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עמוד בית
Mon, 01.07.24

Search results

November 2015
Brian Steiman MD and Nathan Watemberg MD

Background: The long-term significance of apparent life-threatening events (ALTE) has not been thoroughly studied. 

Objectives: To evaluate, at age 5 years, the health status of consecutive children diagnosed with ALTE in infancy. 

Methods: Based on the diagnostic workup, patients were classified into two groups: a ‘broad’ evaluation group (at least one test/procedure related to each of the five main causes: infectious, metabolic, cardiopulmonary, gastroenterological, neurological), and a ‘narrow’ workup group whose evaluation did not cover all five domains. Health status around age 5 was obtained from hospital records, community clinics and parents/caregivers.

Results: We identified 132 children with ALTE. Choking (49.2%) was the most common description, followed by apnea (13.6%), suspected seizure (12.9%), cyanosis (12.1%), breath-holding spell (8.3%), and pallor (3.8%). A broad diagnostic workup was performed in 62.1% of the infants, and a narrow workup in 37.9%. At age 5 years, 56.8% of the children were healthy; 27.3% reported chronic conditions unrelated to ALTE. Twenty-one children (15.9%) had unrelated neurodevelopmental conditions, mostly attention deficit disorder. One of the 132 ALTE patients relapsed and was eventually diagnosed with epilepsy.

Conclusions: A single episode of ALTE in infancy was neither predictive of nor associated with chronic systemic or neurological disease at age 5 years. 


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