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עמוד בית
Sun, 06.10.24

Search results

October 2005
N. Boulman, M. Rozenbaum, G. Slobodin and I. Rosner
September 2005
S. Schwartz, A.I. Eidelman, A. Zeidan, D. Applebaum and D. Raveh
Background: Large family size may be a risk factor for childhood accidents. A possible association with quality of child supervision and rapidity of seeking medical care has not been fully evaluated.

Objectives: To determine whether children with multiple siblings are at increased risk for accidents, to assess whether quality of child supervision varies with family size, and to evaluate the relationship of family size with the rapidity of seeking medical care after an accident.

Methods: We prospectively studied 333 childhood accidents treated at TEREM (emergency care station) or Shaare Zedek Medical Center. Details on family composition and the accident were obtained through parental interview. Family size of the study population was compared with that of the Jerusalem population. Families with one to three children (Group 1) and four or more children (Group 2) were compared with regard to type of supervision and different "Gap times" – the time interval from when the accident occurred until medical assistance was sought ("Gap 1"), the time from that medical contact until arrival at Shaare Zedek ("Gap 2"), and the time from the accident until arrival at Shaare Zedek for those children for whom interim medical assistance either was ("Gap 3A") or was not ("Gap 3B") sought.

Results: Children from families with 1, 2, 3, 4 and ≥5 children comprised 7.2%, 18.3%, 14.4%, 18.6% and 41.4% of our sample compared to 20.4%, 21.8%, 18.4%, 14.7% and 24.7% in the general population respectively. Children from Group 2 were less often attended to by an adult (44.5% vs. 62.0%) and more often were in the presence only of other children at the time of the accident (27.0% vs. 10.5%). Gaps 1, 2 and 3A in Group 2 (6.3 hours, 16.5 hours, 27.8 hours respectively) were longer than for Group 1 (2.7, 10.7, 13.3 hours respectively).

Conclusions: The risk for accidents is increased among children from families with four or more children. The adequacy of child supervision in large families is impaired. There is a relative delay from the time of the accident until these children are brought for treatment. 

M. Oberbaum, J. Shuval, A. Haramati, S.R Singer, J. Halevi, M.D Lumpkin and R. Carmi
July 2005
A. Leibovitz, Y. Barmoehl, D. Steinberg and R. Segal
 Background: We previously reported on the high propensity of pathogenic oral flora in the oropharynx of nasogastric tube-fed patients, and subsequently showed biofilm formation on the NGTs[1] of these patients. There is a close relationship of biofilm and oropharyngeal colonization with pathogenic bacteria, aspiration pneumonia and antibiotic resistance.

Objectives: To investigate the time relation between the insertion of a new NGT and formation of the biofilm.

Methods: We examined sequential samples on NGTs that were forcibly pulled out by the patients themselves during any of the 7 days after insertion. Scanning electron micrography and confocal laser scanning microscopy were used for biofilm detection.

Results: Biofilm was identified on 60% of the 35 samples of day 1 and on all the samples of the following days, by both microscopic methods.

Conclusions: Biofilms form within a single day on most NGTs inserted for the feeding of elderly patients with dysphagia. Further research should be devoted to prevention of biofilm formation on NGTs.


[1] NGT = nasogastric tube

January 2005
L. Appelbaum, R. Lederman, R. Agid and E. Libson

Background: Involvement of the liver by lymphoma is almost always secondary. A definite diagnosis can be made only after histologic examination. Recently, there has been a trend to replace surgical biopsies with percutaneous core-needle biopsies for the diagnosis of lymphoproliferative disorders.

Objectives: To describe our experience with percutaneous image-guided needle biopsies of the liver in 15 cases of primary and secondary hepatic lymphoma.

Methods: Between 1997 and 2002, 15 of all the percutaneous computerized tomography-guided core-needle liver biopsies performed at our institution yielded the diagnosis of lymphoma. We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of these patients.

Results: Seven patients had primary hepatic lymphoma (all non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma), and eight had secondary (three Hodgkin`s disease and five non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma). No major complications were caused by the percutaneous biopsies, and all biopsies were diagnostic. The imaging findings were non-specific but were characteristic and similar to previously described series. Imaging demonstrated hypodense lesions by CT, or hypoechoic or anechoic lesions by ultrasound in all but two cases in which hilar lesions resulted in biliary dilatation, both demonstrated by ultrasound

Conclusions: Review of our primary cases indicated no association with cirrhosis or AIDS in contradistinction to the worldwide experience. There were no significant complications in the 15 patients in the study, and a definite diagnosis of lymphoma was made in all the cases with no need to proceed to surgical biopsy. We highly recommend image-guided core-needle biopsy of the liver as a reliable and useful tool for the diagnosis of hepatic lymphoma.


December 2004
April 2004
D. Weisman, M. Motro, E. Schwammenthal, E.Z. Fisman, A. Tenenbaum, D. Tanne and Y. Adler
January 2004
September 2003
R. Greenberg, Y. Barnea, S. Schneebaum, H. Kashtan, O. Kaplan and Y. Skornik

Background: Drains are inserted in the dissected axilla of most patients during surgery for breast cancer.

Objective: To evaluate the presence and prognostic value of MUC1 and Met-HGF/SF in the axillary drainage of these patients.

Methods: The study group included 40 consecutive patients with invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast who were suitable for breast-conserving treatment; 20 malignant melanoma patients found to have negative axillary sentinel lymph node served as the control group. The output of the drains, which had been placed in the axilla during operation, was collected, and the presence of MUC1, Met-hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor and b-actin were assessed in the lymphatic fluid by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction assays. The data were compared to the pathologic features of the tumor and the axillary lymph nodes, and to the estrogen and progesterone receptors status.

Results: RT-PCR[1] assays of the axillary lymphatic drainage were positive for MUC1 and Met-HGF/SF[2] in 15 (37.5%) and 26 (65%) of the patients, respectively. Patients in whom MUC1 and Met-HGF/SF were not found in the axillary fluid had smaller tumors and less capillary and lymphatic invasion, compared to patients with positive assays (P < 0.02 for all these comparisons). The lymph nodes were negative for metastases in all patients with negative assays (P < 0.001). The presence of MUC1 and Met-HGF/SF showed negative correlations with the estrogen and progesterone receptors (P < 0.05).

Conclusion: MUC1 and Met-HGF/SF can be detected in the axillary fluids of patients with breast cancer. The expression of both tumor markers in the axillary drainage is strongly associated with unfavorable tumor features and can be used as a prognostic factor.

[1] RT-PCR = reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction

[2] HGF/SF = hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor

June 2003
B. Nageris, D. Guttman, G. Bahar, M. Melloul, S. Schneebaum and R. Feinmesser

Background: Technetium-99m sestamibi scintigraphy has become one of the most popular techniques for localization of the parathyroid gland after failure of primary neck exploration.

Objective: To examine the efficacy of sestamibi with the hand-held gamma ray detecting probe for the identification of parathyroid adenomas during revision parathyroidectomy.

Methods: We reviewed six cases of probe-assisted neck exploration for parathyroid lesions following unsuccessful primary exploration.

Results: In all cases, the pathologic glands were successfully detected and removed.

Conclusions: With careful planning, a gamma ray detecting probe can be used optimally at 2–3 hours after technetium-99m sestamibi injection. The probe is efficient, easy and convenient to use.

R. Sidi, E. Levy-Nissanbaum, I. Kreiss and E. Pras

Background: Cystinuria is an autosomal recessive disease that is manifested by the development of kidney stones. Mutations in SLC3A1 cause type I disease, while mutations in SLC7A9 are associated with non-type I disease. In Israel cystinuria is especially common among Libyan Jews who suffer from non-type I disease.

Objectives: To compare clinical manifestations of patients with mutations in SLC3A1 to those with mutations in SLC7A9, and to assess the carrier rate among unaffected Libyan Jewish controls.

Methods: Clinical manifestations were evaluated in patients with mutations in SLC3A1 and in patients with mutations in SLC7A9. Carrier rates for two SLC7A9 mutations were assessed in 287 unaffected Libyan Jewish controls.

Results: Twelve patients with mutations in SLC3A1 were compared to 15 patients with mutations in SLC7A9. No differences were detected between the patients with mutations in SLC3A1 and those with mutations in SLC7A9 in relation to the age of disease onset, the estimated number of stones, the number of invasive procedures, the number of patients receiving drug therapy, or the patients’ urinary pH. Eleven of the unaffected Libyan Jewish controls were found heterozygotes for the V170M mutation, establishing a carrier rate of 1:25. The 1584+3 del AAGT mutation was not found in any of the Libyan Jewish controls.

Conclusion: Mutations in SLC3A1 and SLC7A9 cystinuria patients result in indistinguishable disease manifestations. The high carrier rate among Libyan Jews is a result of a single missense mutation, V170M.

H. Amital, Y.H. Applbaum, H. Bar-on and A. Rubinow
May 2003
A. Leibovitz, O. Blumenfeld, R. Segal, E. Lubart, Y. Baumoehl and B. Habot

Background: While age at death is on the rise, the number of postmortem examinations is declining and is disproportionately low among the elderly population. Research on the subject of gender-associated pathology in the elderly is also scarce.

Objective: To seek eventual gender-related differences in autopsies of elderly patients.

Methods: We analyzed the data extracted from a published report on 93 PMEs[1] performed at a geriatric hospital during the past 20 years.

Results: Ninety-three autopsies, representing 1.2% of the 8,101 deaths during these 20 years, were performed. Forty-five of the deceased were women and 48 were men. The incidence of pulmonary embolism was significantly higher in women (28%) than in men (10%) (P< 0.02). There was no significant difference in the gender distribution of the other diagnoses.

Conclusion: Gender distribution of PME-based causes of death in elderly patients revealed a significant rate of pulmonary embolism in women. A thorough search of the medical literature revealed two previous studies with similar findings. Further research will determine whether pulmonary embolism is more frequent or whether it has a worse prognosis in frail elderly women.

[1] PME = postmortem examination

February 2003
M. Oberbaum, N. Notzer, R. Abramowitz and D. Branski

Background: Complementary medicine is gaining popularity, yet medical school curricula usually ignore it.

Objectives: To determine whether senior medical students are interested in learning principles of complementary or alternative medicine, to check their degree of familiarity with it, and to suggest a format for such studies in the medical curriculum.

Methods: Senior medical students (n = 117) were surveyed by an anonymous questionnaire.

Results: Seventy-nine percent of the senior medical students were interested in studying complementary or alternative medicine in medical school, and 65% were interested in applying these techniques to treat patients. Eighty-seven percent of students were familiar with some techniques of complementary medicine.

Conclusions: Senior medical students are interested in studying complementary and alternative medicine in medical school and in applying these techniques in practice.

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