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עמוד בית
Wed, 15.01.25

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June 2002
Alexander Guber, MD, Eyal Morris, MD, Baruch Chen MD and Shaul Israeli, MD

Background: Ventilator-dependent patients represent an increasing clinical, logistic and economic burden.  An alternative solution might be monitored home care with high-tech ventilatory support systems. 

Objectives: To explore the implications of such home-care management, such as its impact on quality of life and its cost-effectiveness, and to assess the practical feasibility of this mode of home care in Israel.

Methods: We surveyed 25 partly or fully home-ventilated patients (17 males and 8 females), average age 37.6 years (range 1–72), who were treated through a home-care provider during a 2 year period.

Results: Most patients (n=18) had a neuromuscular respiratory disorder.  The average hospital stay of these patients prior to entry into the home-care program was 181.2 days/per patient.  The average home-care duration was 404.9 days/per patient (range 60–971) with a low hospitalization rate of 3.3 ± 6.5 days/per patient.  The monthly expenditure for home care of these patients was one-third that of the hospital stay cost ($3,546.9 vs. $11,000, per patient respectively).  The patients reported better quality of life in the home-care environment, as assessed by the Sickness Impact Profile questionnaire. 

Conclusions: Home ventilation of patients in Israel by home-care providers is a practical and attractive treatment modality in terms of economic benefits and quality of life.

November 1999
Gideon Paret MD, Tamar Ziv MD, Arie Augarten MD, Asher Barzilai MD, Ron Ben-Abraham MD, Amir Vardi MD, Yossi Manisterski MD and Zohar Barzilay MD, FCCM

Background: Acute respiratory distress syndrome is a well-recognized condition resulting in high permeability pulmonary edema associated with a high morbidity.

Objectives: To examine a 10 year experience of predisposing factors, describe the clinical course, and assess predictors of mortality in children with this syndrome.

Methods: The medical records of all admissions to the pediatric intensive care unit over a 10 year period were evaluated to identify children with ARDS1. Patients were considered to have ARDS if they met all of the following criteria: acute onset of diffuse bilateral pulmonary infiltrates of non-cardiac origin and severe hypoxemia defined by <200 partial pressure of oxygen during ³6 cm H2O positive end-expiratory pressure for a minimum of 24 hours. The medical records were reviewed for demographic, clinical, and physiologic information including PaO22 /forced expiratory O2, alveolar–arterial O2 difference, and ventilation index.

Results: We identified 39 children with the adult respiratory distress syndrome. Mean age was 7.4 years (range 50 days to 16 years) and the male:female ratio was 24:15. Predisposing insults included sepsis, pneumonias, malignancy, major trauma, shock, aspiration, near drowning, burns, and envenomation. The mortality rate was 61.5%. Predictors of death included the PaO2/FIO2, ventilation index and A-aDO23 on the second day after diagnosis. Non-survivors had significantly lower PaO2/FIO2 (116±12 vs. 175±8.3, P<0.001), and higher A-aDO2 (368±28.9 vs. 228.0±15.5, P<0.001) and ventilation index (43.3±2.9 vs. 53.1±18.0, P<0.001) than survivors.

Conclusions: Local mortality outcome for ARDS is comparable to those in tertiary referral institutions in the United States and Western Europe. The PaO2/FIO2, A-aDO2 and ventilation index are valuable for predicting outcome in ARDS by the second day of conventional therapy. The development of a local risk profile may allow early application of innovative therapies in this population. 


1ARDS = acute respiratory distress syndrome

2 PaO2 = partial pressure of oxygen

3A-aDO2 = alveolar–arterial O2 difference

September 1999
Avishai Ziser, MD, Ludmila Guralnik, MD, Robert Markovits, MD, Yousif Matanis, MD, and Genia Mahamid, MD.
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