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עמוד בית
Sat, 26.10.24

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March 2000
February 2000
Yona Amitai MD, Yedidia Bentur MD, Matityahu Lifshitz MD, Pinhas Fainmesser MD, David Applebaum MD, Yehezkel Waisman MD, Nadine Cohen and Samuel D. Oman PhD

Background: Extensive cleaning of homes in Israel before Passover may result in increased exposure of children to cleaning substances.

Objectives: To evaluate the potential danger of Passover cleaning to children, and to study the risk factors in order to identify areas for prevention.

Methods: All cases of poison exposure in Jewish and Arab children under the age of 15 years reported to the Israel Poison Information Center during 1990–95 (n= 5,583) were analyzed for the 6 weeks before and 6 weeks after Passover. Poison exposures in Jewish children <15 years old were studied in seven pediatric emergency rooms for the 2 weeks before and 6 weeks after Passover (n=123).

Results: The IPIC data showed a highly significant 38% increase in the average weekly poison exposure rate for the 2 weeks before Passover compared with the remaining 10 weeks.  Data recorded by the pediatric emergency rooms showed a twofold increase in cleaning substance poisoning during the 2 weeks before Passover compared with the following 6 weeks. The rise in exposures to cleaning substances was observed among children from secular, religious and ultra-orthodox families. In these exposures, the substance was found in open containers in 70% of cases. 

Conclusions: The extensive cleaning of homes among Jewish families in preparation for Passover poses the danger to young children of cleaning substance poisoning. Increasing public awareness, closer observation of children, and keeping these substances in closed containers should increase children’s safety during this annual cleaning.    



IPIC = Israel Poison Information Center

Ronit Neudorf-Grauss MD, Yoram Bujanover MD, Gabriel Dinari MD, Efrat Broide MD,Yehezkiel Neveh MD, Ilan Zahavi MD and Shimon Reif MD

Objective: To describe the clinical and epidemiological features of hepatitis B virus infection in Israeli children, and to evaluate their response and compliance to therapy.

Methods: We retrospectively studied 51 patients (34 males, 17 females), aged 2–18 years, from several medical centers in Israel.

Results: Of the 51 patients, 38 with elevated transaminase, positive hepatitis B e antigen and/or HBV DNA, and histologic evidence of liver inflammation were treated. Interferon was administered by subcutaneous injections three times a week for 3-12 months (dosage range 3–6 MU/m2). Only 16% were native Israelis, while 78% of the children were of USSR origin. A family history of HBV infection was recorded in 25 of the 51 patients (9 mothers, 16 fathers or siblings). Five children had a history of blood transfusion. The histological findings were normal in 3 patients, 24 had chronic persistent hepatitis, 14 had chronic active hepatitis and 2 had chronic lobular hepatitis. Five children also had anti-hepatitis D virus antibodies. Twelve of the 38 treated patients (31.5%) responded to IFN completely, with normalization of the transaminase levels and disappearance of HBeAg and HBV DNA. In no patient was there a loss of hepatitis B surface antigen. The main side effects of IFN were fever in 20 children, weakness in 10, headaches in 9, and anorexia in 6; nausea, abdominal pain, and leukopenia were present in 3 cases each. The response rate was not affected by age, country of origin, alanine/aspartate aminotransferase levels, or histological findings. However, a history of blood transfusion was a predictor of good response, 60% vs 27% (P<0.05).

Conclusions: We found IFN to be a safe and adequate mode of treatment in children with chronic HBV infection, regardless of their liver histology and transaminase levels. Therefore, in view of the transient side effects associated with this drug, we recommend considering its use in all children with chronic hepatitis B. 


HBV = hepatitis B virus

IFN = interferon

HBeAg = hepatitis B e antigen

January 2000
Alexander Tenenbaum MD PhD, Alexander Garniek MD, Joseph Shemesh MD, Chaim I. Stroh MD, Yacov Itzchak MD PhD, Zvi Vered MD, Michael Motro MD and Enrique Z. Fisman MD

Background: Protruding aortic atheromas are a potential source of stroke and systemic emboli. The single modality currently available for their detection has been transesophageal echocardiography. However, TEE does not allow full visualization of the upper part of the ascending aorta and proximal aortic arch.

Objectives: To investigate whether double helical computerized tomography- both with and without contrast injection - may represent a useful technique for noninvasive detection of PAA in stroke patients.

Methods: Forty consecutive patients ≥50 years of age who sustained a recent ischemic stroke and/or systemic emboli (within 15 days after the onset of the event) were enrolled in the study and underwent TEE and DHCT without contrast injection using thin slice acquisition (3.2 mm thickness and 1.5 mm reconstruction increment). In addition, the last eight consecutive patients, after obtaining an unenhanced scan, underwent a contrast-enhanced DHCT following peripheral intravenous injection of a small amount of contrast material (15 ml of diatrizoate).

Results: PAAs were demonstrated by TEE in 18 patients (45%); in 16 of them (89%) the atheromas were recognized by DHCT. Of the 22 patients without PAA on TEE, DHCT confirmed their absence in 18 (82%). DHCT yielded a sensitivity of 89%, a specificity of 82%, and an overall accuracy of 85%. The total number of protruding plaques detected by TEE was 43, of which 41 (95%) were correctly identified by DHCT. The mean thickness of the plaques was 5.6±2.4 mm on TEE, and 5.4±2.3 on DHCT (P=NS), with a good correlation between the modalities (γ=0.84). Contrast-enhanced DHCT scans demonstrated absolute equivalence to TEE in aortic areas defined as "clearly visualized by TEE." DHCT detected PAA between the distal ascending aorta and the proximal arch in seven patients; these atheromas were not included in the comparative analysis. In these "occult" areas, DHCT may be superior to TEE.

Conclusions: DHCT without contrast injection using thin slice acquisition may become a useful modality for rapid noninvasive detection of PAA. Contrast-enhanced DHCT scans significantly improve imaging quality and may be superior to TEE in the upper ascending aorta and the proximal arch (areas not well visualized by TEE).




TEE= transesophgeal echocardiography

PAA= protruding aortic atheroma

DHCT= dual helical computerized tomography

Iris Baumgartner, MD and Jeff M. Isner, MD
December 1999
Haya Zaltzberg MSc, Yoram Kanter MD, PhD, Michael Aviram DSc and Yishai Levy MD
Background: Atherosclerosis and microvascular complications in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes have been linked to increased oxidative stress. The glutathione redox cycle is a major determinant of the antioxidative capacity of plasma and its constituents.

Methods: We attempted to investigate plasma oxidation and plasma and erythrocyte glutathione and glutathione enzymes in 20 patients with NIDDM, compared with euglycemic matched controls. Plasma oxidation was analyzed both basally (without) and as induced by 2,2'-azobis,2-amidopropane hydrochloride measured by the generation of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances and lipid peroxides.

Results: There was a significant increase in oxidation both basally (without) and as induced by AAPH. Plasma glutathione was lowered by 50% (P<0.01) and erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase, glutathione s-transferase and glutathione reductase activities were lower by 30%, 27% and 46%, respectively (P<0.01) in the patients with NIDDM.

Conclusions: Confronted by increased oxidation, patients with NIDDM show an abnormal plasma and erythrocyte antioxidative capacity, which may result in an accelerated rate of complications.


NIDOM= non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus

October 1999
Issahar Ben-Dov MD, Yelena Kishinevski MD, Judith Roznman MD, Alkrinawi Soliman MD, Hashem

 Background:  Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis is a rare disease in which a surfactant-like phospholipid-rich protein accumulates in the lungs. The disease is amenable to effective therapy by total lung lavage.       

Objectives: To investigate the prevalence, ethnic distribution and course of PAP  in Israel.

Methods: A countrywide survey was conducted during which pulmonologists were questioned about patients with PAP. The patients were examined and their charts, radiological images, pathological slides and physiological data were reviewed.

Results: The survey yielded 15 patients (8 females) during the period 1976–98 (14 in the last decade), giving a prevalence of 3.7x106 and an incidence of 0.36x106/year.

Mean age of the patients was 33±13 years (range 0.5–46 years). Seven patients were North African (two were siblings), four were from Iraq and two were Arabs; there was only one Ashkenazi Jew (a child). Symptoms at the onset were dyspnea and chest pain. Spontaneous remission occurred in at least 3 patients, and 10 patients required 1–4 bronchoalveolar lavage treatments. The subjective and physiological response was favorable, but there was less consistent radiological improvement.

Conclusion: The prevalence of PAP in Israel is approximately 3.7x106. Most cases occurred in Jews who had immigrated from North Africa or Iraq, and two were siblings. The prevalence among the Arab population appears to be similar. This clustering suggests the existence of a genetic predisposition. The course of the disease appears to be similar to that reported elsewhere.


PAP = pulmonary alveolar proteinosis

Jacob George, MD, Dror Harats, MD and Yehuda Shoenfeld, MD
September 1999
Gideon Nesher, MD, Hanan Gur, MD, Michael Ehrenfeld, MD, Alan Rubinow, MD and Moshe Sonnenblick, MD.
 Objectives: To evaluate whether the increasing incidence of temporal arteritis in Israel is associated with a changing clinical presentation.

Methods: The demographic data and clinical manifestations of 144 TA1 patients in this large multicenter study were recorded and compared with data obtained in a previous study.

Results: The patient population was older, with 24% ≥80 years compared to 6% in the previous study.  There was an increase in the number of nonspecific presenting symptoms, and less patients presented with the “classical” manifestations of headache (81% vs. 71%), fever (83% vs. 40%), jaw claudication (21% vs. 13%), and visual symptoms (47% vs. 24%). The median time from presentation to diagnosis was significantly reduced, from 5 to 1.5 months.

Conclusions: There were substantial changes in the clinical presentation of TA patients in Israel during 1980–95 compared to patients diagnosed prior to 1978. It is suggested that these changes may be attributed not only to the influence of aging of the population, but are due largely to increasing physician awareness to the spectrum of manifestations of TA, which leads to earlier diagnosis.


1TA = temporal arteritis

Moshe Salai, MD, Moshe Pritsch, MD, Yehuda Amit, MD, Amnon Israeli, MD and Aharon Chechick, MD.
 Background: Bone banking and the clinical use of banked tissue are the most common forms of allopreservation and transplantation in modern medicine.

Objectives: This article reviews 25 years (1973–98) of experience in bone banking in Israel.

Methods: A nationwide survey on the clinical application of the banked musculoskeletal tissues during 1996 was conducted by means of a written questionnaire sent to all orthopedic departments in Israel.

Results:  The response rate to the questionnaire was 84%. A total of 257 cases were allocated bone allografts: the majority comprised 225 spongy bones, 26 were massive bone allografts and 6 were soft tissue allografts.

Conclusion:  Improvement of quality control and quality assurance of the banked tissues, together with development of skills in the use of osteoinductive and osteoconductive materials, cast the future of musculoskeletal tissue banking.


 * A Tribute to Professor Henry Horoszowski

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