Alessia Alunno MD PhD, Francesco Carubbi MD PhD, Onelia Bistoni BSc, Elena Bartoloni MD, Valentina Valentini MD and Roberto Gerli MD
Primary Sjögren’s syndrome (pSS) is a chronic autoimmune disease mainly affecting exocrine glands. However, a subgroup of patients experiences extraglandular manifestations which worsens disease prognosis. To date evidence based guidelines for the management of pSS are lacking, hence the therapeutic approach is mainly based on expert opinion and data from other connective tissue diseases. In recent years, several studies have explored the efficacy and safety of biologic agents in pSS and after the failure of tumor necrosis factor inhibitors, the attention has been focused on compounds directly targeting B or T lymphocytes. The aim of this review article is to provide an overview of available data about B and T cell targeting in pSS and of future directions based on ongoing trials.