In October 2015, began the escalation of terrorist attacks in the state of Israel. The wave of terrorist attacks, which intensified in 2016, was characterized by a large number of terrorist attacks carried out by Palestinian terrorists who acted alone. The main mechanisms of attacks at that time were knife stabs, trampling with cars, and also firearms. Most terrorist incidents took place in the Judea and Samaria area, characterized by a high presence of military forces among the civilian population. In the circumstances of the terrorist wave, the medical branch of the Central Command sector dealt with a variety of incidents - civilian and military. Having many IDF casualties evacuated by civilian rescue officials, led by MDA and the Rescue Union, in close coordination with the IDF's medical liaison units.
This period of tension, known as the “intifada of individuals”, posed complex challenges of medical treatment and evacuation and demanded the cooperation of medical teams in all rescue bodies, in the race to save lives, from the field, through the medical centers, to the quick return of IDF forces to operational competence and citizens to their daily lives.