop additional instruments for advice and instruction, in a broad range of areas, in order to assist the caregivers in their complex role. There is a need to continue to examine specific areas in which the family members require additional counselling and instruction, in order to better plan these services, and help improve the quality of care for home-hospitalized patients.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303