Cardio-oncology Issues in Lymphoma Patients
Alex Byrne BSc MBBS MRCP, Jonathan Lambert BMBS BMed Sci PhD FRCP FRC Path, Derek Yellon PhD DSc FRCP FESC FACC, Malcolm Walker BSc MBChB MD FRCP, Suganya Sivabalasingham MBBS MRCP FRCR MD, and Arjun K. Ghosh MBBS MSc PhD FHEA FACC FESC FRCP FICOS
Advances in Lymphoma management have resulted in significant improvements in patient outcomes over the last 50 years. Despite these developments, cardiotoxicity from lymphoma treatments remains an important cause of mortality and morbidity in this cohort of patients. We outlined the most common cardiotoxicities associated with lymphoma treatments and their respective investigation and management strategies, including the role of cardiac pre-assessment and late effects monitoring.
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