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  • מה תרצו למצוא?

        תוצאת חיפוש

        יוני 1999

        דן ליבוביץ, סימון שטראוס ואהובה שרון

        Acute, Painful, Swollen Testis


        Dan Leibovici, Simon Strauss, Ahuva Sharon


        Dept. of Urology, Ultrasound Unit, Institute of Diagnostic Imaging and Medical Dept., Assaf Harofeh Medical Center and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        An acutely painful and swollen testis mandates urgent diagnostic and therapeutic measures since this symptom complex may indicate torsion of the testis. Prompt scrotal exploration is necessary if the testis is to be saved from ischemic necrosis.

        Polyarteritis nodosa (PAN) is a vasculitis involving mainly medium and small sized arteries and may damage any organ. In PAN, the presentation of an acutely painful and swollen testis raises a perplexing diagnostic problem since the symptoms may be related to vasculitis involving the testis on the one hand, or represent primary testicular pathology unrelated to the underlying PAN. A 31-year-old man with PAN who presented with acute pain and swelling in a solitary testis is reported.

        ע' ברוק וי' בוינובר

        Rehospitalization of Children


        U. Brook, Y. Buyanover


        Pediatrics Dept., Wolfson Medical Center, Holon, and Sackler Medical School, Tel Aviv University


        The aims of the study were to determine the rate of rehospitalization in 1997 a month after the end of initial hospitalization. 72 of 1174 children (6.1%) were rehospitalized. The mean age was 4.6±3.6 years (range 1 month-16 years). The average duration of the initial hospitalization of the 72 children was 8.3±6.0 (range 1-50) days, but only 3.6 days for all hospitalized children. The duration of the rehospitalization was 4.1±2.1 days (range 1-10 days). the interval between the 2 hospitalizations was 11.1±9.6 days (range 1-30 days). Among the diseases of the rehospitalized children in decreasing order were: respiratory diseases (including ORL) (40.9%), gastrointestinal diseases (27.7%), nervous system diseases, and bacteremia and septicemia (5.6%). Second hospitalizations in connection with these conditions were: gastrointestinal disease (34.7%); respiratory disease (29%); and bacteremia and septicemia (11.1%). Our recommendations are for attending physicians to follow-up regularly and periodically children who suffer from chronic diseases and are prone to develop exacerbations. This should be done in cooperation with hospital specialists so that the cooperation may reduce the rehospitalization of these children.

        דן צרור, עודד זמיר, נחום בגלייבטר, דן אימרל והרברט פרוינד

        Retroperitoneoscopic Lumbar Sympathectomy


        D. Seror, O Zamir, D. Eimerl, H.R. Freund


        Depts. of Surgery and Anesthesia, Hadassah University Hospital, Mount Scopus and Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem


        We present our initial experience with retroperitoneoscopic lumbar sympathectomy in a series of 5 men aged 25-45 years. 3 suffered from ischemia of the lower limbs due to Buerger's disease, 1 had severe reflex sympathetic dystrophy and 1 had vasculitis with severe, non-healing lower leg ulcers.


        The right retroperitoneal space was developed with a dissecting balloon-trocar introduced via a small lateral muscle- splitting flank incision. 2 additional 5 mm trocars were used for instrumentation and clipping. L2-L3 or L3-L4 ganglia were resected; mean operating time was 120 minutes. Only oral analgesics were needed for postoperative pain control and oral food intake was resumed the following morning. The procedure was successful in all and was without complications. Mean hospital stay was 2 days.


        All patients reported significant relief of ischemia or dystrophic pain and/or improvement in trophic changes in the extremities. In the patient with leg ulcers, the largest was successfully covered with a skin graft. The retroperitoneoscopic approach to lumbar sympathectomy successfully combines the advantages of minimal invasive surgery and the reliability and effectiveness of well-established open sympathectomy.

        מאי 1999

        אורנה לוינסון, שמואל אורן, חנה יגיל, מרינה ספוג'ניקוב, אלכסנדר וקסלר, רוזנה בלוק ויורם יגיל

        ACE Gene Polymorphism in a Diabetic Cohort and Diabetic Nephropathy


        Orna Levinson, Shmuel Oren, Chana Yagil, Marina Sapojnikov, Alexander Wechsler, Rosanna Bloch, Yoram Yagil


        Laboratory for Molecular Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba and Barzilai Medical Center, Ashkelon


        The renin-angiotensin system is thought to play an important role in the pathophysiology of kidney disease in diabetes. Previous studies have shown a possible association between the D allele of the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) gene, known to be associated with higher circulating levels of ACE, and increased risk of developing nephropathy in NIDDM. The present study investigated the distribution of ACE gene genotypes in the general population and patients with NIDDM, the association between the D allele and diabetic nephropathy, and the association between the ACE genotype and involvement of other target organs in NIDDM. The ACE genotype (insertion/deletion I/D) was determined in all subjects, subsequently divided into 3 groups based on their polymorphism (DD, DI and II). The presence of nephropathy was defined by an albumin-creatinine ratio of 30 mg/g or greater (mean of 2 first morning urine samples).


        In the general population most had the D allele (DD or ID) and a minority the II genotype. There was no association between genotype and hypertension, ischemic heart disease, hyperlipidemia, and cerebrovascular or peripheral vascular disease. In diabetics the genotype distribution was not different from that in the general population. Within the diabetic group, there was no association between genotype and hypertension, hyperlipidemia, duration of diabetes, or HbA1C levels. Nephropathy, found in 81 of the 156 with NIDDM, was not associated with genotype. Diabetic nephropathy was not associated with retinopathy, neuropathy, or ischemic heart, cerebrovascular or peripheral vascular disease. We conclude that in the population sampled, there was no association between the D allele of the ACE gene and the risk of developing nephropathy in NIDDM.

        בנימין זאבי, גלית בר-מור ומיכאל ברנט

        1000 Cardiac Catheterizations in Congenital Heart Disease


        Benjamin Zeevi, Galit Bar-Mor, Michael Berant


        Cardiac Catheterization Unit, Schneider Children's Medical Center, and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Over the past 15 years, percutaneous therapeutic cardiac catheterization has become increasingly important in the treatment of congenital heart disease. We describe our experience in 1000 such catheterizations between 1993-1997. 55% were in 1-12-year-olds; only 20% were in patients younger than 1 year old and 11.3% were in adults with congenital heart defects. In about 50% it was at least a second cardiac catheterization. Overall, there were 425 therapeutic cardiac catheterizations, increasing from 33% in the first 200 procedures, to 63% in the last 200.

        We performed 30 different types of therapeutic catheterizations: 23.3% were valvular dilations, 21.4% vessel angioplasties, 36.9% closure procedures, 9.2% electrophysiological procedures, and 9.2% miscellaneous. In 31.3% of therapeutic catheterizations we used 12 new procedures. Minor complications occurred in 8.5% and major in 0.6%; most complications were successfully treated or were self-limited and there was no residual damage.

        In this report the current role of each type of major catheterization is discussed on the basis of our experience. Further development of technology for lesions not amenable to currently available transcatheter methods, and longer follow-up for current techniques will consolidate the role of therapeutic cardiac catheterization in congenital heart disease.

        אפריל 1999

        גדעון פרת, רון בן אברהם, אושרת יטיב, אמיר ורדי וזוהר ברזילי

        Intrahospital Transport of Critically Ill Children


        Gideon Paret, Ron Ben Abraham, Oshrat Yativ, Amir Vardi, Zohar Barzilay


        Dept. of Pediatric Intensive Care and of Anesthesiology, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer and University of Tel Aviv


        Prospective evaluation of intrahospittransportation of 33 critically ill children to and from the pediatric intensive care unit was conducted over the course of a month. Factors contributing to risk of transport were assessed.

        There were 33 children (25 boys and 8 girls), 3 days to 15 years of age. Reasons for admission included: disease and trauma in 19, and status post operation in 11. The pretransport PRISM score was 4.84. 22 children (66.6%) were being mechanically ventilated and 10 (30.3%) were being treated with amines. Transport time ranged from 8-150 minutes. 15 of the transports (45.4%) were urgent and a special intensive care team escorted 22 (66.6%). Equipment mishaps and physiolog-ical deterioration occured in 12 (36.3%) and 11 (30.3%) of the cases, respectively. The use of amines, mechanical ventilation, longer transport time and high PRISM score were all associated with physiological deterioration on transport.

        אברהים מטר, משה ולד ושמואל אלדר

        Laparoscopy for Common Bile Duct Stones


        Ibrahim Matter, Moshe Wald, Shmuel Eldar


        Depts. of Surgery and Urology, B'nai-Zion Medical Center, Haifa


        We performed 75 laparoscopic cholecystectomies during July and September 1996. In 3 men and 4 women, aged 32-87 years, there was obstructive jaundice caused by choledocholithiasis. During laparoscopy in the jaundiced patients, calculi were identified by cholangioscopy and intra-operative cholangiography. They were washed into the duodenum (confirmed cholangiographically) after intravenous glucagon injections and dilation of the papilla of Vater.

        Serum bilirubin and liver enzyme levels returned to normal within a few days. There was no operative or postoperative morbidity, nor any biliary-related systemic complications. Average postoperative hospitalization was 3 days.

        רמי קנטור, רחל פאוזנר, לנה פלי וצבי פרפל

        High Alkaline Phosphatase in Subacute Thyroiditis


        Rami Kantor, Rachel Pauzner, Elena Pali, Zvi Farfel


        Dept. of Internal Medicine E, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Subacute thyroiditis may be hard to diagnose, therefore patients are sometimes misdiagnosed and subjected to unnecessary work-up. We report a 37-year-old man with subacute thyroiditis and a high concentration of serum alkaline phosphatase. After aspirin treatment there was clinical improvement and decrease in rapid ESR, and in high serum thyroxin and alkaline phosphatase. The increased alkaline phosphatase, seen in as many as 50% of patients, is of hepatic origin, and is not caused by high serum thyroxin. Awareness of this relationship may help in diagnosis and may prevent unnecessary diagnostic procedures, which may be invasive.

        יעל לנדאו וורדה גרוס-צור

        Attentional Characteristics of Developmental Right Hemi-Sphere Syndrome


        Yael E. Landau, Varda Gross-Tsur


        Neuropediatric Unit, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem


        Developmental right hemisphere syndrome (DRHS) is characterized by emotional and interpersonal difficulties, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), visuo-spatial handicaps, subtle left body neurologic signs and failure in nonverbal academic domains, especially arithmetic. Concurrence of ADHD and DRHS is not surprising because research has implicated dysfunction of the right hemisphere in both syndromes. Furthermore, the right hemisphere has more brain areas devoted to attentional processing, making it more important and more vulnerable in attentional problems.

        We describe the clinical parameters of DRHS as exemplified by 2 cases, a boy and a girl, both 13 years old. They participated in a study group in which attention and speed of performance were assessed in children with DRHS and were compared to children with ADHD and to a control group. A tendency to overfocusing, difficulty in inhibition, perseverative behaviors, stereotypy, and slowness and absence of hyperactivity characterized the DRHS group. These behaviors led us to hypothesize that the attentional symptoms in DRHS define a specific subgroup of ADHD which requires a different therapeutic approach.

        א' מרגוליס, ו' חתואל, א' ויינברג, א' נוימן, צ' ישראל ומ' ר' וכסלר

        Plagiocephaly in Children: Etiology, Differential Diagnosis and Helmet Treatment


        A. Margulis, V. Hatuel, A. Weinberg, A. Neuman, Z. Israel, M.R. Wexler


        Depts. of Plastic Surgery, Occupational Therapy, and Neurosurgery, Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem


        Plagiocephaly in a head-and-neck irradiated rat model or rhomboid-shaped head, occurs in at least 1 in 300 live births. In most cases such asymmetry is not caused by synostosis of the unilateral coronal or lambdoid sutures, but is rather a deformity produced by intrauterine and/or postnatal deformational forces. Categorization and diagnosis of plagiocephaly as synostotic or deformational is reliably made by physical examination and computerized tomography. Its differential diagnosis is extremely important because prompt surgical correction is usually indicated for the synostotic type. In contrast, infants with deformational frontal or occipital plagiocephaly generally respond to helmet treatment.

        10 infants with significant deformational plagiocephaly were treated with individual plastic helmets during the past 2 years and 4 other infants with plagiocephaly are currently being treated. In each instance, cranial asymmetry dramatically improved as the brain grew and the head filled out the helmet. There were no significant complications. Awareness of deformational plagiocephaly allows more accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment, avoiding unnecessary surgical intervention in patients with positional molding.

        מרץ 1999

        יהודה לרמן, גבריאל חודיק, חווה אלוני ושי אשכנזי

        Is Official Data on Reported Morbidity Valid? Hepatitis A in Israel as an Example


        Yehuda Lerman, Gabriel Chodik, Hava Aloni, Shai Ashkenazi


        Occupational Health and Rehabilitation Institute, Ra'anana, Schneider Children's Hospital, Petah Tikva, and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Hepatitis A is one of the most frequently reported notifiable infectious diseases in Israel. The annual incidence as reported is around 70/100,000. The physician or the diagnostic laboratory notifies the district health office of the Ministry of Health.

        The purpose of this research was to evaluate the sensitivity of passive surveillance of hepatitis A morbidity among adults, 18 years and over. Methods included study of notifications to the Ministry of Health or hospitalizations of cases of hepatitis A and of positive laboratory tests results (IgM) for hepatitis A. We estimated the extent of under-reporting by 2 different methods of extrapolation.

        Data based on passive surveillance among the adult population, between 1.1.1993-31.12.1994, comprised less than 1/5 of the actual number of cases. Physicians notified about 6.2% of their hepatitis A patients. 5.1% of the notifications to the district health office were sent twice or more, usually both by the physicians and labs.

        The official data on hepatitis A morbidity, based on passive surveillance, are considerably underestimated. Physicians and public health officials should be aware that such data may not accurately reflect the magnitude of the risk or the amount of disease that can be prevented. Efforts should be made to improve this situation.

        שוקי לשם, חוה טבנקין, אילן דן ועדה תמיר

        Knowledge and Practice of Primary Care Physicians Relating to Streptococcal Pharyngitis


        S. Leshem, H. Tabenkin, E. Dan, A. Tamir


        Family Medicine Dept., Emek Medical Center and Northern District of Kupat Holim; and Northern Branch of Specialization Institute, Faculty of Life Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba


        Knowledge and practice of primary care physicians as to diagnosis and treatment of group A, b-hemolytic streptococcal pharyngitis, and the degree to which they agreed with the medical literature and current clinical guidelines were examined. The study was conducted in a group of 195 general physicians, pediatricians, and family medicine specialists and residents. The data were collected using questionnaires which included personal information and questions relating to b-hemolytic streptococcal pharyngitis and were analyzed by chi-square and t-tests, and logistic regression, as appropriate. A new dependent variable, good clinical practice (GCP), was defined as the total number of correct answers to the questions in the questionnaire. 147 of the 195 eligible physicians returned completed questionnaires, a compliance rate of 76%.

        96.6% cited pV as the drug of choice at a daily dosage of 1 g (43.7%) or 2 g (25.4%), for 10 days (90%). 133 physicians (90%) stated that the goal of penicillin therapy for beta-hemolytic streptococcal pharyngitis is to prevent late complications. 116 physicians (82%) cited rheumatic fever as a complication of group A beta-hemolytic streptococcal pharyngitis, preventable by appropriate antibiotic therapy. However, only 84 (59%) cited glomerulonephritis as a preventable complication.

        When the knowledge and attitudes of the respondents was analyzed in terms of the new variable, GCP, a significant association (p<0.001) was found between physicians’ attitudes and variables such as where they had studied medicine, and work seniority. Those with less seniority and or medical graduates of the Americas demonstrated greater knowledge and better clinical judgment than their more senior colleagues and graduates of European and Asian medical schools. Most primary care physicians in northern Israel treat group A b-hemolytic streptococcal pharyngitis as recommended in the medical literature.

        The level of medical studies in Israel and the Americas and the quality of training of residents in family medicine and pediatrics, have a positive influence on the degree of knowledge of as common a subject as b-hemolytic streptococcal pharyngitis. Emphasis should be placed on continuing medical education among primary care physicians, particularly veteran general physicians and those who studied in European or Asian medical schools.

        בנימין זאבי, גלית בר-מור ומיכאל ברנט

        Balloon Angioplasty of Native Coarctation of the Aorta


        Benjamin Zeevi, Galit Bar-Mor, Michael Berant


        Cardiac Catheterization Unit, Schneider Children's Medical Center, Petah Tikva, and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        The use of balloon dilatation to treat native coarctation of the aorta is gaining acceptance among interventional pediatric cardiologists, but is still controversial. We describe our experience with this procedure in 21 children, mean age 5.6 years and mean weight 21.1 kg. Most had an additional congenital heart defect, most commonly a bicuspid aortic valve. 17 were asymptomatic, 3 had tachypnea and 1 infant had severe congestive heart failure and was ventilated. The mean systolic blood pressure was 129.7 mm Hg.


        Balloon dilatation was successful in 90% (19), decreasing the mean maximal systolic gradient from 35.3 to 9 mm Hg (p<0.001), and increasing the narrowest area from 3.9 to 8.2 mm (p<0.001), with a mean balloon-to-coarctation width-ratio of 2.8. There were no complications. Of 15 who underwent repeat cardiac catheterization at a mean interval of 10.6 months, 2 had a maximal systolic gradient of more than 20 mm Hg. 1 of these underwent successful repeat angioplasty and the other, who also had a small aneurysm, underwent surgical repair successfully. 2 others had small aneurysms and they are being followed clinically.


        All patients were seen again after a mean interval of 31 months. The mean systolic blood pressure was 104 mm Hg, significantly lower than before intervention (p<0.002). 1 had an increased pressure gradient between right arm and leg of 35 mm Hg at later follow-up, and repeat cardiac catheterization demonstrated a good result 13 months after the initial procedure. She is awaiting a third catheterization. Overall, 90% had good mid-term results.


        Based on our experience and recent reports, balloon angioplasty is safe and effective in most children older than 7 months and should be considered a viable alternative to operation for discrete aortic coarctation. Further long-term evaluation is needed.

        פרנקלין גרייף, משה רובין, איתן מור, ישראל נודלמן, ארנולד סיחון, אריה פיגר, אלכס בלינקי ושלמה ללצ'וק

        Liver Surgery - Five Years of Experience


        Franklin Greif, Moshe Rubin, Eitan Mor, Israel Nudelman, Arnold Sihon, Arie Figer, Alex Belinki, Shlomo Lelcuk


        Hepatobiliary Unit and Depts. of Surgery B, Transplantation, Oncology and Radiology, Rabin Medical Center (Beilinson Campus) and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Major hepatic resections have been associated with significant morbidity and mortality. In the past decade or so this has changed and such procedures are now done in increasing numbers. In the past 5 years we operated on 129 patients with benign or malignant hepatic lesions (75 females, 54 males; age-range 14-84). the reason for surgery was malignancy in 94 (72.9%) and benign lesions in 35 (27.1%). The most common indication for surgery was liver metastases secondary to colorectal cancer in 45% of all patients or 61.7% of those operated for malignancy. Primary liver cancer was the cause for liver resection in 13.2% of all patients or 18.1% for those with malignancy. Of the 35 patients with benign lesions the leading causes for surgery included: giant cavernous hemangioma, simple liver cysts, echinococcus cysts and focal nodular hyperplasia (11%, 22.8%, 20% and 14.3%, respectively).


        76 patients underwent anatomical resection and 63 had either a nonanatomical resection or a different operation. Among the former the most common procedure was right hepatectomy (36) and among the later a nonanatomical resection equal to 1-3 Couinod segments (44). Operating time ranged from 55 min. to 8:41 hours with a mean of 3:31‏1:37. Mean hospital stay was 8.7‏5.8 days and 86.8% received between 0-2 units of blood. Overall mortality was 6.2% and 31.2% of the fatalities had cirrhosis. Overall mortality in noncirrhotic patients was 2.6%. The complication rate was 16.3% and only 7 patients (4.4%) were hospitalized in the intensive care unit. This indicates that major liver resections can be done safely, with morbidity and mortality similar to that of other major abdominal operations. 

        ריפעת ספדי, ירון ריבר, יוסף חביב וירון אילן

        Neurological Manifestations of Non A-G Viral Hepatitis


        Rifaat Safadi, Yaron River, Yosef S. Haviv, Yaron Ilan


        Liver Unit, Division of Medicine and Neurology Dept., Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem


        Guillain-Barre and other neurologic syndromes rarely occur as complications of viral hepatitis (A, B and C). Other neurologic syndromes have also been reported in serologically defined viral hepatitis, including mononeuritis, auditory neuritis, and seizures. Chronic hepatitis B and mononeuritis multiplex are found together in 31-54% of patients with periarteritis nodosa. The mechanisms of these associations are unknown, but may include direct cytotoxicity of the virus or immune-mediated damage. Vasculitis of the vasa nervorum plays an intermediate role, at least in some cases. We describe a 36-year-old man with acute non A-G hepatitis complicated by Guillain-Barre syndrome. The neurological manifestation resolved completely without specific therapy within 6 days, as the hepatitis resolved.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303