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עמוד בית
Mon, 01.07.24


IMAJ | volume 24

Journal 8, August 2022
pages: 520-523

Recurrence of Ovarian Dermoid Cysts: A Single Center Experience

1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Shamir Medical Center (Assaf Harofeh), Zerifin, Israel 2Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel



Laparoscopic removal of ovarian dermoid cysts has been associated with increased risk for recurrence.


To investigate the risk factors associated with recurrence of dermoid cysts.


We conducted a retrospective review of all women who underwent cystectomy for ovarian dermoid cysts by laparoscopy or laparotomy. At discharge, patients were instructed to undergo a yearly ultrasound exam. A follow-up telephone call was conducted to assess whether an additional surgery for dermoid cysts was required and whether ultrasound recurrence of dermoid cysts was suspected.


The study cohort included 102 participants (92 [90.2%] operated by laparoscopy and 10 [9.8%] by laparotomy). The mean follow-up from the index surgery to the interview was 72.1 ± 38.2 months. The rates of recurrent surgery were similar among women who underwent laparoscopic cystectomy compared with laparotomy (5/92 [5.4%] vs. 1/10 [10.0%], respectively; P = 0.5), while the rates of reported ultrasound recurrence were significantly lower in the laparoscopy group compared with the laparotomy group (10/102 [10.9%] vs. 4/10 [40.0%], respectively; P = 0.03). Additional factors including age, cyst diameter, diagnosis of torsion, intraoperative cyst spillage, estimated blood loss, intraperitoneal adhesions, and postoperative fever were not associated with recurrence.


Ultrasound recurrence of dermoid cysts is not uncommon and could be associated with the surgical approach.

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