Leeches belong to the class Hirudinea of the phylum Annelida. There are approximately 650 known species of leeches, some terrestrial, some marine, and most freshwater. Although some are predators, most leeches are hematophagous, and all are hermaphrodites [1].
The leeches Limnatis nilotica, Praeodella guineensis, Myxobdella africana, Dinobdella ferox, and Hirudo troctina occasionally invade human orifices such as the eyes, nasopharyngeal region, urethra, vagina, and rectum. They cause mucosal, orificial, vesical, or internal hirudiniasis depending on the location of the leech [1]. Infection usually occurs by drinking contaminated water or bathing in stagnant streams, pools, or springs. While most blood-feeding leeches feed as ectoparasites for short periods of time, those that feed on mucous membranes have been known to remain in an orifice for days or weeks. Hematuria, hemoptysis, hematemesis, epistaxis and rectal bleeding, dysphonia, cough, tickling, and dyspnea may occur [1].
We report the case of a male patient who entered freshwater pools in Israel and was infected with L. nilotica.