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עמוד בית
Tue, 11.03.25

Search results

April 2005
O. Barkay, M. Moshkowitz and S. Reif
 Background: Approximately one‑fourth of new Crohn’s disease diagnoses are made in individuals under the age of 20 years in whom proximal Crohn’s disease tends to be more common.

Objectives: To describe the role of wireless capsule endoscopy in diagnosing isolated small intestinal Crohn’s disease in two adolescents.

Methods: Wireless capsule endoscopy was performed in two adolescents with severe protein-losing enteropathy and negative standard diagnostic workup.

Results: Wireless capsule endoscopy successfully diagnosed Crohn’s disease with uncharacteristic presentations and negative radiographic and endoscopic findings in both patients.

Conclusions: The non-invasiveness and ease in performance of capsule endoscopy on an ambulatory basis make this diagnostic modality especially advantageous for children.

January 2005
I. Dudkiewicz, I. Cohen, S. Horowitz, S. Regev, M. Perelman, A. Chechik, P. Langevitz, S. Strasburg, A. Livneh and M. Salai

Background: Heterotopic ossification is a common complication of hip surgery and musculoskeletal or brain traumas.

Objectives: To confirm by in vivo study that colchicine inhibits osteoblast cell proliferation with marked decrease in tissue mineralization.

Methods: Heterotopic ossification was induced in three groups of New Zealand white rabbits (females, 6 months old, weight 3–3.5 kg) by injecting 2 ml bone marrow drawn from the iliac crest into their right thigh muscle. To prevent heterotopic ossification, colchicine (0.25 mg/day) was administered orally for 4 weeks to two groups of adult rabbits: group A (preload group) – 1 week preceding bone marrow injection; group B – on day of injection; and group C – control group.

Results: After 4 weeks the rabbits were evaluated by radiographs and ultrasound for evidence of heterotopic ossification. At the end of the study histologic samples were taken from all the thighs. Imaging and histologic studies showed, with statistical significance, almost complete prevention of heterotopic ossification formation in group A (preload) and a marked decrease in group B, when compared with the controls in whom large new bone had formed at the injection site. These results indicated the inhibitory effects of colchicine on a bone-forming process in soft tissue such as heterotopic ossification.

Conclusions: The role of colchicine in preventing heterotopic ossification in other bone-forming conditions, such as hip arthroplasty or pelvic trauma, and after brain trauma, remains to be evaluated in a clinical setting.


November 2004
A.B. Jotkowitz, A. Porath and S. Glick
September 2004
K. Elishkewitz, R. Shapiro, J. Amir and M. Nussinovitch
April 2004
M. Moshkowitz, E. Ben Baruch, Z. Kline, M. Gelber, Z. Shimoni and F. Konikoff

Background: Pseudomembranous colitis is a well-recognized cause of diarrhea in patients receiving antibiotics and has significant consequences in terms of morbidity, mortality and cost. Clostridium difficile infection is the single most important infectious cause of PMC[1]. PMC is frequently nosocomial, with an increased risk of spread among institutionalized patients, both in hospitals and nursing homes.

Objective: To investigate the demographic, clinical and laboratory characteristics of PMC patients in an Israeli elderly population.

Methods: We studied 72 hospitalized patients with endoscopically proven PMC. The medical records of all patients including clinical history and laboratory data were reviewed, such as: age, pre-hospitalization status (dependency or not, in the community as compared to the nursing home), background medical history, presenting symptoms, antibiotic history, physical examination on admission, hematologic and biochemical parameters, treatment, duration of hospitalization, complications, mortality and recurrence of disease.

Results: Of the 72 patients (34 males and 38 females, mean age 77 years) 47% were nursing home residents. Pre-hospitalization antibiotic treatment was given to 91.4% for infections of the upper respiratory tract (45%) and urinary tract (45%). The most common antibiotics were cephalosporin (64%), penicillins (42%) and quinolones (28%). Sixty-four percent of the patients were treated with more than one antibiotic, 26% of patients received anti-acid therapy and 36% had been fed with a nasogastric tube. On admission, leukocytosis was found in 79% of patients, >20,000/mm3 in half of them; 60% were anemic, 60% had elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and 78% had hypoalbuminemia. Treatment consisted of metronidazole (41%) or a combination of metronidazole and vancomycin (56%). Overall, 31% of patients recovered without complications, 29% died within 30 days of hospitalization, and 24% were re-hospitalized due to recurrence of PMC.

Conclusion: The most common antibiotics implicated in PMC are cephalosporin, penicillins and quinolones. The disease is associated with high mortality and recurrence rates.

[1] PMC = pseudomembranous colitis

March 2004
April 2003
S. Behar, A. Battler, A. Porath, J. Leor, E. Grossman, Y. Hasin, M. Mittelman, Z. Feigenberg, C. Rahima-Maoz, M. Green, A. Caspi, B. Rabinowitz and M. Garty

Background: Little information is available on the clinical practice and implementation of guidelines in treating acute myocardial infarction patients in Israel.

Objective: To assess patient characteristics, hospital course, management, and 30 day clinical outcome of all AMI[1] patients hospitalized in Israel during a 2 month period in 2000.

Method: We conducted a prospective 2 month survey of consecutive AMI patients admitted to 82 of 96 internal medicine departments and all 26 cardiac departments operating in Israel in 2000. Data were collected uniformly by means of a hospital and 30 day follow-up form.

Results: During the survey 1,683 consecutive patients with a discharge diagnosis of AMI were included. Their mean age was 66 years; 73% were male. The electrocardiographic pattern on admission revealed ST elevation, non-ST elevation and an undetermined ECG[2] in 63%, 34% and 4% of patients respectively. Aspirin and heparin were given to 95% of patients. Beta-blockers and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors were given to 76% and 65% of patients respectively. Among hospital survivors, 45% received lipid-lowering drugs. Thrombolytic therapy was administered in 28% of patients, coronary angiography was used in 45%, and 7% of patients underwent primary percutaneous coronary intervention. The 7 and 30 day mortality rates were 7% and 11% respectively.

Conclusions: This nationwide survey shows that one-third of the AMI patients in Israel are elderly (≥ 75 years). The survey suggests that clinical guidelines for the management of patients with AMI are partially implemented in the community. Data from large surveys representing the "real world" practice are of utmost importance for the evaluation of clinical guidelines, research and educational purposes.

[1] AMI = acute myocardial infarction

[2] ECG = electrocardiogram

A. Kugelman, Y. Grief, R. Gerhoni-Baruch, D. Berkowitz, L. Anthon Best, L. Guralnik and L. Bentur
February 2003
Y. Nevo, F. Muntoni, C. Sewry, C. Legum, M. Kutai, S. Harel and V. Dubowitz

Background: The prediction that Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients have out-of-frame deletions and Becker muscular dystrophy patients have in-frame deletions of the dystrophin gene holds well in the vast majority of cases. Large in-frame deletions involving the rod domain only have usually been associated with mild (BMD[1]) phenotype.

Objectives: To describe unusual cases with large in-frame deletions of the rod-shaped domain of the dystrophin gene associated with severe (Duchenne) clinical phenotype

Methods: Screening for dystrophin gene deletion was performed on genomic DNA by using multiplex polymerase chain reaction. Needle muscle biopsies from the quadriceps were obtained using a BergstrÖm needle. The biopsies were stained with histologic and histochemical techniques as well as monoclonal antibodies to dystrophin 1, 2 and 3.

Results: In three children with large in-frame deletions of the rod domain (exons 10–44, 13–40 and 3–41), early-onset weakness and a disease course suggested the DMD[2] phenotype.

Conclusions: This observation emphasizes the uncertainty in predicting the Becker phenotype in a young patient based on laboratory evaluation, and that the clinical picture should always be considered.

[1] BMD = Becker muscular dystrophy

[2] DMD = Duchenne muscular dystrophy

N. Horowitz, M. Kapeliovich, R. Beyar and H. Hammerman

Background: Coronary stenting was recently introduced as a primary intervention for acute myocardial infarction. Several randomized controlled studies have shown that stenting may be superior to balloon angioplasty for the treatment of AMI[1]. However, routine stenting may also cause deterioration of coronary flow.

Objective: To analyze the clinical characteristics and the outcome of patients who were treated with stenting for AMI in our center in the recent era of stenting.

Methods: Fifty-five patients with AMI were treated by stent implantation between January 1998 and December 1999. Adverse clinical events were recorded, including death, recurrent infarction, coronary artery bypass grafting, cerebrovascular accident, and target vessel revascularization. In-hospital, 1 month, 6 month and 1 year follow-up was performed in all patients. Repeated coronary angiography was performed according to clinical indications.

Results: Baseline angiographic results showed Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) 0 flow in 39 patients (70.9%), TIMI I flow in no patient and TIMI II/III flow in 16 patients (29.1%). TIMI grade 3 flow was achieved in 90.9% of patients at the end of the procedure. In-hospital mortality rate was 5.4% (2.1% in patients without cardiogenic shock). There was no evidence of re-infarction or TVR[2]. The rates of bleeding complication (all of them minor), CVA[3], and CABG[4] were 9.1%, 3.6% and 1.8% respectively. The 6 month mortality rate remained the same. Rates of re-infarction, restenosis, TVR and CABG were 3.6%, 14.5%, 14.5% and 5.4% respectively. The 1 year mortality rate was 7.3%. Restenosis rate was 18% and CABG 7.3%. One year event-free survival was 70.9%.

Conclusions: This study suggests that stenting is a safe and effective mode of therapy in the setting of AMI associated with a high rate of revascularization and a low short and long-term outcome.

[1] AMI = acute myocardial infarction

[2] TVR = target vessel revascularization

[3] cerebrovascular accident

[4] CABG = coronary artery bypass grafting

M. Oberbaum, N. Notzer, R. Abramowitz and D. Branski

Background: Complementary medicine is gaining popularity, yet medical school curricula usually ignore it.

Objectives: To determine whether senior medical students are interested in learning principles of complementary or alternative medicine, to check their degree of familiarity with it, and to suggest a format for such studies in the medical curriculum.

Methods: Senior medical students (n = 117) were surveyed by an anonymous questionnaire.

Results: Seventy-nine percent of the senior medical students were interested in studying complementary or alternative medicine in medical school, and 65% were interested in applying these techniques to treat patients. Eighty-seven percent of students were familiar with some techniques of complementary medicine.

Conclusions: Senior medical students are interested in studying complementary and alternative medicine in medical school and in applying these techniques in practice.

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