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        תוצאת חיפוש

        ינואר 1997

        מ' זערור, ד' גולדשר ומ' פיינסוד

        Temporal Hemianopia And Diabetes Insipidus Following Head Injury


        M. Zaaroor, D. Goldsher, M. Feinsod


        Center for Treatment and Applied Research in Head Injuries, Dept. of Neurosurgery and Diagnostic Radiology Dept., Rambam Medical Center and Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa


        Bitemporal hemianopia and diabetes insipidus following head injury are caused by a lesion in the center of the optic chiasm, together with injury to the adjacent pituitary stalk or the hypothalamus. This combination was thought to be a rare complication of severe head injury. The case of a 16-year-old male is presented, which together with recent reports suggests that this relatively under-recognized syndrome is not infrequent, that it may follow even minor head injury, and that magnetic resonance imaging can demonstrate the chiasmal lesion.

        א' ירצקי, י' פלדמן, פ' אלתרמן, ב' פינקלטוב

        Rheumatoid Arthritis in the Elderly


        A. Yaretzky, J. Feldman, P. Alterman, B. Finkeltov


        Dept. of Geriatric Medicine and Rheumatology Clinic, Meir Hospital, Kfar Saba and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University


        Opinions differ as to whether late onset rheumatoid arthritis (RA) represents a clinical subset and whether age at onset involves differences in therapy and prognosis. In this retrospective study we compared 23 patients with early onset RA (average onset 52.8 years; 91.3% of them women), with 36 with late onset (average onset 70.3 years; 67% of them women). No statistically significant differences were found as to demographic, clinical, laboratory or radiographic characteristics. 

        ג'מאל זידאן, סאמר קאסם, דרומאה קרן, אברהם קוטן ואליעזר רובינזון

        Differentiated Thyroid Cancer In Arabs In Northern Israel


        J. Zidan, S. Kassem, D. Karen, A. Kuten, E. Robinson


        Northern Israel Oncology Center, Rambam Medical Center, and Faculty of Medicine, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa


        Prognostic factors and survival rate of 53 Arabs with differentiated carcinoma of the thyroid treated here were reviewed. Papillary carcinoma was diagnosed in 35 (66%) and follicular carcinoma in 18 (34%); the female/male ratio was 2.3/1 and the median age 32. Age, gender, tumor size, histology and tumor stage were important prognostic factors. The 20-year actuarial survival rate of the entire group was 96%. The probable reason for the high survival rate was the low median age.

        ג'ני פוזן, נעמה תנאי, שמעון שפירו ודפנה פרומר

        The Homeless and The Health System: Profile of the Homeless Patient


        J. Posen, N. Tanai, S. Spiro, D. Frumer


        Social Work Dept., Ichilov Hospital, Tel Aviv and Faculty of Social Work, Tel Aviv University


        The homeless population is mobile and does not use ambulatory health care services. Thus the major contact between the homeless and the medical establishment occurs primarily when they are treated for acute symptoms in hospital. We describe the clinical and sociodemographic profile of the homeless who require hospital services. The research population included 50 homeless treated in the emergency room and various departments of our medical center between October 1994 and August 1995. Social workers used a questionnaire relating to clinical, sociodemographic and social factors. Most patients were men, 76% under the age of 50. The most common diagnosis was alcoholism; other diagnoses included back, limb and joint injuries, infections, skin diseases, and general exhaustion. There were subgroups with differing needs within this homeless population for which appropriate rehabilitation programs are proposed.

        הבהרה משפטית: כל נושא המופיע באתר זה נועד להשכלה בלבד ואין לראות בו ייעוץ רפואי או משפטי. אין הר"י אחראית לתוכן המתפרסם באתר זה ולכל נזק שעלול להיגרם. כל הזכויות על המידע באתר שייכות להסתדרות הרפואית בישראל. מדיניות פרטיות
        כתובתנו: ז'בוטינסקי 35 רמת גן, בניין התאומים 2 קומות 10-11, ת.ד. 3566, מיקוד 5213604. טלפון: 03-6100444, פקס: 03-5753303