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Fri, 27.09.24

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July 2010
D.S. Seidman, A. Yeshaya, A. Ber, I. Amodai, I. Feinstein, I. Finkel, N. Gordon, N. Porat, D. Samuel, E. Shiran-Makler and I. Wolman

Background: Continuous use of combined oral contraceptives is currently attracting growing interest as a means of improving menstrual related symptoms and reducing the number of bleeding days.

Objectives: To evaluate bleeding patterns, menstrual symptoms and quality of life with an extended 84/7 oral contraceptive regimen versus 21/7 cycles.

Methods: In two consecutive run-in cycles, 30 µg ethinyl estradiol and 3 mg drospirenone tablets taken on days 1–21 were followed by a tablet-free period from days 22 to 28 of each cycle and then by two 84 day cycles of pill use with a 7 day tablet-free interval. The primary outcome was the total number of bleeding/spotting days. Secondary outcomes were severity of daily symptoms, general well-being determined by the PGWBI questionnaire, and overall treatment satisfaction.

Results: Of the 137 women invited to participate in the study 109 (aged 18–40 years) were enrolled. The number of bleeding days decreased by about one-third from a calculated 31.8 days of bleeding under a cyclic 21/7 regimen to an expected total of 21.8 days for the extended 84/7 regimen. The incidence of menorrhagia, intermenstrual bleeding, dysmenorrhea, abdominal bloating, breast tenderness, depressive moods and irritability – when compared at enrollment and at the end of the second extended study period – was significantly lower (P < 0.005) among women on the continuous pill regimen. The median (range) global PGWBI scores were not substantially different before and after the extended use cycles: 78.2 (39.1–96.4) and 77.3 (30.9–96.4), respectively. Body weight and skin condition also remained constant. At the completion of the study: 65.5% of the women were either highly satisfied (41.4%) or satisfied (24.1%) with the extended regimen.

Conclusions: The extended 84/7 regimen was found to be satisfactory for the majority of participants and was associated with a decrease in the number of bleeding days and an improvement in menstrual symptoms compared to 21/7 cycles.




June 2009
E. Zimlichman, M. Szyper-Kravitz, A. Unterman, A. Goldman, S. Levkovich and Y. Shoenfeld
January 2006
G. Rashid, Z.Korzets and J. Bernheim

Background: Advanced glycation end products, formed by the non-enzymatic glycation of proteins with reducing sugars, are thought to play a pathogenetic role in the vascular complications of diabetes, uremia and atherosclerosis. β2-microglobulin is a major constituent of amyloid fibrils in dialysis-related amyloidosis. AGE[1]-modified β2m[2] has been found in amyloid deposits of long-term hemodialysis patients. AGE-modified β2m has also been shown to enhance chemotaxis and increase tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-1 beta secretion by circulating and tissue monocytes/macrophages.

Objectives: To investigate the effect of AGE-modified β2m and AGE-human serum albumin on TNF-α[3] and IL-1β[4] secretion by human peritoneal macrophages derived from patients on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis.

Methods: Human PMØ[5] were isolated from peritoneal dialysis effluent of stable CAPD[6] patients and were incubated for 24 hours with AGE-modified β2m, β2m, AGE-HSA[7], HSA or lipopolysaccharide. TNF-α or IL-1β secretion was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in cell-free culture supernatants.

Results: Both AGE-modified β2m and AGE-HSA significantly increased TNF-α and IL-1β secretion by human PMØ in a dose-dependent manner (50–200 μg/ml). In contrast, β2m or HSA had no such stimulatory effect on TNF-α secretion but had a small significant increase in IL-1β secretion.

Conclusions: AGE-modified β2m promotes in vitro TNF-α and IL-1β secretion by human PMØ of CAPD patients. Activation of these macrophages by AGE-modified β2m may be a contributory factor to the morphologic changes and altered permeability of the peritoneal membrane in long-term CAPD. 

[1] AGE = advanced glycation end products

[2] β2m = β2-microglobulin

[3] TNF-α = tumor necrosis factor-alpha

[4] IL-1β = interleukin-1 beta

[5] PMØ = peritoneal macrophages

[6] CAPD = continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis

[7] HSA = human serum albumin

October 2005
S. Yust-Katz, M. Katz-Leurer, L. Katz, Y. Lerman, K. Slutzki and A. Ohry.
 Background: Population structures are changing across the western world, with particularly rapid growth in the number of very old people. Life expectancy has been increasing gradually over years, resulting in a larger subpopulation of people aged 90 and over.

Objectives: To describe the sociodemographic, medical and functional characteristics of people aged 80–90 and 90+ who were admitted to a sub-acute geriatric hospital and to compare the hospitalization outcomes between these subgroups.

Methods: We compared the demographic and clinical data (extracted by means of chart review) of two groups of elderly who were admitted to the Reuth Medical Center during 2001–2002: those aged 90+ and those 80–89. Among survivors, the main outcome measures at discharge were mortality rate, functional ability, and place of residence.

Results: The study included 108 patients who were admitted to different divisions of Reuth: 55 patients aged 90+ and 53 aged 80–90. The mortality rate was significantly elevated in the older age group (49.1% vs. 28.1% in the younger age group) on multivariate analysis. The most important prognostic factors for mortality were incontinence (odds ratio 3.45) and being dependent before admission (OR[1] 4.76). Among survivors an association was found between being incontinent and dependent before hospitalization, and being dependent on discharge.

Conclusions: The main prognostic factors for mortality and functional outcome in patients admitted to a non-acute geriatric hospital are incontinence and functional state prior to admission, and not age per se.


[1] OR = odds ratio

January 2005
E. Jaul and A. Rosin

Due to the increase in longevity today, advanced illness in the elderly exists together with severe disability and often dementia that generally become less responsive to known treatment. This leads to repeated admissions to an internal ward in a general hospital, which results not only in a lack of treatment continuity but also in inappropriate management resulting in over- or under-treatment. Towards the end of their lives, the treatment problems of non-oncologic elderly patients with advanced diseases stem from a number of factors: multiple pathology, difficulty in predicting irreversibility, staff reluctance to discontinue active specific treatment and resort to palliative care only, and the lack of a framework to ensure continuity of treatment in the community or hospital. These advanced systemic illnesses are characterized by fluctuating exacerbations and remissions, making it very difficult to assess irreversibility. This article proposes the establishment of advance centralized care planning, based on community care, the geriatric hospital and, in particular, a geriatric support unit within the skilled nursing department, catering holistically for the ongoing needs of the patient and his/her family and supplying a backup to the community care.

Y.S. Brin, H. Reuveni, S. Greenberg Dotan, A. Tal and A. Tarasiuk

Background: Continuous positive airway pressure is the treatment of choice for patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.

Objective: To determine the factors influencing treatment initiation with a CPAP[1] device in a healthcare system in which co-payment is required.

Methods: A total of 400 adult patients with OSAS[2] who required CPAP therapy completed questionnaires at three different stages of the diagnostic and therapeutic process: CPAP titration study (stage 1), patient adaptation trial (stage 2), and purchase of a CPAP device (stage 3). Logistic regression was used to analyze the variables influencing CPAP use at the different stages of the diagnostic and therapeutic processes.

Results: Only 32% of the patients who underwent CPAP titration study purchased a CPAP device. The number of subjects who purchased a CPAP device increased gradually as monthly income increased, 28% vs. 62% in the “very low” and “very high” income levels respectively. Reporting for the titration increased in patients with excessive daytime sleepiness and an Epworth Sleepiness Scale score above 9 (odds ratio = 1.9, P = 0.015). Higher socioeconomic status increased reporting to stage 2 (OR[3] = 1.23, P = 0.03) and CPAP purchase (stage 3, OR = 1.35, P = 0.002). Excessive daytime sleepiness increased reporting to stage 2 (OR = 2.28, P = 0.006). Respiratory disturbance index above 35 increased CPAP purchasing (OR = 2.01, P = 0.022). Support from the bed partner, referring physician and sleep laboratory team increased CPAP purchasing.

Conclusions: A supportive environment for a patient with OSAS requiring CPAP is crucial to increase initiation of CPAP treatment. Minimizing cost sharing for the CPAP device will reduce inequality and may increase CPAP treatment initiation.

[1] CPAP = continuous positive airway pressure

[2] OSAS = obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

[3] OR = odds ratio

M.M. Krausz and S.D. Duck

Background: Restorative proctocolectomy with ileal pouch-anal anastomosis has become the surgical procedure of choice for patients with ulcerative colitis and familial adenomatous polyposis.

Objectives: To evaluate the long-term functional outcome of patients who underwent this surgical procedure.

Methods: We performed this observational study in 174 consecutive patients: 146 with UC[1] and 28 with FAP[2]. The patients, 91 males and 83 females with a mean age of 34.1 ± 10.6 years (range 6–67 years), underwent the procedure between January 1984 and January 2004 (mean follow-up 64.8 months, range 1–240 months). The indications for surgery were intractable disease in 124 patients (71%), dysplasia in 36 (21%), severe bleeding in 8 (5%), and perforation in 6 (3%).

Results: A protective ileostomy was performed in 140 patients (96%) with UC and 12 (43%) with FAP. An urgent three-stage procedure was necessary in 14 patients (8.4%). A mucosal proctectomy was performed in 94 (54%), and a double stapling technique in 80 (46%). Mean length of hospital stay was 9.4 ± 6.6 days (range 5–34 days, median 8). Complications included pelvic sepsis in 7 patients (4.2%), anastomotic leakage in 8 (4.8%), bowel obstruction in 22 (13.2%), incisional hernia in 12 (7.2%), anastomotic stenosis that usually responded to manual dilatation in 46 (27.6%), pouchitis in 106 (61%), recto-vaginal fistula in 3 (1.8%), retrograde ejaculation in 3 (1.8%), and impotence in 2 (1.2%). There was no mortality in this group of patients. The median number of bowel movements per 24 hours was six in UC patients and five in FAP patients, with at least one bowel movement during the night. Complete daytime and night-time continence was documented in 124 patients (71%). Overall satisfaction was 95%.

Conclusions: Restorative proctocolectomy with ileal pouch-anal anastomosis confers a long-term good quality of life to both UC and FAP patients, and the majority of patients are fully continent with five to six bowel movements per day. 

[1] UC = ulcerative colitis

[2] FAP = familial adenomatous polyposis

November 2004
M. Oren

The world now faces the dreadful possibility of biological weapons attacks by terrorists. Healthcare systems would have to cope with such emergencies should all preemptive measures fail. Information gained from the Global Mercury exercise and the SARS outbreak has shown that containing an outbreak at the start is more effective than reacting to it once it has spread and that containment should be treated both nationally and internationally. On the national level this entails developing rapid and effective methods to detect and identify infected cases, and implementing isolation and control measures to lower the risk of further transmission of the disease while assuring the safety of medical teams and laboratory workers. Strategic contingency plans should incorporate well-defined procedures for hospitalization and isolation of patients, providing regional backup of medical personnel and equipment and maintaining close cooperation between the various bodies in the healthcare system. Quarantine is an effective containment measure, especially if voluntarily imposed. Modern communication systems can help by sending professional teams timely instructions and providing the public with information to reduce panic and stress during quarantine procedures. Informing the public poses a dilemma: finding a balance between giving advance warning of an imminent epidemic outbreak and ascertaining the likelihood of its occurrence. Containment of international bioterrorist attacks depends entirely on close international cooperation to implement national and international strategic contingency plans with free exchange of information and recognition of procedures.

October 2004
E. Gnessin, P.M. Livneh, J. Baniel and G. Gillon
Background: Sphincter-related incontinence after radical prostatectomy, benign prostatectomy or due to neurogenic disease has a considerable negative impact on quality of life. Artificial urinary sphincter implantation is a mainstay therapeutic option for these patients.

Objectives: To assess patient satisfaction, subjective long-term continence and complications after AMS 800 artificial urinary sphincter implantation.

Methods: The medical records of 34 patients who underwent artificial urinary sphincter implantation for radical prostatectomy (n=23), simple prostatectomy (n=9) or neurogenic disease (n=2) between 1995 and 2003 were studied retrospectively. Median follow-up was 49 months (range 3–102 months). Records were analyzed for urinary sphincter survival and complications. Quality of life and continence assessment was done by mailing an impact questionnaire.

Results: In 4 of the 34 patients (11.7%) the device was removed due to infection. One of the four had surgical revision elsewhere, and the other three were not interested in re-implantation of the device. Two patients (5.9%) underwent revisions due to mechanical failure. One patient died and three patients were not located. Twenty-seven out of a possible 30 patients (88%) completed the questionnaire; 22 (85%) achieved social continence (0–2 pads daily), and one patient had subjective difficulty activating the device. Subjective improvement and patient satisfaction was rated as 4.22 and 4.11, respectively (scale 0 to 5).
Conclusions: Artificial urinary sphincter implantation is an efficacious option for sphincter-related incontinence. This study documents the positive impact of artificial urinary sphincter implantation on quality of life with acceptable complications; these results are comparable to other published studies.

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