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עמוד בית
Fri, 27.09.24

Search results

November 2003
May 2002
Alik Kornecki, MD, Riva Tauman, MD, Ronit Lubetzky, MD and Yakov Sivan, MD

Background: The role of continuous renal replacement therapy in patients with acute renal failure is well recognized. CRRT[1] has also become an important modality of treatment in various acute situations without renal failure.

Objectives: To describe our experience with CRRT in acutely ill infants and children without renal failure.

Methods: We analyzed all infants and children who underwent CRRT during the years 1998-2000 in the pediatric intensive care unit and we focus our report on those who were treated for non-renal indications.

Results: Fourteen children underwent 16 sessions of CRRT. The indications for CRRT were non-renal in 7 patients (age range 8 days to 16 years, median = 6.5). Three children were comatose from maple syrup urine disease, three were in intractable circulatory failure secondary to septic shock or systemic inflammatory response, and one had sepsis with persistent lactic acidosis and hypernatremia. Three children underwent continuous hemodiafiltration and four had continuous hemofiltration. The mean length of the procedure was 35 ± 24 hours. All patients responded to treatment within a short period (2–4 hours). No significant complications were observed. Two patients experienced mild hypothermia (34°C), one had transient hypotension and one had an occlusion of the cannula requiring replacement.

Conclusion: Our findings suggest that CRRT is a safe and simple procedure with a potential major therapeutic value for treating acute non-renal diseases in the intensive care setting.

[1] CRRT = continuous renal replacement therapy

April 2002
Daniele Bendayan, MD, Gershon Fink, MD, Dan Aravot, MD, Mordechai Ygla, MD, Issahar Bendov, MD, Leonard Bliden, MD, Nir Amiran, MD and Mordechai Kramer, MD

Background: Primary idiopathic pulmonary hypertension is a rapidly progressive disease with a median survival of less than 3 years. Recently its prognosis was shown to dramatically improve with the use of epoprostenol, an arachidonic acid metabolite produced by the vascular endothelium, which increases the cardiac output and decreases the pulmonary vascular resistance and pulmonary arterial pressure. This drug enhances the quality of life, increases survival and delays or eliminates the need for transplantation.

Objective: To review the experience of Israel hospitals with the use of epoprostenol.

Methods: The study group comprised 13 patients, 5 men and 8 women, with an age range of 3–53 years. All patients suffered from arterial pulmonary hypertension. Epoprostenol was administered through a central line in an increased dose during the first 3 months, after which the dose was adjusted according to the clinical syndrome and the hemodynamic parameters.

Results: After 3 months the mean dose was 10 ng/kg/min and the pulmonary artery pressure decreased from 7 to 38%. After one year, the PAP decreased at a slower rate. Two cases required transplantation, three patients died, and seven continued taking the drug (one of whom discontinued). Four episodes of septicemia were observed. Today 10 patients are alive and well and 7 continue to take epoprostenol.

Conclusion: We found that epoprostenol improves survival, quality of life and hemodynamic parameters, with minimum side effects.

September 2001
Slomo Vinker, MD, Boris Kaplan, MD, Sasson Nakar, MD, Gita Samuels, MD, Gidon Shapira, MD and Eliezer Kitai, MD

Background: Urinary incontinence in older women is common. Its characteristics and impact on quality of life is not well established since these women are usually reluctant to tell their healthcare providers about the problem.

Objective: To determine the characteristics of urinary incontinence in women and the manner in which it affects patients quality of life.

Methods: Twenty family physicians were requested to distribute a questionnaire to the first 25 consecutive women aged 30 to 75 years who visited their clinic for any reason. The questionnaire covered general health issues, symptoms of urinary incontinence, and quality of life.

Results: A total of 418 women, mean age 50.0 ± 11.8 years, completed the questionnaire (84% response rate). Of these, 148 (36%) reported having episodes of urinary incontinence. Urinary incontinence was found to be associated with older age, menopause, obesity and coexisting chronic disorders. Sixty percent of the women with urinary incon­tinence found it to be a disturbing symptom, and 44% reported that it had a detrimental effect on their quality of life. Only 32% of the affected women had sought medical advice, half of them from their family physician. Treatment was recommended to 66% of those who sought help, and in about two-thirds of these it brought some measure of relief.

Conclusions: Urinary incontinence is a common com­plaint among women attending primary care clinics, but it does not receive appropriate attention, Though it often adversely affects quality of life, only a small proportion of women seek medical advice. Family physicians should raise the issue as a part of the routine general health check-up.

January 2001
Zvi Stern, MD

The Management of a 750-bed tertiary care university hospital that serves the Jerusalem area and nationwide referrals initiated a total overhaul of all its supporting systems. This program, with parallel contingency plans, ensured a smooth transition of all computer-depended and othe services into the year 2000. Because this extraordinary project proved successful, its outcomes are noe being utilized as a unique impetus for implementation of hospital-wide continuous quality improvement programs. This paper reports how the established QI procedures, which were introduced also during the campaign, are now being activated from the baseline of those outcomes that have provided absolute efficacy in all hospital activities. The success of the campaign was achieved through the total involvement of all staff. This involvement was enhanced by the popular appeal of the dramatic deadline of the date 2000, as well as by focusing attention on personnel dynamics. Strategies for sustaining the momentum must be considered.

November 2000
by Fabrizio Conti, MD, Francesca Romana Spinelli, MD, Alejandra Ossandon, MD and Guido Valesini, MD
September 2000
Joel Zlotogora, MD, PhD and Alex Leventhal, MD, MPH

The screening program in Israel for Tay-Sachs disease has proven very successful, giving Jewish couples a choice not to have affected children. The technology of carrier detection is now possible in several other severe genetic diseases that are relatively frequent among Jews. Due to the current confusion, a policy is needed to determine how the TSD screening program should be continued in the Israeli Jewish population. We propose that such a screening program include only mutations agreed by consensus as causing a disease severe enough to warrant the possibility of therapeutic abortion. We also propose that general screening include only mutations that are relatively frequent, taking into account the carrier frequencies in the Israeli Jewish population.

November 1999
Ron Ben-Abraham MD, Michael Stein MD, Gideon Paret MD, Robert Cohen MD, Joshua Shemer MD, Avraham Rivkind MD and Yoram Kluger MD
Background: Since its introduction in Israel, more than 4,000 physicians from various specialties and diverse medical backgrounds have participated in the Advanced Trauma Life Support course.

Objectives: To analyze the factors that influence the success of physicians in the ATLS®1 written tests.

Methods: A retrospective study was conducted of 4,475 physicians participating in the Israeli ATLS® training program between 1990 and 1996. Several variables in the records of these physicians were related to their success or failure in the final written examination of the course.

Results: Age, the region of medical schooling, and the medical specialty were found to significantly influence the successful completion of the ATLS® course.

Conclusions: Physicians younger than 45 years of age or with a surgical specialty are more likely to graduate the ATLS® course. The success rate could be improved if the program’s text and questionnaires were translated into Hebrew. 

1ATLS® = Advanced Trauma Life Support

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