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Sat, 08.03.25

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January 2025
Marina Leitman MD FESC, Shemy Carasso MD FESC FASE

Among the advancements in echocardiography, the introduction of two-dimensional strain marked a pivotal moment in the quantitative evaluation of cardiac function. In fact, Global longitudinal strain (GLS) has emerged as a key focus due to its robust validation and evidence base. GLS provides a comprehensive assessment of left ventricular function, which offers greater sensitivity in detecting subtle changes compared to traditional metrics such as ejection fraction. In this position paper, we elucidate the rationale behind routine global longitudinal strain calculation, offering practical recommendations and insights for its implementation in clinical echocardiography. By bridging technical nuances with clinical relevance, the calculation of longitudinal strain aims to optimize patient care and enhance the diagnostic precision of echocardiographic examinations.

December 2024
Kfir Siag MD, Miki Paker MD, Salim Mazzawi MD, Yoni Evgeni Gutkovich MD PhD, Moran Barcan MD, Shani Fisher MA RN, Michael Ziv MD

Background: Little is known about audiovestibular function in psoriasis, a chronic systemic inflammatory disease that affects 2% of the world’s population.

Objective: To investigate audiovestibular function in patients with psoriasis.

Methods: In this prospective case-control trial, we enrolled 33 patients with psoriasis and 30 healthy controls. Audiologic testing included audiometry, tympanometry, and otoacoustic emissions recording. The vestibular investigation consisted of a dizziness handicap inventory questionnaire, a complete clinical vestibular examination, and video head impulse testing.

Results: The psoriasis group showed significantly higher average hearing thresholds in both ears at all frequencies. Otoacoustic measurements differed significantly at 3000 Hz in the right (P = 0.026) and left ear (P = 0.034). The average dizziness handicap score was considerably higher in the psoriasis group, with a mean difference of 7.70 (P = 0.025). The number of patients with abnormal right anterior semicircular canal gain values was significantly higher in the psoriasis group (P = 0.047). Saccade analysis in the psoriasis group showed significantly higher number of patients with covert corrective saccades of the left posterior canal (P = 0.037) and significantly higher number of patients with abnormal interaural difference of corrective saccades in the plane of the right anterior-left posterior canals (P = 0.035).

Conclusions: The study demonstrates an association between psoriasis and audiovestibular impairment, which can affect quality of life. These results suggest that patients with psoriasis may be evaluated with audiometry for possible hearing loss. Vestibular testing may be pursued as clinically indicated.

September 2024
Ilan Rozenberg MD, Sydney Benchetrit MD, Tali Zitman-Gal PhD, Moanis Ajaj MD, Maysam Shehab MD, Naomi Nacasch MD, Keren Cohen-Hagai MD

Background: Hemodialysis requires reliable, recurrent access to the circulatory system. Central venous tunneled dialysis catheters (TDC) are frequently used for patients receiving hemodialysis as a bridge to permanent vascular access or as a final option. TDC are prone to complications such as infection and dysfunction.

Objective: To assess the prevalence and predictors of TDC dysfunction in a cohort of chronic hemodialysis patients.

Methods: This single-center, retrospective study was based on data from an electronic database of chronic hemodialysis patients during 5 years of follow-up.

Results: A total of 625 TDC were inserted in 361 patients, of which 234 (37.4%) were replaced due to dysfunction. The main insertion site was the right internal jugular vein. Diabetes mellitus was an important predictor of TDC dysfunction and was significantly correlated with TDC extraction. Chronic anticoagulation and antiplatelet treatment did not affect the rate of TDC dysfunction or replacement.

Conclusions: TDC use for chronic dialysis patients is increasing and dysfunction is a major problem. In our study, we highlighted the high prevalence of TDC dysfunction and the need for further research to improve hemodialysis access as well as TDC patency and function.

May 2024
Thelma L Skare MD PhD, Jozélio Freire de Carvalho MD PhD

Hearing and vestibular function may be affected by gout and/or hyperuricemia. We performed a systematic review of the literature on ear involvement in patients with gout and hyperuricemia. We selected 24 articles: 8 case reports and 16 original articles. Case reports mainly focused on the presence of tophi in the middle ear, which was resolved with surgical treatment. Seven articles studied the hearing function in relationship to serum uric acid and 10 articles studied the occurrence of vertigo, with one of them studying both aspects. Regarding results on vertigo, five studies showed an association with uric acid elevation, three with lowering of uric acid, and two found no differences. Concerning hearing loss, five studies detected poor hearing function in association with high uric acid levels while other two did not.) Most of the studies showed an association of hearing loss with high uric acid/gout. Regarding vestibular function, the results are too heterogeneous to make any conclusions.

January 2024
Mattan Arazi MD, Michael Lemanski MA, Michael Belkin MD, Daphna Landau-Prat MD

Background: Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) causes significant patient morbidity as well as economic burden.

Objectives: To evaluate a novel eyelid warming and a neuro-stimulating device that delivers heat via low-level infrared radiation to the eyelids of patients with MGD.

Methods: In this prospective interventional study, patients with MGD were recruited at a single medical center. The main outcome measures included changes in tear break-up time (TBUT), Schirmer’s test, and Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI), overall satisfaction, and corneal signs of dry eye. Patients were instructed to use the device twice daily for 5 minutes on each eye for a total of 14 days. Follow-up assessments were performed after the 2-week treatment.

Results: A total of 10 patients were included; mean age was 67 ± 16 years; six males (60%). Changes in pre- vs. post-treatment TBUT (5.0–6.11), OSDI (28.1–23.9), and Schirmer score (8.67–7.11) were not statistically significant. Over a course of 243 treatments, 131 (54%) demonstrated improvement in symptoms, 40% found no change, and 6% experienced worsening of symptoms. General satisfaction was observed overall in 80% of the patients. No adverse events were observed.

Conclusions: In this first study of a novel eyelid warming device, overall subjective satisfaction was reported in 80% of patients. Potential advantages of this user-friendly device include its ability to improve MGD and tear film stability, as well as symptomatic relief, while allowing the user to continue with normal daily functioning while undergoing treatment.

October 2023
Milena Tocut MD, David Linton MD, Gisele Zandman-Goddard MD

Patients with severe ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke may require invasive mechanical ventilation due to loss of consciousness and increased risk for aspiration pneumonia secondary to new onset dysphagia. Ventilation may also confer airway protection until the patient stabilizes [1]. Mechanically intubated stroke patients who are admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) have a poor prognosis and a 40–80 % mortality rate [2]. Proceeding to tracheostomy is mandatory in stroke patients to ease the procedure of respiratory weaning and extubation [1]. In the stroke ICU, between 15% and 35% of the mechanically intubated patients cannot proceed to tracheostomy due to weaning and extubation failure [3].

Samuel N. Heyman MD, Yuri Gorelik MD, Mogher Khamaisi MD PhD, Zaid Abassi PhD

Recent studies using propensity score matching have clearly indicated that contrast nephropathy following computed tomography occurs in hospitalized patients with advanced chronic kidney disease (eGFR < 30 ml/min/1.73 m2) and that this iatrogenic complication is likely underestimated because of concomitant renal functional recovery, unrelated to the imaging procedure. These findings should be considered regarding contrast-enhanced studies in such patients.

August 2023
Hila Nochomovitz MD, Shlomo Berliner MD, Ori Elkayam MD PhD, David Zeltser MD, Itzhak Shapira MD, Ori Rogowski MD, Smadar Gertel PhD, Shani Shenhar-Tsarfaty PhD, Victoria Furer MD

Background: The parasympathetic system and its main neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, contributes to homeostasis of inflammation. Cholinergic dysregulation is thought to contribute to the pathogenesis of inflammatory rheumatic diseases. Cholinesterase activity in patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA) has not been investigated.

Objectives: To compare the cholinesterase activity in patients with PsA and immunocompetent controls and to explore the correlation between cholinergic status (CS) and PsA disease activity.

Methods: Serum acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and total cholinesterase activity were measured in patients with PsA (n=88) and matched controls (n=84). Cholinergic activity before and 3–6 months after the initiation of a biologic treatment was evaluated in seven patients with PsA.

Results: The levels of AChE and CS were similar in both PsA patients and controls. PsA patients treated with biologics had significantly lower levels of AChE and CS compared to patients treated with non-biologics: 447.4 vs. 526 substrate hydrolyzed/min/ml, P = 0.005, and 1360.9 vs. 1536, P = 0.029, respectively. We found an association between C-reactive protein levels, AChE activity (r = 0.291, P = 0.008), and cholinergic status (r = 0.247, P = 0.026) in patients with PsA but not in controls. No correlation between AChE activity, cholinergic status, and the indices of PsA disease activity was found. After initiating or switching biologic treatment in 7 patients, AChE levels remained stable.

Conclusions: We demonstrated similar cholinesterase activity in patients with psoriatic arthritis and controls, highlighting a potential effect of biologic treatment on cholinergic activity in patients with PsA.

Netta Shoenfeld BA, Nancy Agmon-Levin MD, David R. Serfaty MD, Revital Mann MD, Bat-Sheva Porat Katz MD, Rael D. Strous MD MHA

Background: While several studies have noted smell impairment in schizophrenia, it is unclear whether this impairment extends to acute psychosis and whether it is associated with more severe illness as expressed in extended hospitalization.

Objectives: To evaluate the olfactory function of patients in an acute psychotic state and correlate it with clinical symptomatology and length of hospitalization.

Methods: Olfactory function was assessed in 20 patients with schizophrenia in their first week of hospital admission for acute psychosis compared with matched controls. Olfaction was evaluated via three stages: threshold, discrimination, and identification of different odors utilizing the Sniffin' Sticks test battery.

Results: Schizophrenia patients scored significantly lower on total smell score, discrimination, and identification abilities. A significant association was observed between hospitalization duration and total smell score and smell discrimination. No significant associations between smell and clinical symptomatology were observed.

Conclusions: Study observations confirm impaired sense of smell in schizophrenia patients and suggest that smell impairment may be a potential marker of more serious illness as expressed in longer hospital stay.

June 2023
Yael Laitman MSc, Rinat Bernstein-Molho MD, Talia Golan MD, Eitan Friedman MD PhD

Germline pathogenic variants (PVs) in the RET proto-oncogene (OMIM 164761) are associated with a diverse phenotype based on the type of PV. Gain-of-function (GOF) PVs are associated with the highly penetrant multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN2-OMIM 171400), which are hallmarked by an increased risk for developing medullary thyroid cancer (MTC), pheochromocytoma, and parathyroid adenomas. Loss-of-function (LOF) RET PVs are associated with incompletely penetrant Hirschsprung's disease (HSCR OMIM 142623), which are pathologically characterized by the absence of enteric ganglia affecting the distal colon and clinically manifest as neonatal intestinal obstruction. Despite anecdotal reports of familial clustering of neoplasms in HSCR families, mostly MEN2-associated tumors [1,2], HSCR is not considered to be associated with an increased risk for developing cancer [3]. We report on a family with an unusual multigenerational solid tumor phenotype and severe HSCR phenotype with a LOF RET PV.

May 2023
Aviv Schupper MD, Galia Barash MD, Lilach Benyamini MD, Revital Ben-Haim MD, Eli Heyman MD, Eli Lahat MD, Haim Bassan MD

Global developmental delay (GDD), defined as a significant delay in two or more developmental domains (e.g., gross/fine motor, cognitive, speech/language, personal/social, activities of daily living), affects 1–3% of children. According to the Israeli Ministry of Health, thyroid function studies are not indicated in children with GDD unless there are systemic features suggestive of thyroid dysfunction (https://www.health.gov.il/hozer/mr36_2012.pdf). This approach also exists in other countries with newborn screening programs for congenital hypothyroidism.

We present the case of an infant with GDD, who despite normal newborn screening tests, underwent a repeated extended thyroid function analysis (including T3 levels) leading to a diagnosis of Allan-Herndon-Dudley syndrome, a rare genetic neurodevelopmental syndrome.

Avi Ohry MD

Familial spastic paraparesis is a non-progressive disorder. However, clinical experience shows that after trauma, disease, surgery, or limb fracture that force a patient's long immobilization, a significant functional deterioration is observed. I describe two patients with Silver syndrome who experienced such functional deterioration after sustaining a simple fracture. A description of Silver syndrome and a biographical sketch of Dr. Silver, who explained the disorder in 1966, are given.

January 2023
Reut Rotem MD MPH, Adi Y. Weintraub MD

The prevalence of pelvic organ prolapse (POP) varies greatly and is reported to be between 3% and 50% differing greatly when based on POP symptoms or vaginal examination [1]. Age is a well-established risk factor in the reported prevalence of POP [2]. With advancing age, the prevalence escalates dramatically, from 6% at age of 30 years to over 50% at the age of 80 years [3]. The increase in life expectancy observed in recent years will most probably be accompanied by a respective increase in the absolute numbers of women presenting with POP [4]. POP is a major health burden and is expected to continue being so in the upcoming future; hence, the importance of a safe and efficient treatment.

December 2022
Tamir Weiss

Background: The exposure to ambient particulate matter (PM) is associated with increased morbidity and mortality from respiratory, cardiovascular, and other causes. A major contribution to this adverse effect is attributed to particles at the nanoscale range (ultrafine particles [UFP] particles < 100 nm). Most of the information about human exposure to PM has been collected by environmental monitoring of inhaled particles.

Objectives: To evaluate the use of direct measuring of UFP in the sputum as a biomarker for lung inflammation and functional impairment.

Methods: The study population included 121 patients who underwent an induced sputum (IS) test as a part of a clinical evaluation for respiratory symptoms. Cell differential count was performed, and the UFP content was measured in each IS sample. The UFP content in the sputum was compared among patients with different inflammatory phenotypes based on IS granulocytes levels: eosinophilic inflammation (EI) IS eosinophils > 2.7%, neutrophilic inflammation (NI) IS neutrophils > 65%, and mixed granulocytic inflammation (MGI) including both IS eosinophils > 2.7% and IS neutrophils > 65%. The association between the IS-UFP content and pulmonary function test (PFT) parameters was also tested.

Results: Patients with MGI had a distinct profile of particles in IS, which was characterized by the highest percentage of UFP (relative to larger particles) compared to patients with EI, NI, or normal IS cell count. Furthermore, EI and NI were found to have an interaction effect regarding the IS–UFP profile, as demonstrated by the significantly different IS–UFP profile of patients with MGI compared to the profile associated with EI and NI independently. Last, the profile of UFP in the IS samples was also correlated with patient PFT. Reduced forced mid-expiratory flow (FEF) 25–75 or FEV1 were correlated with a higher IS–UFP mean size. Reduced FEF25–75 was correlated with a lower IS–UFP concentration and percentage relative to larger particles.

Conclusions: To the best of my knowledge, this study is the first to report a distinct IS–UFP profile in patients with MGI, which suggest an interaction effect of EI and NI on the IS–UFP content. This finding may further support the consideration of MGI as a distinct inflammatory phenotype, beyond the simple combination of EI and NI independently. In addition, reduced PFT parameters were associated with a specific change in the IS–UFP profile. The results of this study may shed light on the use of IS–UFP content as a biomarker for lungs inflammation and functional impairment. Further prospective studies are needed to establish a cause and effect relationship between lungs inflammation and functional impairment to the IS–UFP content.

November 2022
Regev Landau MD, Ana Belkin MD, Sapir Kon-Kfir MD, Nira Koren-Morag PhD, Avishay Grupper MD, David Shimunov MD, Ben-Ami Sela PhD, Ehud Grossman MD, Gadi Shlomai MD, Avshalom Leibowitz MD

Background: Most dyspneic patients in internal medicine departments have co-morbidities that interfere with the clinical diagnosis. The role of brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) levels is well-established in the acute setting but not in hospitalized patients.

Objectives: To evaluate the additive value of BNP tests in patients with dyspnea admitted to medical wards who did not respond to initial treatment.

Methods: We searched the records of patients who were hospitalized in the department of internal medicine D at Sheba Medical Center during 2012 and were tested for BNP in the ward. Data collected included co-morbidity, medical treatments, diagnosis at presentation and discharge, lab results including BNP, re-hospitalization, and mortality at one year following hospitalization.

Results: BNP results were found for 169 patients. BNP was taken 1.7 ± 2.7 days after hospitalization. According to BNP levels, dividing the patients into tertiles revealed three equally distributed groups with a distinctive character. The higher tertile was associated with higher rates of cardiac co-morbidities, including heart failure, but not chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Higher BNP levels were related to one-year re-hospitalization and mortality. In addition, higher BNP levels were associated with higher rates of in-admission diagnosis change.

Conclusions: BNP levels during hospitalization in internal medicine wards are significantly related to cardiac illness, the existence of heart failure, and patient prognosis. Thus, BNP can be a useful tool in managing dyspneic patients in this setting.

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